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摘 要 中职特级教师群体结构是静态和动态的有机统一。分析浙江省历次入选的中职特级教师数据发现,中职特级教师群体规模不断

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Empirical Analysis on the Variation of the Superfine Teachers’ Group Structure of Secondary Vocational Education

Zhang Jianguo

Abstract The structure of the superfine teachers’ group is an organic unity of statistic and dynamic. From the data analysis of the secondary vocational superfine teachers enrolled previously since the reform and opening-up, the scale of the superfine teachers’ group is expanding, while the outflow of population is reducing. On the regional and working unit distribution, it begins to disperse gradually from the rural vocational schools to other types of vocational schools, on the while of the distribution and diffusion of the academic and professional aspects, it also shows the central tendency in some main professionals, the age structure has been progressively younger, the education levels have been gradually increasing, the duties distribution and gender structure has gradually rationalized. To explore the classification of the selection mechanism, increase the proportion of selected appropriately, optimize the group structure. The variation of the group structure of secondary vocational superfine teachers is the result of multiple factors working together, it should shift from emphasizing on the selection to the training, management, construction and paradigm. To stimulate the scientific development of the secondary vocational superfine teachers’ group.

Key words secondary vocational school superfine teacher; variation of group structure; empirical analysis; Zhejiang Province

Author Zhang Jianguo, associate research fellow of Zhejiang Provincial Education Science Institute (Hangzhou 310012)