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Part 1 The Sitcom

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Heather: 1)Hiya, Ted. ①What’s on?

Ted: Oh, hi, Heather. I’m just watching some old episodes of Friends.

Heather: Really? That’s my favorite 2)sitcom!

Ted: No kidding? I didn’t think you liked sitcoms. I thought you were into more serious stuff.

Heather: I usually am, but there’s nothing wrong with a little light entertainment every once in a while.

Ted: No, there isn’t!

Heather: So, who’s your favorite character?

Ted: ②Joey, hands down. ③He’s just so out there. Everything he says is 3)hilarious.

Heather: ④I should have known! You always like the comic relief.

Ted: Heather, the whole show is comic relief! But Joey is the funniest one. What about you? Who’s your favorite?

Heather: I don’t know. They all have such colorful personalities. And the writing in this show is so good, each and every character really 4)comes alive. It’s impossible to choose.

Ted: No fair asking if you won’t answer! OK, I’ll change the question a little bit: Which character would you most like to meet in real life?

Heather: Monica. Without a doubt.

Ted: Why so certain?

Heather: Well, watching the show is fun,⑤but I think if I really knew those people, they would get on my nerves.

Ted: That’s true. TV is always more interesting than real life, because every moment has to be entertaining.

Heather: Exactly. But Monica is one of the straight characters, you know? Not so crazy, not so out there. I think if we met in real life, we would really 5)click.

Ted: I can see it now! You two neat freaks would probably get on each other’s nerves. They could write a sitcom about that!

Heather: What, me in a sitcom? ⑥That’ll be the day!

Ted: I’d pay money to see that. Oh, hey! The commercials are over. The show’s back on.

Heather: I’ll leave you to it, then. Anyway, I have to…

Ted: Shhh!

Heather: OK! I’m going, I’m going!

Smart Sentences

① What’s on? 电视有啥节目?

What’s on?: used to ask what program is showing on TV(电视有啥节目)。例如:

What’s on? The Olympic Games is on every channel; it’s boring.


② Joey, hands down. 乔伊,绝对的。

hands down: unquestionably(毫无疑问地,容易地)。例如:

Yao Ming is my most favorite basketball player, hands down.


③ He’s just so out there.他太异乎寻常了。

out there: unconventional or eccentric(异乎寻常的)。例如:

With his blunt speech and unsocial behavior, John is very much out there.


④ I should have known! 我早该想到!

I should have known: used to express the feeling of regret(用以表示懊悔)。例如:

—Wendy said she won’t go to the party with us because her parents wouldn’t let her.


—I should have known.


⑤ But I think if I really knew those people, they would get on my nerves. 但是我想如果我真的认识那些人,他们会让我崩溃的。

get on sb.’s nerve: irritate sb. very much(激怒某人)。例如:

My new roommate wouldn’t clean up after himself and that really got on my nerves.


⑥ That’ll be the day! 怎么可能!

That’ll be the day: used to express impossibility, same as “that’s impossible”(用以表示不可能,等同于“that’s impossible”)。例如:

You’re on the cheerleading team? That’ll be the day!
