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Olympic Stadium

On July 27, the world will be watching as creative director Danny Boyle1) presents "Isles of Wonder", —the Opening Ceremony—to the rest of the world. The ?27 million ($43 million) extravaganza2) features a planned cast of 20,000. With no buyer for the 80,000-seat Olympic Stadium post-games, chances are it will become a very expensive memento3).

Horse Guards Parade

U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hauge will catch an eyeful4) when Brazil''''s Lili Maestrini and Angela Viera take to5) the "beach" for Olympic volleyball. In the heart of Whitehall6), London''''s political center, Hauge''''s office overlooks7) the nearly 14,000 tons of sand brought in to create the short-term oasis8).

Greenwich Park

Olympians and spectators alike9) will be treated to spectacular10) views of London during the equestrian11) events. A World Heritage Site and London''''s oldest Royal Park, Greenwich Park is the most controversial venue selection for the Games. Ancient Roman ruins lie beneath the park; Olympic organizers insist extra precautions12) were taken to prevent any permanent damage.

Lord''''s Cricket Ground

Alas, cricket is not an Olympic sport. But at least this picturesque13) venue in London''''s posh14) Marleybone neighborhood can enjoy its moment in the sun. Hosting cricket since 1814, the famous greens will be the home of archery15) in 2012. After the last arrow is shot, crews will replace over 50,000 square feet of turf16).

Hampton Court Palace17)

The former home of Henry VIII18), the Tudor-style19) palace serves as the start and finish of the cycling time trial. Rumor has it that the palace is haunted; there could be a few extra competitors along for the ride.

Basketball Arena

The basketball arena is one of several temporary venues that will be taken down after the Olympics. This makes perfect sense—Brits don''''t really do basketball.













1. Danny Boyle: 丹尼·博伊尔(1956~),英国导演,以执导《猜火车》(Trainspotting)、《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)等影片而闻名,曾获奥斯卡最佳导演金像奖。

2. extravaganza [?k?str?v??ɡ?nz?] n. 铺张华丽的演出(或比赛项目等)

3. memento [m??ment??] n. 纪念品

4. catch an eyeful: 一饱眼福

5. take to: 去,往

6. Whitehall: 白厅,英国伦敦市内的一条街道,是英国政府中枢所在地,也是英国政府的代名词。

7. overlook [???v??l?k] vt. 俯瞰,眺望

8. oasis [???e?s?s] n. (枯燥或不愉快环境中)令人欢慰的事物;绿洲

9. alike [??la?k] adv. 以同样程度

10. spectacular [spek?t?kj?l?(r)] adj. 壮丽的

11. equestrian [??kwestri?n] adj. 马的;骑术的

12. precaution [pr??k???n] n. 预防措施

13. picturesque [?p?kt???resk] adj. 如画的

14. posh [p??] adj. 第一流的,高档的

15. archery [?ɑ?t??ri] n. 射箭运动

16. turf [t??f] n. 草皮

17. Hampton Court Palace: 汉普顿宫,有“英国的凡尔赛宫”之称,是都铎式王宫的典范。

18. Henry VIII: 亨利八世(1491~1547),英格兰国王,都铎王朝(1485~1603)的第二任君主。

19. Tudor-style: 都铎式建筑风格,指英国都铎王朝时期的建筑风格。