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Teaching Reform and Study of the Basic Medical Experimental Course

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Abstract. This paper describes two experiments, the integrated nature of the experimental trials and clinical case discussion, and updates the content and methods of these experiments. Deepening experimental teaching is based on the medical courses so that students’ scientific research capacity and innovation capability can be greatly improved. At the same time, it makes the consolidation and strengthening of the overall quality of the student.

Key words: Medical basis, Experimental courses, Teaching reform

1. Introduction

For students, the experimental teaching basic task is to strengthen and deepen the theoretical knowledge to the students during the time of the test. The basic method and the basic process are able to master the basic principle. In these target points, it is to master the complete; students should be able to cultivate an independent observation careful, rigorous experimental data processing, analysis of experimental results, patience and professional writing lab report. These aspects of culture under rigorous scientific experiment have the attitude of the students, which will be able to be fully trained, along with many of the scientific spirit, such as the analysis of the problem, to solve the problem and the independent spirit of scientific experiments study can also This cautious attitude hone and nurture. However, with the progress of the times, and the progressive development of modern medicine, the traditional laboratory teaching system has been unable to fully meet the current needs of our national medical training of highly qualified personnel, so we, as teachers of the School of Medicine, it is necessary to gradually explore teaching reform, medical experiments in the current interdisciplinary, multi-level experimental teaching ability to build a complete system, and continue to complete the appropriate teaching methods and the students get enough clinical experience. This has become the main subject of the current basic medical education. In recent years, the main basis of medicine department in the School of Medicine experimental teaching curriculum reform, its main role is a huge reform of the entire experimental courses, so that you can update the concept of experimental teaching, making new The teaching model and curriculum system to get the students to fully grasp.

2. Full understanding of the experimental teaching

Assumed part of the Basic Medical is a highly practical nature compulsory course. When conducting the basis of teaching, the experimental teaching position which is very important. Teachers during teaching experimental education are very important, and teachers also the experimental teaching in test students' solid theoretical courses. Here I give you an example. The human anatomy is a basis for discipline, the characteristics of this discipline is very intuitive and very vivid. Therefore, we should be teaching students stressed that discipline is definitely not simple notes can master student must personally outstanding to master. We need to be memorized in order to remember the human body structure, memory intensive, making the students able to accumulate enough experience in this regard. Another example in this forum which the Basic Medical subordinates basic chemistry experiment course, making the process of imparting knowledge mainly to consider the students' own ability, the appropriate adjustment ratio between lectures and contact, from the basic principles of chemical experiments cut, requires students to be aware of key experiments for the classroom may be exposed to content and experimental techniques full rehearsal before formal classes. Careful observation and understanding the process of carrying out specific analysis experiments for experimental subjects, which are generated in the entire experimental data to be strict logging, analysis of the various factors affecting the student experiment recorded, so to be able to make data to improve writing skills, as well as a comprehensive analysis skills, meets specifications under the correct writing of the laboratory report showed that medical students are serious in dealing with scientific research career, the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts and scientific style. Pharmacological experiments in addition to the creation of types of knowledge as well as the basic operation of the experimental animal studies conducted in experimental animals, but also opened a lot of comparative experimental curriculum project. These projects have the following characteristics: First, the contrast is very strong, easy to observe; followed pharmacological response is relatively very significant, so beginners are better able to grasp the main points on the experimental classroom; Thirdly, has a very clear pharmacological characteristic, allows students to find sufficient regularity to understand the entire pharmacology Among these phenomena. These brought to students to improve the characteristics of experiments, including determination of the plasma half-life, for testing the strength of the blood pressure and other tests to detect drugs for preventing arrhythmias. These experiments are from simple to complex, gradually enhance the students hands-on experimental capabilities consolidate and strengthen the knowledge of the culture of learning by the students in the theory class. Such as when a teacher to explain to the characteristics of organic phosphorus poisoning and its rescue methods, teachers can the multimedia teaching them video teaching design discussion into which experiments classroom, students can not only visually observed organic phosphorus esters the symptoms of poisoning, but also through the videos, as well as a thorough understanding of the body of the animal experiments atropine and pralidoxime role in the rescue of this type of poisoning symptoms can. So that students have a full understanding of the various school theory courses poison mechanisms of organic phosphorus esters, and be able to correctly determine the symptoms of poisoning and to impose appropriate symptomatic treatment. The result of such a combination of theory and practice is to make the students improve their enthusiasm for the study of theory and achieved good results.

3. Efforts to improve students' comprehension ability

To greatly strengthen the overall quality of students, many courses in Basic Medical textbook reform, re-arranged and the strengthening of the experiment one of the courses, as well as some proportion of complex integrated experiments, such only then experiment course quality improved. These experiments are divided into three parts, these experiments, the culture of the school students with a purpose and plan, and constantly improve the academic literacy of students, experimental skills and creativity in our students, so that students master the right scientific research, cultivate their spirit of science. These new updated the experimental fully reflect the requirements of the new flavor of the times, and higher medical research in the new environment of students. Traditional medical experiment classes when teachers assisted students in the entire course of the experiment which completely once the teachers not to provide students with the auxiliary, the students will be dumbfounded, not only did not dare own independent activities, but also normal experimental because fear hands feet and a lot of mistakes should not lower. Reform of experimental teaching methods in the entire experimental teaching among teachers put students into the center of the class, so that students become the main body in which the activities of the entire experiment, but his assistant, teacher-student interaction. The most important teachers during lecture is to enable students to develop independent learning spirit minimize lecture time, more time to let the students hands-on practice on; reduce the time of traditional teaching methods, mainly taken to improve the type of teaching and innovative ways, making the students' hands and brain, mouth and with the and student collaborative culture through a wide range of stimuli. Clinical medicine relative to other basic disciplines on the practical requirements are higher, when making a new teaching reform, discipline puts the original experimental project integration and restructuring, the establishment of a comprehensive experimental system. Relative to the original experiment every three to four hours of courses, this time conducted comprehensive experiments changed the course of the experiment are given every eight class, greatly strengthened the hands-on ability. For example, ions and drugs on isolated frog heart activity, determination of arterial blood pressure in rabbits, rabbits breathing exercise conditioning, these large-scale experiment, anesthesia implement from the animal body, insert them to the animal's trachea pipes, pipes, inserted into the animal's bladder which animal intravenous infusion process to measure the observation of the animal's own blood pressure, heart rate, animal urine output can be generated by a number of indicators, not a person can be done individually job. On the test, a group of students should be carried out to a very close match, and a different division must fully grasp the skills of operating skills sorted out the corresponding experimental reports. Such a large comprehensive test not just test the students' theoretical knowledge and practical ability in practice, it is in the same group of students cultivate a rigorous spirit of collaboration. After the experiment is completed, students should summarize this test in accordance with the strict medical paper format and write a lab report, lab report argumentative text in the form is submitted, so that, through a variety of ways uninterrupted training, so students have to understand the basic ideas and the basic format of the essay writing, students research capacity has been greatly improved. Another example of the difficulty is not too high a comprehensive experimental comprehensive capabilities, such as insulin and adrenaline on blood sugar is so demanding experiments, for a number of experimental theories and experimental techniques include and cross many experiments principles and techniques of full integration, if the student can be in accordance with the relevant experimental adequate learning, you will gain a lot of experience. In this experimental class, teachers should be adhering to the principle succinctly and training in the classroom of the entire experiment, students can also start from the rehearsal as well as an understanding of the experimental classroom content to fully grasp the actual key technologies. Students need to experiment which experimental phenomenon fully observed experimental data were sufficiently well-documented, full validation of the various factors that may affect the experimental process, so as to fully discuss the experimental results of the students, with the calculations and analysis actual ability to identify clinical medical follow-up courses to lay the foundation.

4. Combined with medical records to enable students to master the comprehensive ability

And other theoretical disciplines, basic medical disciplines in the strengthening process of case-based training. This is mainly to be able to find them in learning in order to develop students' interest in learning problems and utilize their learned knowledge to solve the problem. Only in this way, it can adapt to the current requirements in teaching reform and the new situation.

In general, for a clinical professional student, the entire learning process which a total of four opportunities to participate in the CPC, the purpose is to discuss means of clinical cases, give students a can put their learning of theoretical knowledge and various skills learned in the experimental class to clinical practice. Required practice courses for pharmacological and scholars more to students' learning initiative and enthusiasm to inspire them, teachers should be based on the knowledge of the students can be exposed to some of the most common of the typical cases to analyze, diagnose, at the same time for questions to encourage students to find their own answers and appropriate diagnosis, and treatment, in accordance with the knowledge of these basic cases and require students to explain the rationality of prescription. This is the case not only to ensure that students can truly hate to think, to encourage students learned something flexible use of the actual clinical situation which, allowing students to improve their analysis of the problem as well as the actual ability to solve problems.

5. Conclusion

Basic medical experimental teaching reform is a long-term and complex project. We want to raise awareness in the whole reform process, to be fully aware of the significance of the experimental teaching, as well as strengthen the number and length of the comprehensive experimental and improve the comprehensive ability of students. Finally, by example, to improve students' comprehension ability be enhanced. So, in order to ensure that students acquire knowledge, lay under the foundation for future work.


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