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If you or someone you know has ever studied abroad in college, you’ve certainly heard or experienced the trope[修辞,比喻] about “finding yourself” in some far-off,

exotic[异国情调的] land. While travel affords the opportunity

to learn and explore different cultures in a direct,

visceral[内心深处的] way, it can also set up the premise[前提,假定]

that one must journey far outside their comfort zone to discover how their life “should be.”

In the trailer for Eat Pray Love, based on the 2006 memoir[回忆录] Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia注 by

Elizabeth Gilbert, Julia Roberts plays Gilbert a thirty something writer unhappy with her marriage who

decides to divorce her husband and spend the next year traveling the world. The book, which

chronicled[记事] her four months each in Italy, India and Bali, struck a nerve with those feeling lost in life.

Based on the trailer, the movie doesn’t seem to stray[偏离] too far from its literary[文学的] source material. With lines like “I used to have this appetite[胃口,欲望] for my life and it is just gone” and “I have not given myself

two weeks of a breather just to deal with myself,” the premise is set up nicely for those who have never heard of the book. We will give props[支持], though, to the team behind the film for not giving away the entire movie, ending included, in the trailer, a trend we have been noticing more and more recently.

The film produced by Brad Pitt, co-stars Viola Davis, Javier Bardem, Billy Crudup and James Franco opens August 13th. Spiritual advisors, yoga teachers and travel agents have already got August 14th marked on their calendar with a big X.

Plot Summary

Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having a husband, a house, a successful career yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused, and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on[从事,着手] a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her

travels, she discovers the true pleasure of

nourishment[食物,营养品] by eating in Italy; the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Bali. Based upon the bestselling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love proves that there really is more than one way to let yourself go and see the world.

Link: Eat Pray Love Filming Helped Julia Roberts Train for Half-Marathon

Filming Eat Pray Love helped Julia Roberts

prepare for a 13.5-mile marathon which her husband Danny Moder convinced her to run for charity.

The actress admitted that shooting in hot weather in places such as India, Bali and Italy meant she was trained for the event in California in December last year.

“I trained a lot while I was doing the movie and it was so hot there, I think it was to my

advantage[对某人有利] that I had trained under such

dire[可怕的] circumstances[环境],” the Daily Express

quoted her, as saying.

She added: “I just wanted to show my kids that the power of a female body is more than just giving birth, which is a great power…and my kids were out there, they made me a sign.”
















