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宁静 第5期

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After supper, I wanted to cool myself, so I played a piece of music ,that was Mozart's“serenade”,and lay on the bed. Closing my eyes, I still felt a little fretful and couldn't calm down completely. I therefore turned off the light. In the room, there was only the faint blue light on the walls which was from the computer screen ,the peaceful music, and me.

I closed my eyes once again ,and tried my best to throw any unhappy stuff into the junk box and then delete them all--- Suddenly, I felt it became darker in the room. I opened my eyes, and I found that the screen had already been in the state of “hibernation”It was tired, too. I thought, just like me.

It was completely quiet all around now. The only thing I could see was the light coming from my neighbor?window on the opposite street. It was good, because I wouldn't feel afraid with its company. I still wanted to close my eyes, but there was no need. The eyelids were protective screens which were set between our souls and the external world, in order to pervert us from being interfered. Now, everything here was belonging to me, and nobody was likely to bother, so it was natural that I needn't close my eyes any more , wasn't it?

I lost in deep thought. Suddenly, I came to a strange place. There I came across a wise and farsinghted old man, who was strolling on a quiet path in a forest.

“You look very tired.?He said.

“Do I ? Perhaps that's because I have too many things to do.”“No, I meant your heart.”“My heart? Tired? I don't think so.”“Yes, I am sure of that, I could judge it from your words.?I was speechless.

“Did you say that you have too many things to do?”“Yes, indeed! I do not really understand why us students are much busier than adults, and what on earth we are for.”“The problem is just right here. Isn't it good having many things to do? Have you ever tried to do nothing for 30 days?”“Never.”“Nothing could be more terrible than that, son. You would feel gloomy and lonely. What't worse is, that you would lose all hope. Then, you would realize how lucky and happy you are with things to do.?Taking no notice of me, he cleared his throat, and continued:“No matter what you do, it is al for yourself. So remember, think over in advance whenever you plan to do something, because everything you do is for your own benefit. You must take the responsibility and decide not only what can be done but also what cannot be done.”“But, sometimes I really think the surroundings are in such a mess that I can't even catch my breath.?”You shouldn't complain a lot. Son, that's kind of choice. Getting bread at the time of hunger, listening to music when being bored, don't you think it is already a luxury that many people are too far behind to catch up?I nodded, and lost in thought.

“Remember, if you treasure your life, and treat it with love, there is no problem that can't be solved?I lowered my head, thinking over his words.

When I lifted my head, he was nowhere.

I didn't chase him ,instead, I walked on my way, and mumbled in my heart, Remember, if you treasure your life, and face it with love, there is no problem that can't be solved.”A gust of blast blew over, and the branches began to rock violently. I still kept my eyes wide open ,staring at the front.

A leaf fell into my palm. I saw some words on it, so I read it out in a low voice, “You should have a happy life. So long as you are determined to succeed, failure will never beat you.”Holding the leaf tightly, I crossed my fingers over my chest, and thanked God for his favor.

Not until the light was on did I find that the “serenade”was over. In my hand were my glasses.

Unconsciously, the minute hand of the clock had already walked for a round. I should get down to do my business now.



























