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如:If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.

If从句中用肯定时,而事实是否定的; 反之亦然。我把if从句部分称为形式1,主句you would have passed the exam称为形式2。我们再把符合事实的事实句you didn’t study hard 为形式3。由上文我们知道if you had studied hard 含义等于you didn’t study hard,即形式1=形式3。


第一种:if 形式1, 形式2

If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.

第二种:形式2, but 形式3

You would have passed the exam, but you didn’t study hard.

第三种:形式3, or/otherwise形式2

You didn’t study hard, or/otherwise you would have passed the exam.

无论哪种组合都离不开中心句,即形式2。所以形式2的形式必须牢固掌握,即would/could/might/should的形式 ,尤其注意的是当指过去情况时用would have done 的形式。

例如:If I had passed the exam, I would have thanked you for help.

事实是,I didn’t pass the exam。(If 从句用过去完成时来表达过去的事实)

If your father knew this ,he would be angry.

事实是,Your father won’t know this。(If 从句中用过去时表达将来的事实)

If I were you, I would study hard.

事实是,I am not you。(If 从句中用过去时表达现在的事实)

由上可知,若我们知道了事实句是过去时,那么中心句的形式便为would have done。

若我们知道了条件句用过去时,那么中心句的形式便为would be。


1.We got up earlier than usual,otherwise,we ___ late.

A. would be B. were

C. will be D. would have been

句子提供给了3句,即过去的事实句,所以要考查2句即 would have done 形式即答案为D。

2.We ___ last night, but we went to the park instead.

A. must have studied B. might study

C. would study D. would have studied

句子中but 后给了事实句,那么就要考察2句了,即would have done 的形式。答案产生于A、D之中,D的意思更贴切,即答案为D。

3.I didn’t see your father at the meeting. If he ____,he would have met.

A. has come B. did come

C. had come D. came

上下文中用了3句、2句。所以考查的是if从句。 据事实句的过去时态,if从句应为过去完成时,即答案为C。

条件句用虚拟的过去完成时,中心句用现在的形式,即would do。例如:

If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now.


If he had listened carefully, he would work out the problem now.

If 的省略,采用半倒装句,即省略if,句子变成一般疑问句的语序。提前should,had,were,当从句中用过去时时(除were外)句子不能采用倒装句的语序。

例如:1.If I had known your telephone number,I would have called you.

转化为 Had I known your telephone number I would have called you...

2.If he should fail, he would try again.

转化为Should he fail, he would try again.

第二种虚拟语气的情况是从句中谓语用should +动词原形。表达与建议(suggest,suggestion, advise, advice, propose, proposal) 坚持(insist,insistence)、命令(order, command)、要求(request demand, require, requirement)、欲望(desire)、决定(decide,decision) 等词有关的名词性从句中谓语用should do,即动词后的宾语从句和真正主语从句,名词后的表语从句和同位语从句谓语要用should do 形式,Should 都可以省略。
