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Be prepared

Never rush straight into reading. Before you begin, look at the title and any pictures. This will give you a good idea of the topic. Think about what you already know. Next, predict what the reading will be about. Think about what you want to learn and write down any questions you may have. Preparing yourself for the reading in this way will get you started before the first page is even turned.


不要匆忙地直接阅读,在你开始阅读前,先看一下标题和图片,这将让你对主题有一个很好的认识 ,想想从中你已经得知的信息。下一步,推测一下这篇文章在说些什么,想想你要学些什么,并写下你在阅读中可能会碰到的问题。为阅读做好自身的准备,可以帮助你预测下文的内容。

At first sight

Now that you’ve got a general idea of the topic, you can begin. Read the entire text over once without stopping. Don’t worry about the details just yet. In the beginning, all you should be trying to do is get a feeling for the main idea. This is called skimming. When you’re done, think about how much you’ve understood and remembered.



It’s all in the details

Remember those questions you wrote down before? Now it’s time to find the answers. Read the text again, but this time, read it slowly and carefully. Look for any words or phrases that relate to your questions. This is called scanning. If you come across anything else that’s interesting and important, underline that too. Once you’re finished, you should have a fuller understanding of the text.

