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Argument:Fall in Love with an IT Boyfriend or Not?

It seems much proud to tell others you found an IT boyfriend.The IT represents many things, for example, wealth, wisdom, elite, good taste. So there are many good points to find an IT boyfriend. However,now, things changed, we have to judge this conclusion again. So,there also comes some bad points to find an IT boyfriend.

Ok, check it out now.

Good points

1. Clever and rational. Maybe he is more humorous than other boys and this is pretty good for your next generation.

2. High salary. It can satisfy your desires about house, roadster,jewelry, or name brands clothes.

3. He has not enough time to accompany with you, so you have much free space. Maybe this will help for your love greenness.

4. If you fight with each other some day, don't worry that you will be abused. Because he is not so strong for being in front of the computer all day.

5. Don't be solicitous about he has love affairs with others. This is because he loves the hyperlinks more than that.

6. Don't need to rack your brains to choose him a gift,because his standards about this are usually low, just buy him a safeguard screen he will be very appreciate that.

Bad points

1. IT boys maybe have not perfect body figure. They intend to pop lower abdomen out for sitting in front of the computers all day.

2. IT boys maybe ignore the family sometimes. This is natural and inevitable for their busy work, no weekends,no holidays. You have to kill the time yourself.

3.Therearetoo manypeople are involved in this career now. It has become a common profession and not fresh for us any more.

4. You have to get ready to PK with the computers to seize your IT boyfriend for the computer maybe which is more important between the two he even has no answer.

So much about the most people's opinion about finding an IT boyfriend.But people differ from each other; one's happiness may become other's suffering.Moreover, just the IT boys themselves or the ones who have IT boyfriends have the right answer. We just guess here.So, let the girls themselves make the decision.













