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If you are an anime fan who has never heard of her name, you’re really missing out. Although this green-haired singer was originally created as the mascot[吉祥物] for Yamaha’s voice synthesizer[合成器] software, it didn’t take long for her to strike a chord[引起共鸣] among otaku across Japan. As a virtual diva[首席女歌手], she has performed in live concerts alongside human bands and superstars like Gackt注1 both at home and abroad. On March 9th, she held her first solo concert. In May, her new album debuted at No.1 on the weekly Oricon albums chart注2. She’s fictional, but she has taken on a world of her own. Her name is Miku Hatsune.

Vocaloid, the software that allows users to synthesize songs by inputting lyrics and melody, was first launched in 2004. In January 2007, Yamaha announced a new version of the software engine, Vocaloid 2. Seven months later, Crypton Future Media released Miku Hatsune, the first in a series of Vocaloid 2 character voices. The series is intended for[为……而准备] professional musicians as well as amateur[业余的] track creators, and the programmed vocals are designed to sound like an idol singer from the future.

Even though the software has been around for some time, it is the recognition of Miku Hatsune that has pulled the technology into the limelight[引人瞩目的中心]. It started with a few songs composed for the diva, closely followed by a large amount of fan-art interpretations[诠释],both released online and published as doujinshi注3. Later, fans posted homemade videos on ebsites. The popularity of these videos, and by extension, this two-plait[辫子] singer and her usic, is largely driven by Nico Nico Douga注4, which has gradually become a place for ollaborative[合作的] creation. Popular original songs written by a user would generate illustrations[插图], animation in 2D and 3D, and remixes[混音] by other users.

Another reason for “the Miku mania” is that Vocaloid characters are actually created by the community.

Crypton only provides the image and basic information like age, height, weight, and the sound and style of their voices. On the other hand, the community, through the dissemination[分发] of pictorial[图示的] depictions, musical styles, lyrics, and music videos, shapes the personalities and nuances[细微差别] of various characters.

Virtual stars are commonly seen in sci-fi works, but before Miku Hatsune’s arrival, no one would take it seriously. Who would have thought a virtual singer could break into the mainstream? Yet the future may not be that far away. Synthetic sounds, impossible tones, and the way the syllables meld into each other;

this fictional diva and her siblings[兄弟姐妹] sing exactly like us, but they can easily go beyond any existing limits and dim[使暗淡] every human singer. That solo concert in March has brought more than amazing 3D holograms[全息影像]. It could be our first step into a future where the line between virtuality and reality might be only a blur[模糊].


Vocaloid于2004年上市。这款软件让用户通过输入歌词和旋律来合成歌曲。2007年1月,雅马哈了新一代软件引擎Vocaloid 2。七个月后,快普顿未来媒体公司(音译)推出了初音未来――她是Vocaloid 2语音角色系列的第一弹。该语音系列既能满足专业音乐人的需要,业余作曲家同样适用,而预设的声音听起来就像一位来自未来的偶像歌手。




注1:日本著名视觉摇滚歌手,为男性虚拟歌手软件Gackpoid(以Vocaloid 2为基础开发)提供角色声音。


注3:即业余出版物,一般由画家或社团自资出版,大部分是热门动漫的改编作品。详细介绍见CE: Teens 2007年12月号“动漫后援会”的《阿呆反击战・日本篇》。
