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一、may/might, must, can的推测性用法

1. 意义与适用范围

may表示“或许,可能”,用于肯定句,但存在may not,表示“可能不”;might表示“或许,可能”,可能性比may小,用于肯定句,表示对现在情况的推测(也可用于过去时表示对过去情况的推测),但存在might not,表示“可能不”,比may not的可能性小;must表示“一定,必定”,用于肯定句;can表示“或许,可能”,用于疑问句和否定句。

例1:—Who is in the office? Can it be Li Ping?——谁在办公室里?有可能是李平吗?

—No, it cant be him. He has gone to Beijing.——不,不可能是他。他到北京去了。

例2:—Will the plan work?——这计划会起作用吗?

—I think it may/might work.——我认为可能会起作用。

例3:You have just finished a long walk, so you must be very tired.你刚刚完成了长距离步行,所以一定很疲劳吧。

例4:—Will he come this afternoon? ——今天下午他会来吗?

—Im not sure, he may not come.——我没有把握,他可能不来。

例5:—Is this red pen Li Pings?——这支红钢笔是李平的吗?

—No, it cant be his. His is a black one.——不,不可能是他的。他的钢笔是黑色的。

[典例1]— the news that our headmaster has returned from abroad be true?

—No, it .

A. Can; cant

B. Can; mustnt

C. May; cant

D. Must; mustnt


[典例2]—Will the final English exam that we will take at the end of this week be difficult?

—It be very difficult, but Im not so sure.

A. must

B. cant

C. mustnt

D. may not

[解析]D。由but Im not so sure可以推出该空可表示“可能不”,因此可填may not。

[典例3]Since you have so much work to do, you be very busy.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. need

[解析]C。Since you have so much work to do暗示该空表示“一定”,因此应填must。

2. 反意疑问句的构成

may, might, must, can等推测性情态动词所在句构成反意疑问句时谓语动词不能再用情态动词,而应与其后的实义动词保持一致,其时态的使用遵循下列原则:may / must / cant +原形动词,表示对现在相关情况的推测,反意疑问句应用一般现在时;may/ must /cant + have done sth+过去时间状语,表示对过去相关情况的推测,反意疑问句用一般过去时;may/must/cant +have done sth的反意疑问句用现在完成时。

例1:It is so late, so he cant be at home, is he? 现在太晚了,所以他不可能在家,是吗?

例2:Your father must have gone abroad for a meeting last Sunday, didnt he? 你父亲上周日一定出国开会了,是吗?

例3:The light in his room is out, so he may have gone to bed, hasnt he? 他房间的灯熄了,所以他可能已经上床睡觉了,是吗?

[典例1]Now, your daughter must be at home doing her homework, she?

A. mustnt

B. neednt

C. isnt

D. cant


[典例2]Your youngest brother may have gone to see a film last night, he?

A. hasnt

B. didnt

C. maynt

D. doesnt

[解析]B。题干中的may表示推测,且其后接have done+过去时间状语,因此反意疑问句用一般过去时。

[典例3]This common actress cant have won the big prize, she?

A. can

B. has

C. did

D. may

[解析]B。题干中的cant表示推测,且其后接have done的动词形式,因此反意疑问句应用现在完成时。

二、 may, must, can的非推测性用法



例1:Can you speak to foreigners in English? 你能用英语和外国人讲话吗?

例2:Can I use your EnglishChinese dictionary to look up a word in? 我可以用你的英语字典来查一个单词吗?

例3:May I have a word with you in your office now? 现在我可以在你的办公室和你交谈一下吗?

例4:—Must I finish all of my task this week?——本周我必须完成所有的任务吗?

—No, you neednt. ——不,你没有必要。

例5:This river is very deep, so you mustnt swim in it. 这条河很深,所以你不可以在里面游泳。

[典例1]Im not good at physics, so Im afraid that I work out this difficult physics problem.

A. cant

B. mustnt

C. neednt

D. wont

[解析]A。Im not good at physics暗示该空表示“不能”,因此应填cant。

[典例2]Peter, dont you know that even gentle girls be very naughty?

A. must

B. may

C. can

D. shall


[典例3]Mary, its already midnight. you play the violin at such a late time?

A. Can

B. Must

C. May

D. Need


[典例4]—Must I stop what Im doing at present to help you to finish your work?

—No, you .

A. mustnt

B. neednt

C. cant

D. shouldnt


[典例5]This is a garage, so you smoke in it at any time.

A. neednt

B. mustnt

C. wont

D. darent

[解析]B。由This is a garage可以推出空档表示“不可以”,因此应填mustnt。



例1:—Could I watch TV for a while? ——我可以看一会儿电视吗?

—Of course, you can. ——当然可以。

例2:—Might I look at your photo taken on the Great Wall?——我可以看一下你在长城拍的照片吗?

—Yes, you may.——是的,你可以。

[典例1]—Could I put you to the trouble of answering me a question?

—Yes, you .

A. could

B. might

C. can

D. must


[典例2]—Might I have a few minutes of rest now? Im so tired.

—Yes, you .

A. might

B. may

C. could

D. need


三、shall, should的用法

1. shall可表示“需要”,用来征求对方意见,用于一、三人称;shall还可以表示“命令,警告,威胁强制,允诺”,用于第二、三人称。

例1:There is not much time left, so you shall finish your homework immediately. 时间不多了,所以你必须立即完成家庭作业。

例2:You shall get my help if you accept my advice. 如果你采纳我的建议,我会帮助你的。

例3:Shall Li Ping clean the classroom in the shortest time? 需要李平在最短时间之内打扫教室吗?

例4:—Shall I hand in my homework now?——我现在必须交上家庭作业吗?

—Yes, you must./No, you neednt.——是的,你必须。/不,你不必。

[典例1]—Shall I write down all the words on the blackboard now?

—No, you .

A. mustnt

B. cant

C. wont

D. neednt

[解析]D。由Shall I和No可以推出该空表示“没有必要”,因此应填neednt。

[典例2]Time is very limited, so you get to that mountain village within fifteen minutes.

A. will

B. shall

C. can

D. may

[解析]B。Time is very limited暗示该空表示“必须”,因此应填shall。

[典例3]You get my help when you come here, so dont be worried about it.

A. shall

B. must

C. need

D. should


例4:Mary has got home. she come here to see you immediately?

A. Will

B. Shall

C. May

D. Can



例1:As students, we should try to learn all the subjects well. 作为学生我们应该尽量学好各门学科。

例2:Nobody can imagine the stone should be so heavy. 没有人可以想象到这块石头竟然这么重。

[典例1]To tell you the truth, I have never expected such a beautiful girl be so cruel to others.

A. can

B. may

C. should

D. would

[解析]C。由such a beautiful girl和so cruel to others之间的逻辑关系可以推出该空表示“竟然”,因此应填should。

[典例2] a fire break out, you must sound the fire alarm in the shortest time.

A. Would

B. Could

C. Might

D. Should


四、情态动词+have done sth的用法

1. may/might have done sth,相对于现在/过去某一时刻可能已做某事;must have done sth,相对于现在/过去某一时刻肯定已做某事;cant have done sth,相对于现在不可能已经做了某事。

例1:—Where is my magazine? I cant see it now.—— 我的杂志哪儿去了?我看不见它了。

—Tom may have taken it ——可能是汤姆拿了。

例2:The light in his room is on, so he might have come back. 他房间的灯亮着,所以他可能已经回来了。

例3:The little girl was crying. She might have lost her way. 这小女孩在哭,她可能已经迷路了。

例4:He isnt in his office. He must have gone to the playground. 他不在办公室,一定到操场去了。

例5:—I phoned you last night, but you didnt answer me.——昨晚我给你打电话但你没有接。

—Oh, I must have gone to sleep. ——噢,我一定睡着了。

例6:I saw him just now. He cant have gone to Beijing. 我刚刚才看见他,他不可能到北京去了。

[典例1]—I have looked for him everywhere but I cant find him.

—He home.

A. can have gone

B. must go

C. may go

D. must have gone

[解析]D。由I have looked for him everywhere but I cant find him.可以推出该空表示“一定已经回家了”,因此应填must have gone。

[典例2]The door in her office is still open, so she very far.

A. cant go

B. cant have gone

C. shouldnt have gone

D. oughtnt to have gone

[解析]B。The door in her office is still open暗示该空表示“不可能已经走了”,因此应填cant have gone。

[典例3]Mary is sad now. She the bad news of her husbands death.

A. may know

B. can know

C. must know

D. may have known

[解析]D。is sad暗示该空表示“可能已经知道”,因此应填may have known。

2. should/ought to have done sth,本来应做某事但实际未做;shouldnt/oughtnt to have done sth,本来不应该做某事但实际已做。

例1:You are late again. You should/ought to have come an hour earlier. 你又迟到了,你应该一小时之前就到了。

例2:You are ill again. You shouldnt/oughtnt to have worked so hard. 你又病了,本来你不应该这么辛苦工作的。

[典例1]You are still doing your homework. You it an hour and a half ago.

A. should finish

B. ought to finish

C. must have finished

D. should have finished

[解析]D。are still doing与an hour and a half ago暗示该空表示“本来应该完成但实际没有”,因此应填should have finished。

[典例2]Your father looks so sad. You with him.

A. shouldnt quarrel

B. oughtnt to quarrel

C. shouldnt have quarreled

D. cant have quarreled

[解析]C。由Your father looks so sad.可以推出该空表示“本来不应该争吵”,因此应填shouldnt have quarreled。

3. neednt have done sth,本来不必做某事但实际已做。

例1:You have to wait for the bus for at least an hour. You neednt have come so early. 你得等至少一个小时的汽车,你本来没有必要来得这么早。

例2:It is very warm today, so you neednt have worn so many clothes.今天非常暖和,所以你本来没有必要穿这么多衣服。

[典例]The final exam turned out to be so easy, so you about it.

A. cant have worried

B. shouldnt have worried

C. oughtnt to have worried

D. neednt have worried

[解析]D。turned out to be so easy暗示该空表示“本来没有必要担心”,因此应填neednt have worried。



例1:—Need I clean the classroom today?——今天我需要打扫教室吗?

—Yes, you must.——是的,你必须。

例2:—Need she come here very early tomorrow morning? ——明天早晨她必须很早就来这儿吗?

—No, she neednt.——不,她不必。

[典例]—Need I do all the English exercises before school is over, Mr Smith?

—Yes, you .

A. need

B. must

[HJ2.4mm]C. shall

D. can


六、will, would的用法

will可用于第二人称来征求对方意见,也可表示现在的意愿,还可表示现在习惯性动作;would也可用于第二人称来征求对方意见,常用于would you please, would you like to等结构,语气委婉,不是过去式;would还可表示过去的意愿和过去的习惯性动作。

例1:Will you help me to clean the doors and windows? 你愿意帮助我擦门窗吗?

例2:If possible, she would sit like that for hours. 如果有可能,她总是那么坐着,一坐就是几个小时。

例3:Im free now. Would you like to go shopping with me? 现在我有空了,你愿意和我去购物吗?

[典例1]Tom, you hand me the dictionary? It is out of my reach.

A. shall

B. will

C. should

D. need


[典例2]If it was possible, I go fishing with my brother after school was over.

A. should

B. could

C. would

D. ought to

[解析]C。由If it was possible可以推出空档表示“总是”,强调过去习惯性动作,因此应填would。


1. — Will our English teacher give us another chance to do this thing?

— He , but Im not so sure.

A. must

B. can

C. may

D. need

2. Look, the flowers are all dead, so you them enough water in time.

A.should give

B. must give

C. must have given

D. should have given

3. — Is the man standing over there our headmaster?

— No, he be our headmaster. Our headmaster has gone abroad.

A. mustnt

B. cant

C. wont

D. shant

4. you lose my EnglishChinese dictionary, you have to buy a new one for me.


B. Can

C. May

D. Shall

5. Look, your daughter is crying over there. In my opinion, you her so sad.

A. shouldnt make

B. shouldnt have made

C. mustnt have made

D. cant have made

6. Cant you see the young trees are all dead? You them enough water in the past few days.

A. cant give

[HJ2.3mm]B. cant have given

C. shouldnt have given

D. mustnt have given

7. you be caught in a heavy rain, you can buy an umbrella in the nearest shop.

A. Can

B. May

C. Would

D. Should

8. — Sir, why do you want to fine me 100 WTBXyuanWT?

— Dont you know nobody smoke at a gas station?

A. shall

B. must

C. need

D. will

9. — It is said that our English teacher has gone abroad for a visit.

— No, he . I saw him just now.

A. mustnt

B. neednt

C. shouldnt

D. cant

10. — Shall I come to help you with your housework after I finish my work?

— No, you .

A. shant

B. wont

C. cant

D. neednt

11. — Mum, can I play computer games for some time after I finish todays homework?

— You get the permission to do so if you finish your homework on your own.

A. will

B. shall

[HJ2.3mm]C. must

D. need

12. you meet with this kind of fierce animal, you must keep calm and try to get away.

A. Should

B. Would

C. Could

D. Might

13. You about the exam at all, because you have passed it with a very high mark.

A. neednt worry

B. neednt have worried

C. shouldnt have worried

D. cant have worried

14. Whether you read newspapers or magazines in our reading room, you keep silent.

A. may

B. need

C. shall

D. will

15. — I have just finished writing a 5000word article.

—Then you be very tired. Sit down on the safa and have a rest.

A. must

B. need

C. shall

D. will

16. To my surprise, our daughter wear so many clothes on such a hot day.

A. could

B. would

C. should

D. might

17. Since it is your best friends birthday party, I think that you show up in time.

A. may

B. can

C. need

D. should

18. All the teachers in our school are kind to and strict with us, so we look up to every one of them.

A. should

B. can

C. may

D. need

19. Since the terrible storm has come, you set sail for that city in a short time.

A. neednt

B. cant

C. wont

D. shant

20. To tell you the truth, at that time I was very shocked that your child have said such unkind words to his teacher.

A. should

B. might

C. could

D. would

21. — Mary, is this your skirt?

— No, this skirt be mine. My skirt is red.

A. may not

B. mustnt

C. cant

D. shant

22. As you can see,the street is covered with snow, so you take care when you walk on it.

A. need

B. shall

C. can

D. will

23. As we all know, a gas station is a place where everyone smoke.

A. neednt

B. shant

C. wont

D. mustnt

24. — I water all the flowers in our garden after I finish washing these clothes?

— No, you neednt. I have already watered them.

A. Can

B. Will

C. Shall

D. May

25. the beautiful skirt put on that big desk be Marys if it is not yours?

A. Can

B. May

C. Must

D. Should

26. — Perhaps you dont know I have been working in the field for almost half a day.

— Then, you be very tired.

A. need

B. will

C. shall

D. must

27. These rules are of great importance, so you pay much attention to them.

A. may

B. can

C. shall

D. will

28. Since you have won the big prize in the competition, you be very happy now.

A. can

B. need

C. must

D. would

29. Your secretary has already returned from abroad. he come to see you now?

A. Will

B. Can

C. Shall

D. Would

30. This project,I think, is very complicated, so you take great care while carrying it out.

A. can

B. may

C. will

D. shall

31. —I help you to carry all the books to your classroom?

— No, you neednt. I can do it myself.

A. Shall

B. Can

C. Will

D. May

32. Your brother must have gone to visit that place of interest yesterday morning, he?

A. mustnt

B. hasnt

C. didnt

D. wasnt

33.— Will they pay a visit to the Great Wall of China at the end of this month?

— They visit it, but Im not so sure.

A. cant

B. may not

C. must

D. need

34. I think that our English teacher home, for she isnt in her office now.

A. may go

B. may have gone

C. should have gone

D. ought to have gone

35. His youngest daughter is a very honest girl, so she your newly bought reference book.

A. cant steal

B. shouldnt have stolen

C. cant have stolen

D. oughtnt to have stolen

36. Our monitor is so excited now. He the news that he has won the big prize in the English writing competition.

A. must have known

B. must know

C. should have known

D. ought to have known

37. —That green skirt is really very beautiful. I it.

— It is really a pity that you didnt.

A. should buy

B. should have bought

C. must have bought

D. may have bought

38. My deskmate failed to pass the English exam. I him with his English.

A.need have helped

B. must have helped

C. may have helped

D. ought to have helped

39. Your daughter has a stomachache now. She so much iced food.

A. shouldnt have eaten

[HJ2.3mm]B. shouldnt eat

C. cant have eaten

D. neednt have eaten

40. You that expensive jacket. It cost you so much money.

A. oughtnt to buy

B. neednt have bought

C. cant have bought

D. oughtnt to have bought


1.C。由but Im not so sure.可以推出空档表示“可能”,因此应填may。

2.D。题干含责怪埋怨的口吻,因此应填should have given。

3.B。由Our headmaster has gone abroad.可以推出空档表示“不可能”,因此应填cant。

4. A。空档表示“万一,如果”,因此应填Should。

5.B。空档表示“本来不应该让她”,因此应填shouldnt have made。

6.B。由Cant you see the young trees are all dead?可以推出空档表示“不可能已经给予”,因此应填cant have given。



9.D。由I saw him just now.可以推出空档表示“不可能”,因此应填cant。




13.B。由because you have passed it with a very high mark.可以推出空档表示“本来没有必要担心”,因此应填neednt have worried。


15.A。由I have just finished writing a 5000word article.可以推出空档表示“一定”,因此应填must。

16.C。由wear so many clothes on such a hot day可以推出空档表示“竟然”,因此应填should。

17.D。由Since it is your best friends birthday party可以推出空档表示“应该”,因此应填should。

18.A。由are kind to and strict with us可以推出空档表示“应该”,因此应填should。


20.A。由was very shocked可以推出空档表示“竟然”,因此应填should。

21.C。由No和My skirt is red.可以推出空档表示“不可能”,因此应填cant。

22.B。由the street is covered with snow可以推出空档表示“必须”,因此应填shall。

23.D。由a gas station可以推出空档表示“不可以”,因此应填mustnt。



26.D。由I have been working in the field for almost half a day可以推出空档表示“一定”,因此应填must。

27.C。由These rules are of great importance可以推出空档表示“必须”,因此应填shall。

28.C。由have won the big prize in the competition可以推出空档表示“一定”,因此应填must。


30.D。由is very complicated可以推出空档表示“必须”,因此应填shall。

31. A。空档用于第一人称征求对方意见,因此应填Shall。

32.C。陈述句含must have done+过去时间状语时反意疑问句动词应和must have后面的实义动词保持一致,并用一般过去时的时态。

33.B。由but Im not so sure.可以推出空档既不表示“不可能”也不表示“一定”,而表示“可能”或“可能不”,因此应填may / might或may not / might not。

34.B。由she isnt in her office now可以推出该空表示“可能已经回家”,因此应用may have done的动词形式。

35.C。由His youngest daughter is a very honest girl可以推出该空表示“不可能已经偷了”,因此应填cant have stolen。

36.A。由Our monitor is so excited now.可以推出该空表示“一定已经知道”,因此应填must have known。

37.B。由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“本来应该买了”,因此应填should have bought。

38.D。该空表示“本来应该帮了”,因此应填ought to have helped。

39. A。分析语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“本来不应该吃”,因此应填shouldnt have eaten。

40.D。由It cost you so much money可以推出该空表示“本来不应该买了”,因此应填oughtnt to have bought。