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例1Children are tired of learning often because they areto do better than they can, both at school and at home.

A. hoped B. wished C. suggested D. expected

例1的句意为“孩子们厌倦学习往往是因为他们不论在学校还是在家都被希望能做得更好”。suggest表示“建议”,显然不符合题意;hope, wish和expect都表示“希望”,wish没有被动语态,而hope虽然有被动语态,但一般只用于It is hoped that...句型,所以答案为D。


例2Children are tired of learning often because the parentsthem to do better than they can, both at school and at home.

A. hope B. wish C. suggest D. expect

这时,就要辨析hope, wish和expect的意义和用法了。

hope表示“希望,盼望”,强调“主观愿望强烈,并对实现抱有信心”。常用于hope to do sth.和hope for sth.的句式,或者后接宾语从句,没有hope sb. to do sth.的用法。例如:

We are hoping to see the president who will come to China. 我们盼望着见到即将来华的总统。

Do you hope for peace?你希望和平吗?

I hope it will be fine tomorrow. 我希望明天是晴天。

wish表示“但愿,希望”,含有“怀有希望时不考虑能否实现”的意思,语气较弱。常用于wish to do sth.,wish sb. to do sth.和wish for sth.的句式,或者后接宾语从句。要注意的是,如果愿望实现的可能性不大或根本不可能实现时,宾语从句中的谓语应用虚拟语气。例如:

I wish to become a millionaire. 但愿我能成为一个百万富翁。

I wish you to go to Beijing with me next year. 希望你明年能和我一起去北京。

I wish for a car. 我很想得到一辆车。

I wish I were you. 真希望我是你。

expect表示“期望,期待”,强调“希望通过努力去实现”,语气较强。常用于expect sb./sth.,expect to do sth.和expect sb. to do sth.的句式,或者后接宾语从句。例如:

The boy is expecting your letter. 这男孩期待着你的来信。

I hardly expected to find you still here. 我几乎没想到仍会在这儿找到你。

Do you expect me to stay after that? 在那之后你还希望我待下去?

I didn’t expect that you would finish the work so soon. 我没指望你能这么快地完成工作。

对于例2,可以先排除hope,因为没有hope sb. to do sth.的用法。wish和expect都可以用,用wish表示“做得更好”是家长对孩子们的美好愿望,并不强求孩子们一定做到,语气较弱;而用expect则表示家长认为孩子们应该努力去实现“做得更好”这一期望,语气较强。根据句意“孩子们厌倦学习”,可见家长对孩子们的期望是强烈的,给他们造成了压力,所以选expect更合适。


1. In most cases, children do not want to go against their parents. They onlyto be given an opportunity of expressing their views.

A. wish B. hope C. expect D. allow

2. ―Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

―Well, I’ve always been a big fan of the Bulls. Now, I onlyfor a miracle.

A. wish B. want C. expect D. hope


1. B (句意为“在大多数情况下,孩子们并不想违背父母的意愿,他们只是希望有个机会来表达自己的意见”。“有机会表达意见”是孩子们强烈的愿望,在不违背父母的前提下,他们对实现这个愿望有信心,故选B)

2. A (对话的内容是关于明星队是否能打败公牛队,回答者表示自己是公牛队的粉丝,而现在只希望有奇迹出现。可见,公牛队获胜的可能性很小,回答者抱有希望,但语气较弱,所以选A)