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AS,such…as,the same…as的用法小结

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在英语教学的过程内,尤其是在高中英语的教学过程中,经常遇到as,such…as,the same…as的频频出现,特别是当as用作关系代词,引导定语从句的用法,很多学生感到不好掌握。本文将根据己的教学积累,就其用法作些归纳和辨析。




As a League member,you should think more of oth-ers.(作为共青团员,你应该多为他人着想。)He usedto

work as a bus—driver.(他曾是一个汽车司机。)



I am astall as you.(我和你一样高。)Soon~fferwe started,wefoundthewerkwas not so difficult aswe had expected.(开始



As a child,he lived in e village. (当他是个孩子时,住在一个小村子。)

As he got offthe bus,I saw him.(他一下车我就看见了他。)

(2)since.seeing that(表示理由)因为,既然。

As he wasn’t ready in time,we went witheut him. (因为他没有及时准备好,我们没等他就去了。)


Young as heis,(Although heis young)he knows alot. (尽管他很年轻,但懂得很多。)

Much as l likeyou,(Although I likeyou much)、I can’t marrvyou.(我虽然很喜欢你,可是不愿意与你结婚。)

Try as he would. (Although he tned however hard he tried)he couldn’t lift the rock.《他虽然尽了最大努力,仍未搬动那块石头o{as与动词连用,常跟may。might,will。would连用。)


Do as I do.(照我的样子做。)

Leave it as it is.(保持原状,不要动它)


He is a teacher,as is clear f唧T1 his manner.(他是教师,这从他的举止就明显看得出来。作主语)

He was e foreigner,as/which I knew fn。『T1 his accent.(他是个外国人,我从他的口音就听得出来。作宾语)

David is tall.as my brothers are.(像我的兄弟们一样,大卫个子很高。 作表语)

The rate of doing working,or power as we call it,is measured in watts.(做功的速率,也就是我们所称的功率,以瓦特来计量。作宾语补足语)

as引导的定语从句可以放在句首,如:As was expected,he per-formed the task with success.(正如所料,他成功地执行了任务。)


The elephantislike a snake,as everybodycan see.


The pretty girl married a handsome man.as/which was thought natural.


As与such搭配构成的such…as,such as也是非常常见的。such as中的as也是关系代词,一般代表主句中的人或物,引导限制性的定语从句,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等,这时as的作用接近who,which如:Such wonqen as knew Tom thought he was charming.(这些认识汤姆的妇女都觉得他很可爱。

作主语)I have never heard such stories as hetells.(我从没有听说过他讲的那种故事。作宾语)

Such books as this(is)are rare.(象这样的书不多见。作表语)

此外,such aS有时连在一起使用,这样就会有下面三种


such修饰的名词。(3)such as相当于like,for example for ir卜stance,用以引述例证,用于列举人或事物,并且可以用逗号隔开,表示是句子的附加成分,但such as所列举的只能是部分,不能是全部。如:

l have notmanv.Butl willsend you such as J have (我

所有的不多,然而我愿把我所有的送给你。 (1)

She collected a great manystories such as a child of four or

five could understand.(她搜集了许多四、五岁的孩子能够听

懂的故事。 (2)

A man such as he will surely succeed.(像他这样的人一定会成功。(3))

They export a lot of fruits.such as oranges and lemons. (他们出口很多水果,例如橘子和柠檬。 (4)

注意:as such与such as的含义完全不同。As such的意思为“确切而言…‘完全地”。如:

I didn’t have a nemous breakdown as such.it was more e reaction tooverwork.(我不是真的得了精神崩溃,那只是工作过度的反应。)

三、the same…a8


Heisthesameman as/that/whowas hereyesterday.(他就是昨天在这里的那个人。 作主语)

He doesn’tbelievethesamethings as/thatyou do.(他不相信你相信后的那些事。 作宾语) ’

I havethe san3ewatch as/thatyoursis.(我的表和你的一样。作表语)

与the same…as含义相近的为the sarr~…that.只是the same…as的意思较多,使用场合也多。the same…as意思有两个:。和……一样“;“像……那样”。如:Sheiswearingthe same dress as shewere yesterday.这句话有两个含义:



the same-·that意为“和……一样的”如:

She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday. (她穿着昨天穿的那件衣服。)即只等于the same…as的第一个含义。



The computer costs the same as mine.(那台计算机和我的一样贵。)

He teaches English in the Same school as/that my brother does.(他和我弟弟在同一所学校里教英语。)

在使用the same…as时还须注意:

(1)as,that在从句中作宾语时可以省略。如:He is the same man(as/that)l saw yesterday(他就是我昨天看到的那个人。)


He sitsinthe same row as/thatwedo.=He sitsinthesame rowin which we sit.(他和我们坐在同一排。)

Thesame和as连在一起时,the same即as的先行词。如: His clothes are the same as mine.(他的衣服和我的一样。) 虽然as,such…as,the same…as的用法比较多,但是只要我们在学习的过程中多加注意,细心总结,勤于归纳,这几个词的用法还是不难掌握的。