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摘 要: 英语插入语是看似简单,而实际上不好掌握的一种语言现象。无论在书面语还是在口语中都十分常见。本文就这一语言现象,对其表现形式、实际应用以及在使用中应注意的问题进行了探讨和归纳。

关键词: 英语插入语 表现形式 应用



true(真的),funny(真可笑),strange to say(说也奇怪),needless to say(不用说),most important of all(最为重要),worse still(更糟糕的)等。例如:

Strange to say(或True),he should have done such a thing.说也奇怪(或真的),他竟然做出这样的事。

Most important of all,you each over fulfilled your own task.更为重要的,你们各自超额完成了自己的任务。

The pieces of stone were then carried to the new place for the temple,60 meters higher up the hill.然后把石头搬运到寺庙的新址――比原址高出60米的山上。

The book can be enjoyed by everyone,young or old.这本书,老幼皆宜,人人能看懂。


indeed(的确),surely(无疑),however(然而),obviously(显然),frankly(坦率地说),naturally(自然),luckily(或happily) for sb.(算某人幸运),fortunately(幸好),strangely(奇怪),honestly(真的),briefly(简单地说)等。例如:

Luckily for you,I happen to have the key.你很运气,我正好带了钥匙。

Otherwise,we should commit a serious mistake.否则,我们会犯严重错误。

Strangely,he has not been to China Unicom.Still more strangely,he has not called me.奇怪,他未来过中国联通。更奇怪,他没给我打电话。

Fortunately,I found the book that I’d lost.幸亏我找到了已丢失的那本书。

She prefers beef.Still,you will know next time,won’t you?她更喜欢牛肉,当然,下一次你就知道了。

I don’t want to see it,besides,I’m tired.我不想去看,再说,我也累了。



Everyone here,whether men or women,must obey the rules.这儿的每个人,无论男女,必须遵守制度。

A satellite is an object,either natural or man-made,which travels in an orbit round another object in space.卫星是一种物体,或是天然的,或是人造的,它围绕太空另一物体在轨道上运行。


常见的有:to tell the truth(老实说);to be short(简单地);to begin with(首先);to be sure(自然、当然、果然);to be honest/frank(老实说);to make things worse(使事情更糟的是);to make a long story short(长话短说);to speak of(值得一提的是),to be fair,to sum up(概括地说)等。


To start with,China is ready strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with many countries.首先,中国准备和许多国家加强科学技术合作。

Once I nearly posted it to Germany,but,to tell you the truth,I didn’twant to spend money on a stamp.有一次我差点把它寄到德国去,老实对您说,我不愿花钱去买邮票。

To be sure,that’s a very useful book.确实,那是一本很用的书。

I don’t like the book at all,to be honest.老实说,我一点也不喜欢那本书。

But I think we’ll give her a shot,just to be safe.但是,我认为为了安全起见,还得给他一枪。


常见的有:generally speaking(一般地说);frankly speaking(考虑到);judging from/by;talking of(谈到);considering(考虑到,因为是);putting it mildly(说得客气一点)等。


Generally speaking,the weather in Britain is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.一般来说,不列颠的气候冬天不太冷,夏天不太热。

Judging by his clothes,he may be an artist.从衣着来判断,他可能是个艺术家。

He rang up all his friends in the pop world,including the most famous pop stars.他打电话给歌坛上的所有朋友,包括最著名的流行歌星。


常见的有:in a few words(或in sum,in short)(简而言之),in other words(换句话说),in a sense(在某种意义上),in general(一般说来),in my view(在我看来),in his opinion(judgment)(按照他的意见(判断)),in conclusion(总之),in summary(概括地说),in fact(事实上),in the first place(首先),in addition(此外),of course(当然),to our knowledge(据我们所知),to my joy(delight,satisfaction)(使我欣慰(高兴、满意)的),to their surprise(astonishment,amazement)(使他们惊奇的),to her regret(disappointment)(使她遗憾(失望)的),for instance(或example)(例如),as a matter of fact(事实上)等。

Of course,he did not succeed for the lack of experience.当然,他由于缺乏经验而未成功。

Do not plant,for example,rice year after year in the same field.例如,在同一块地里,不要年复一年地种稻谷。

By the way,Bob sends his best wishes.顺便说一下,鲍勃给您问好了。

Why do you think we can’t change your note,on the contrary,we can.你怎么知道我们找不开你的钱,恰恰相反,我们能找开。

As a result,we have to water the vegetable garden.结果,我们不得不给菜地浇水。


all the same(尽管如此),all told(总共),all in all(总的来说)等。例如:

His crew was reduced to twenty-four all told.他的船员减少到总共二十四人。

All in all,her condition is greatly improved.总的来说,她的情况有很大好转。

All the same,this should be taken into consideration.尽管如此,这一点还是应当考虑进去。



You know I think you are wrong.我认为,你明白你错了。

That is to say,we have to study harder.这就是说,我们应该更加努力学习。

That would be a good beginning,I hope.我希望,那是一个好的开始。

What’s more,40 percent of workers in factories have to find new jobs again.而且工厂里有40%的工人不得不再找新工作。

One day,it is said,Newton saw an apple fall from a tree.据说,有一天牛顿见到一个苹果从树上掉下来。


常见的有:if you don’t mind;if you like;if you please;if necessary;if any;if I may say so;if convenient等。例如:

The piano is as good as,if not better than,that one.这架钢琴,即使不比那架好,至少跟它一样好。

He said that,if any,there was only a few.他说,如果有的话,也就有几本了。



...but as a machine which everyone will agree belongs in the well-organized and regulated and sensible household...它们是机器,大家会一致认为,这种机器是有条不紊的、充满智慧的家庭的一员。

He and his friends wrote letters to every person in the United States who they knew wanted to save the trees.他和他的朋友们向据他们所知希望保护这种树木的每一个美国人发信件。

There was no trace of fingerprints,but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers.虽然没有找到指纹的痕迹,但巡官却发现一个装着珠宝的肮脏的红包裹,老妇人说这个包裹不是她的。

The supervisor was advised to give the assignment to whoever he believes had a strong sense of responsibility.人们劝主管人把这项任务交给他认为有强烈责任感的人。


She is the only girl I know who can play the guitar.

He is the best man I can find who can mend it within an hour.



What explanation do you suppose the teacher could give?你想老师会如何解释?

Who do you guess broke the window?你猜是谁把窗户打破了?

Where do you believe we should go during the summer holiday?你认为暑假期间,我们应该到哪儿去。

Whom do you think I should see first?

这一结构可改为:Whom should I see first,do you think?



He was(strange as it seems)an excellent sportsman.他(尽管还显得令人不解)是个出色的运动员。

He was――to me at least,if not to you――a figure that was worth having pity on.至少我觉得如此,即使你不这样认为,他是一个值得同情的人。





