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缤纷前沿 第4期

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Cool School with No Classrooms Or Grades


Sweden has built radical schools that have no classrooms, no preset (预先设置的) subject lessons and best of all, no grades! The schools are built with unique learning spaces in lieu of (代替) traditional classrooms. Not only that, even the curriculum (课程) is taught in a radical way―using mobile phones, computers and e-readers. Also, there is no "right" or "wrong" kind of education. Every student begins with a one-on-one session with a teacher, who helps him/her chart an education plan. From there on, armed with a school provided laptop he/she can spend the day studying individually on one of the comfortable lounges (沙发) spread through the building or work in groups with other students.


Fifth Grader Uncovers a Scientific Breakthrough


When 10-year old Clara Lazan was assigned a classroom science project, neither she nor her teacher would have guessed that her random creation would be hailed (被认可) as a scientific discovery, worthy to be published in a scientific journal. Clara used her imagination to create a rather unusual combination of oxygen, nitrogen (氮) and carbon atoms. While this accidental molecule (分子) does not occur in nature, it could potentially be synthesized (合成) in a laboratory. In fact, since it contains the same atoms as nitroglycerin (甘油三硝酸酯), the active ingredient in dynamite (达纳炸药) and rocket propellants (火箭推进剂), it could be a new way to store energy or, create large explosions!


Punished for Predicting the Wrong Weather


Weather forecasters in South Africa could face a frosty punishment if they get their predictions wrong. The new rules in South Africa's Weather Service Bill are to try to stop forecasters from causing panics (恐慌) about extreme weather. Early reports of extreme or severe weather can create a panic and cause the local economy to lose lots of money. In the future, forecasters wishing to give a severe weather warning must apply for permission from South Africa's Weather Service Bill. Fines of up to £800,000 could be issued as well as jail time for false predictions!
