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动漫展 第8期

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It’s amazing what one will do for the things they’re passionate about. It’s even more amazing when one has a place to meet others sharing that passion. This is why I keep going to anime conventions all these years, despite the unpleasant weather or imperfect outcomes from time to time ?the thrill of being among anime and manga fans like myself is just overwhelming[无法抗拒的].

Big anime conventions today, like the one I just took part in, always have an expansive, well-stocked dealers[商人]?room. At this convention, all of the big-name North American anime companies were present and had booths[货摊] set up. They showcased classic favorites and recent releases, with the occasional gift or prize tossed[丢] out to the hungry crowd.

The video rooms showed a varied selection of recent releases, classic anime series and movies. These are always fun to sit in on, as the only thing better than watching something you enjoy is doing so on a giant screen with many like-minded fans.

No visit to any anime convention would be complete without taking in[包含] some of the cosplay注1 elements. On the other hand, going to big conventions in a costume means traveling at a slow pace, as any cosplayer could rarely go ten feet without being stopped for a photo, or stopping someone else in a costume for a photo. Many people had come to spend a good portion of their time just posing in their costumes, while many others were more than happy to photograph them doing so.

Costumes ranged from the simple and whimsical[古怪的], to the elaborate[精细的] and the fantastic. People with cardboard[纸板] boxes ?with the word “GUNDAM注2”written on it ?over their heads walked alongside people in Gundam costumes crafted with professional-grade detail. The only things brighter than the pink wigs[假发] were the flash of the cameras surrounding them.

When you go to an anime convention, you don’t just go for the anime part ?you go for the experience. With all of the attractions, a convention is for the people, who are just like yourself, come together for the love and passion of anime and manga. You go there to haggle[讨价还价] over the price of an anime figure before running up and down the convention hall in a hunt for cool cosplayers. These are the things that make conventions memorable……





