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阅读理解 第5期

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Reading Comprehension


Peter and John studied in the same class. And they lived next to each other. One day Peter's house was on fire(着火). John rushed into the house and carried Peter out of the room. Peter was thankful to him and they became good friends. Just before they finished middle school, the war broke out (爆发). They both joined the army(军队). And they always helped each other.

In a hard fight John killed two enemy(敌人) soldiers but one of his legs was broken. He couldn't fight any longer. Peter found it and ran to help him.

"Take me to the hospital at once,"John called out,"Or I'll die!"

"Don't worry, my friend," said Peter," I'll do my best to save you!"

Then he carried John on his back and ran to the hospital fast. As he was running, a flying fragment(弹片)cut John's head off, but he didn't know about it.

At the gate of the hospital a soldier stopped Peter and asked,"What are you carrying the man without a head for?"

Peter placed John on the ground and found his poor friend had already died.

"Oh,dear!"cried Peter,"When he asked me to carry him to the hospital five minutes ago, he had a head with him!"

1. Peter and John had been _______ before they joined the army.

A. farmers B. students C. workers D. teachers

2. The two young men became friends because _______ .

A. they were classmates

B. they lived next to each other

C. John had saved Peter

D. they joined the army together

3. Peter ran to help John because _______ .

A. his friend was fighting with the enemy soldiers

B. the enemy soldiers were going to kill his friend

C. his friend couldn't stand up

D. his friend had lost a leg

4. John needed to be taken to the hospital because _______ .

A. the young man was going to die

B. he was too tired to fight with enemy soldiers

C. he was very afraid of the enemy soldiers

D. something was wrong with him

5. Peter ran to the hospital fast because _______ .

A. he was afraid to be caught up with

B. his friend needed to be operated on at once

C. he wanted to return to the front(前线) again

D. he wanted to ring John's parents up soon


Jack planted several orange trees in his garden five years ago. Yesterday he and his mother went to pick oranges. The old woman worked for the whole day and was very tired. When she climbed up the tree, she fell to the ground and broke one of her legs. Jack took her to see a doctor. The doctor looked her over and said she had to be in hospital. Jack was worried about it.

"Go to the town to borrow some money from your uncle," said the old woman. "I'm sure he'll help us."

Jack had to go to see his uncle, an owner of a shop. The man knew what happened to his sister, and lent one thousand dollars to Jack. The young man hid(藏) the money in one of his shoes. His uncle gave him another five dollars and said."Take a bus,Jack,then you'll soon get home."

But Jack wouldn't spend the five dollars. On his way home,three young men stopped him while he was going through a forest. They wanted to rob(抢劫)Jack. The young man did his best to fight them. At last they caught him, searched (搜查) all his pockets and found only five dollars.

One of the young men was surprised and asked,"Why did you risk your life(冒生命危险) for only five dollars?"

"I thought you wanted to rob me of the one thousand dollars in my shoe!" answered the young man.

I. Jack was _______ .

A. a worker B. a driver C. a farmer D. a businessman

2. The old woman fell to the ground because _______ .

A. she was too old to climb up a tree

B. she had never picked oranges before

C. the tree was very tall

D. she was very tired that day

3. Jack was worried because _______ .

A. his mother's leg was broken

B. he hadn't enough money to keep his mother in hospital

C. he couldn't watch his oranges

D. nobody would help him to pick the manges

4. Jack hid the one thousand dollars in his shoe because _______ .

A. he was afraid to be robbed on his way home

B. he was afraid the money would be lost

C. he was afraid someone would borrow the money

D. his shoe was too large for him

5. Jack didn't do as his uncle had told him because _______ .

A. his house was not far from his uncle's

B. he didn't know where the bus stop was

C. he preferred walking to taking a bus

D. he wanted to save the five dollars


Mr James lives in a small, short house outside the city. He was an able worker before. He worked hard in the factory and could do everything the boss(老板) needed and he got a lot of money. He got on well with his workmates and they respected(尊敬) him. But later he began to gamble(赌博) and he forgot everything except it. He lost all: his money, work, friends, even his wife. He had to sell his beautiful house and moved into a small one and began a poorlife:without clothes or food. Nobody would lend him anything and he can't live any longer.

One evening,when he was walking in the street near his house to find something to eat, he saw a bike under a big tree and there was a bag on it. He looked around and there was nobody except himself. He took the bag and ran away as quickly as he could. As soon as he came back, he threw the bag into a broken box. He was afraid that the police could come and catch him. Nothing happened that night. The next morning he opened the bag and found there was plenty of money in it. He was so happy that he bought some food and clothes for himself. Then he went to the gambling house, but he lost all the money soon. So he often goes out at night. He steals(偷) everything he meets. And somebody told the police station about it. One night,when he was stealing,the policemen caught him.

"Why do you always steal from your neighboures (邻居)?" asked a policeman.

"I hear there are a lot of thieves(小偷) nearby," said the young man," I'm afraid they will steal something in my house!"

1. The workers respected Mr James because _______ .

A. the boss liked him

B. he got a lot of money

C. he was abler than them

D. he was friendly to them

2. Mr James lost his work because _______ .

A. he stole something in the factory

B. he wouldn't work hard any longer

C. he was much poorer than before

D. the boss needed some abler workers

3. Nobody would lend anything to Mr James because _______ .

A. he couldn't pay his debts(债)

B. he had to find another piece of work

C. he could steal in the city

D. they were all bad to others

4. Mr James spent most money in the bag ________ .

A. playing B. living C. gambling D. drinking

5. Mr James often stole ________ .

A. in the city

B. in the gambling house

C. near the park

D. not far from his house

6. Mr James was afraid ________ .

A. his neighbours could tell the police about him

B. the other thieves could steal him

C. his neighbours could think he was a thief

D. his neighbours couldn't like him






1.据“Peter and John studied in the same class.”选B。

2.据“One day Peter's house was on fire,John rushed into the house and carried Peter out of the



4.据“Or I'll die”选A。



文章大意 Jack的母亲摘橘子的时候摔伤了腿,医生劝她必须住院治疗,但他们没有钱,母亲让




2.根据“The old woman worked for the whole day and was very tired.”可以推断出选D。



5.据“But Jack wouldn't spend the five dollars.”选D。


文章大意 短文讲的是James先生由受人尊敬的有能力的技工沦为赌徒的故事。除了赌,他还学


1.able意为“有能力的”,文中又提到“He…could do everything the boss needed…”,故选C。

2.据“But later he began to gamble and he forgot everything except it.”选B。

3.据“Nobody would lend him anything and he can't live any longer.”选A。


5.据“‘Why do you always steal from your neighbours?’asked a policeman.”选D。
