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Process renovation reduce propylene consumption

WangJianWen ChengChuanFeng

The daqing huake Co., LTD no.2 polypropylene plant

Abstract: the method of continuous production with polypropylene compared, in the intermittent liquid in the process of ontology method, there are many operation process need to vent, will be in vain propylene waste. Through the process after the transformation, can will these propylene do maximum limit to recovery, and to reduce propylene consumption.

Keywords: intermittent liquid ontology method, polypropylene, modification, consumption

The daqing huake Co., LTD in 1995 polypropylene device put into operation, the design production capacity of 10000 tons/year, 2003 years after expansion, the production capacity is 30000 tons/year. Change the process is in the device domestic quite mature intermittent liquid phase method of ontology technology, now has 12 M3 polymerization kettle 8 sets. In 2008, after modification process, strengthen the laboratory analysis, our factory propylene consumption reduced by 1.06 to the current 1.04, because our factory as early as in 2001, introduced the membrane recovery unit of dalian recycling propylene exhaust, and the technology has now are more mature, so there is not much elaboration.

Compared with continuous production method of polypropylene, intermittent liquid ontology in the process of law, there are many operation process need to vent, will be in vain propylene waste. Through the process after the transformation, can will these propylene do maximum limit to recovery, and to reduce propylene consumption.

1 in the process of feeding process renovation

Jehiel type liquid ontology method in production process needed to feed polypropylene cast four process, each process can with propylene emissions. Through the analysis found that, after activator line breaks the acrylic due to carry a small amount of activator, so the propylene unfavorable recovery, and after catalyst line propylene can recycle. The original our vent line layout see figure 1. The figure 1 shows, catalyst and feed line feed line as an activator eventually go hui to vent buffer tank. After the transformation of the vent line layout figure 2, catalyst feed line breaks line and activator line between the vent cut off, pick out a single line access tail gas recovery tank, and at the same time, to add hopper change small as an activator. Operation method: catalyst feed line need venting, first recovery tank to exhaust valve, pressure will discharge to can not discharge so far, then turn the exhaust gas recovery valve, open the vent valve the void and the vent for the next step after operation. It not only can recycle 75% of the vent when feeding of propylene, avoids the vent buffer can meet and catalyst activator after initiating polymerization plugging the happening of the tank, is every

Two. Only a year to about 108 tons of propylene recovery.

2 the refined system reform

The expansion and the raw material the limit, our factory every half year a group of six sets need regeneration (5.43 M3) refined tower, the regeneration on refined tower after oil back more than 1.1-1.5 MPa pressure (pressure by more than the influence of ambient temperature), original technology is this part propylene vent, after modification, increase put

An empty line to tail gas recovery tank line, the refund after oil using compressor will refine the tower pressure unloading after more than net into the next operation. This method can collect more each year propylene 3 tons.

3 compression system reform

The original compressor of the part of the high pressure is put to the scene the vent all, after modification, will exhaust compressor of the high pressure to exhaust vent tail gas recovery tank, (compressor operation requirements before key export to vent, to protect equipment compressor no initial load boot), full recovery exhaust, this method can collect more each year 38 tons of propylene.

4 economic benefits

After improvement our consumption from 1.045 dropped to 1.04 now, more than a year recycling propylene 149 tons, according to market price 9000 yuan every tons of calculation, every year we can create more economic benefit RMB 1.341 million.

5 last word

Intermittent liquid ontology method polypropylene device be washed out gradually today, facing the and continuous production of polypropylene consumption, energy consumption, between the quality of products of the big gap between the, how to narrow the gap, and accomplish little input and tapping more efficiency, in front of everyone is a difficult problem. The above process measures is put into is not high, but in consumption reduction on the achievements of a pleasurable, also hope to intermittent liquid ontology method process can have a better tomorrow!