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摘 要:民族舞蹈与传统体育有着密切的联系,水鼓舞是苗族宗教祭祀、农耕文明的文化积淀,具有鲜明的教育价值、文化价值、交往价值与符号价值。社会文明的发展导致水鼓舞价值功能、文化品位和参与群体也发生了相应的变化。作为村落性的体育活动,水鼓舞对少数民族村落体育发展有重要启示:少数民族村落体育应该尽量在不改变活动时间、服装道具、仪式过程及参与人员本土化的基础上保持民族文化的原生态与多样性,打造品牌、形成特色,发挥行政职能部门与重要传人的影响力,并在保持民族文化原生态的基础上进行适当的旅游与无形资产开发,以促进生产力发展。

关 键 词:民族传统体育;水鼓舞;少数民族村落体育;文化变迁;黔东南

中图分类号:G852 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2012)05-0130-05

An investigation of water drum dance performed by people of the

Miao nationality at Jianhe in southeast Guizhou

QU Zhi-bin1,YU Hai-hao2

(1.School of Physical Education,Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities,Duyun 558000,China;

2.Department of Physical Education,Guiyang College of Chinese Traditional Medicine,Guiyang 550002,China)

Abstract: National dances are closely related to traditional sports. Water drum dance is a cultural legacy inherited from religious sacrificial and farming civilization of people of the Miao nationality, provided with distinct educational value, cultural value, communicative value and symbolic value. The development of social civilization has resulted in the corresponding changing of the valuable functions, cultural qualities and participating groups of water drum dance. As a village sport, water drum dance has important inspirations to the development of minority national village sports: for the development of minority national village sports, the primitive conditions and diversity of national cultures should be maintained on the basis of trying not to change activity times, costumes and props, ritual processes and participant localization, while brand building, feature formation, the exertion of the influence of administrative functional departments and important inheritors, and the appropriate development of tourism and intangible assets on the basis of maintaining the primitive conditions of national cultures, should be carried out, so as to boost the development of productivity.

Key words: traditional national sports;water drum dance;minority national village sports;cultural transition;southeast Guizhou

