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墨西哥城 第7期

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City of Palaces


With more than 20 million inhabitants, Mexico City, capital of the Republic of Mexico, is the third largest city in the world. Like all large metropolis's, Mexico City is an amalgamation of several cities and towns that have grown into each other over decades of urban sprawl, giving Mexico's capital city a rich variety of districts, each with its own character. Each civilisation and historical era that has visited the city has left its mark. The rich history of the region has been remarkably well preserved, from the mysterious ruins of the lost Aztec empire to the elegant European buildings of the colonial period to the avant-garde structures of modern Mexico. Mexico is a country with a rich, diverse and dynamic culture which converges in the nation's heart, Mexico City; City of Palaces.


1. Teotihuac án- Of all the Aztec sites in Mexico, the ruins of Teotihuacán is the most popular. It is located 40km north of the capital. In the 5th century this was Mexico's political centre and was home to 200,000 inhabitants. The city consisted of pyramids, temples and palaces, the ruins of which can be visited today. The Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun are its most famous landmarks.

2. Centro Historico - The Centro Historico is the centre of the city, which the Aztecs originally set out like a celestial map, aligned according to the four cardinal points, and which later developed into Mexico City. The historical centre of the city is a showcase of exceptional colonial and modern architecture based on interplay of pink sandstone and red tezontle rock. The focal point of this area, and of the country's traditional festivals, social struggles and national celebrations, is the Zocalo. The offices of the President and other important buildings are situated here. Despite the political character of Centro Historico, its age-old penchant for commerce lends it a pulsating rhythm and bustle best enjoyed on foot or by bicycle-taxi.

3. Alameda Central - Alameda Central is a leafy park in centre of Mexico City. It is a welcome retreat from the crowds and noise of the city's streets but, more importantly, it is here that the visitor will find the Palacio des Belles Artes, which houses some of the best examples of Mexican art, most notably the world famous murals of such artists as Rufino Tamayo and Diego Rivera.

4. Xochimilco - Xochimilco, which means 'Place where Flowers Grow' in Náhuatl, lies 20km south of the city centre. Its canals are popular with city residents for fun and relaxation. Merrymakers cruise the canals in colourful trajineras. Weekends are busiest and a fiesta atmosphere descends on the area. For a more chilled out experience, go on a weekday.

5. Coyoacán - Although the capital city ①swallowed up this small town more than fifty years ago, it still retains its original flavour in the form of narrow cobblestone streets, plazas and cafes. This was once home to Leon Trotsky, whose house has been converted into a museum. On weekends, street musicians and craft markets draw large crowds.


Mexico City is a megalopolis that never stops. It provides the visitor with a seemingly endless list of activities and festivals that capture the vibrancy of the Mexican spirit. If you are lucky enough to visit in September you will have the pleasure of witnessing the boisterous Independence Day celebrations. Independence Day falls on the 16th; head to the Zocalo on the eve of this important date to enjoy the party. In March, a cultural festival takes place in the Centro Historico. For the whole month there are classical music performances, dance spectacles and other cultural events.

Wining and Dining

Mexican cuisine is famous worldwide and fuses Spanish and French flavours to the spicy tastes of the native fare. When the Aztecs ruled Mexico imperial feasts were said to consist of over 300 dishes. The restaurants of modern Mexico City, be they five star or street stalls continue to provide stomachs with a dazzling variety of food from the forty-odd culinary regions of the country. Traditional Mexican cuisine makes ample use of corn, chili, squash, cactus leaves, tomato and avocado, fragrant vanilla and delicious chocolate and demands a delicate touch and infinite patience, not to mention time-tested recipes passed down from generation to generation. The pre-Hispanic dishes are by far the most interesting and surprising, consisting of dishes with delicately flavored flowers and insects, and slices of turkey or rabbit wrapped in aromatic leaves, to name but a few examples.

In Mexico, eating is something which is heavily influenced by tradition. The type of meal that will be served will often depend on the occasion and the social origin of the guests. In Mexico City, people will eat certain foods at certain times of the day.

The almuerzo is a meal which follows breakfast (in particular if this was only a light meal), and is the perfect occasion to try tamales and atole, or a cooked dish accompanied with tortillas or chilaquiles.

Lunch, served between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon, is generally heavier than in other countries, and incorporates spices and condiments. The first dish is usually of soup or rice, followed by a main cooked dish and then, if desired, a sweet or dessert. All washed down with freshly-prepared natural fruit drinks.

The merienda, in the early evening, is a family affair in which sweet flavors dominate: Spanish-style hot chocolate or champurrado, quaintly-named pastries and hot snacks: enchiladas, pambazos, tamales, quesadillas, sopes or tacos.


Mexico City has a major advantage for shoppers; it is a centre for almost every product that is made in Mexico. Authentic souvenirs, superb crafts and high quality jewelry, there's barely a thing made even in the remotest region of Mexico which can't be bought in a market or mall in the country's commercial hub. The usual international designer brands and chain stores can be easily found in Mexico City, but for something uniquely Mexican, seek out the traditional crafts and products of the country.

Markets - Every town in Mexico has at least one market, whether it's a permanent covered fixture or a weekly affair taking over the zocalo. Mexico City, however, has at least one in every district. The most famous is El Bazaar Sabador in San Angel. Each Saturday, the courtyard of the atmospheric 17th century house on Plaza San Jacinto, is transformed into a thriving marketplace of quality craft items including jewelry, clothes, wooden masks, beads, bark paintings, embroidery, candles, wall hangings and sculptures. In order to become a member, an artist or craftsman's work must display an adherence to the colour and tradition of Mexican culture.

Emilia Castillo Silversmith - Mexican silver is some of the best in the world, and visitors to the country can pick up ornate trinkets of finest quality metal for a fraction of what they would cost elsewhere. The Mexico City shop of Emilia Castillo, one of Mexico's most respected silversmiths, is adjoined to the Hotel Camino Real in the plush Polanco area of the city. Emilia draws inspiration for her pieces from everything around her, especially the animal and insect kingdoms, and finds silver the most versatile medium of artistic expression. More than just jewelry, she tried to imbue the items she designs with functionality: she has a range of kitchenware, utensils, racks and ceramics onto which have been fused delicate designs in molten silver.

Getting Around

Mexico City has an inexpensive and extensive metro system. The bus network is also a useful way to get around. There are two classes of bus with the best ones having air-con. These types don't actually cost that much more than the crowded non-air conditioned ones. Taxis are also reasonably priced but passengers need to ②be wary of unlicensed drivers. Order taxis from cab companies only and ask for the number of the cab from the operator so that you can be sure you are getting in the right one.



1. 特奥蒂瓦坎――在墨西哥所有的阿兹台克帝国遗址中,“特奥蒂瓦坎”遗迹最具人气。它位于首都以北40公里处。在5世纪的时候,这里是墨西哥的政治中心,拥有20万居民。该市由金字塔、寺庙和宫殿组成,如今可以参观到它们的遗迹。而月亮金字塔和太阳金字塔则是其最著名的标志性建筑。

2. 历史中心――“历史中心”是市中心,阿兹台克人最初是按照四个方位基点对其进行排列的,设计得好似一幅天体图,后来这里发展成了墨西哥城。该城的“历史中心”就是独特的殖民建筑和现代建筑的展台,而这些建筑都以相互映衬的粉色沙岩和红色火山灰岩石为基调。宪法广场是这个地区的中心地带,也是举行国家传统节庆、社会斗争和国家庆典的中心地带。总统府和其它重要场所均坐落于此。尽管“历史中心”带有政治色彩,但它由来已久的重商倾向使其拥有了一种跳动的节奏和熙攘的氛围,而享受于此的最佳方法就是步行或乘坐人力出租车。

3. 阿拉梅达公园――阿拉梅达公园是位于墨西哥城中心的一个郁郁蓊蓊的公园。这里是一个远离城市街道的人群和喧嚣的好去处,但更重要的是,游客可以在这里参观艺术宫,那里收藏着一些最能展现墨西哥艺术的作品,而其中最引人注目的就是鲁菲诺・塔玛约和迭戈・里维拉等艺术家创作的举世闻名的壁画。

4. 霍奇米尔科――“霍奇米尔科”,在那瓦特语中意为“鲜花生长的地方”,位于市中心以南20公里处。那里的运河是受到市民欢迎的娱乐休闲之所。嬉戏者们坐着多彩的“狭长小船”巡游于运河之上。周末的时候最为热闹,节日的氛围会在这一地区降临。为了更好地享受休闲时光,还是挑个工作日去吧。

5. 科约肯镇――尽管50多年前,这个小镇就被这座首府城市纳入其中,但它还是通过狭长的鹅卵石街道、广场和咖啡馆而将其原有风韵保留了下来。这里曾经是里昂・托洛茨基的故居,现已被改建成了博物馆。周末的时候,街头音乐家和手工艺品市场会引来大量人群。















metropolis /mi`tr4p9lis/ n.主要都市;大城市

amalgamation /9,m2lG9`meiH9n/ n.融合;合并

sprawl /spr5l/ vi.不规则的伸展

avant-garde /9,v:M`G3d/ adj.先锋派的(艺术)

converge /k9n`v8_/ v.集中;会聚

celestial /si`lestj9l/ adj.天上的;天体的

align /9`lain/ vi.排列

cardinal points 方位基点

interplay /`int9 (:)`plei/ n.相互作用;相互影响

penchant /`pentH9nt/ n.倾向

pulsate /p7l`seit/ vi.有规律地跳动

bustle /`b7sl/ n.喧闹

house /haus/ vt.收藏

mural /`mju9r9l/ n.壁画

fiesta /`f1est3/ n.节日(特指在西班牙和拉丁美洲以游行和舞蹈来庆祝的节日)

megalopolis /,meG9`l4p9lis/ n.巨大都市

boisterous /`b4ist9r9s/ adj.喧闹的;狂欢的

fuse /f(z/ vt.熔合

ample /`2mpl/ adj.充分的

cactus /`k2kt9s/ n.仙人掌

avocado /2v9`k3d9u/ n.鳄梨

authentic /5`Fentik/ adj.真的;真正的

souvenir /`s6v9ni9/ n.纪念品

hub /h7b/ n.(重要性、活动等的)中心

atmospheric /,2tm9s`ferik/ adj.大气的

bark /b3k/ n.树皮

embroidery /im`br4id9ri/ n.刺绣品

adherence /9d`hi9r9ns/ n.忠诚;坚持

silversmith /`silv9smiF/ n.银匠

trinket /`triMkit/ n.精美的小装饰物

plush /pl7H/ adj.豪华的

imbue /im`b(/ v.浸透

utensil /ju(:)`tensl/ n.烹饪用具

① swallow up淹没

② be wary of 提防