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Fundamental Role of Marketing in the Banking Sector

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Marketing is the process of introducing and promoting the product or service to the market and encourages sales from the buying public. The study examines the fundamental role of marketing in the Nigerian banking Industry. Nigerian banking sector has been characterized by an unethical marketing practices which have resulted to poor handling of customers of certain banks. The aim of the study is to ascertain the extent of marketing practices in Nigerian banks and the role marketing plays in bank’s performance. The study was designed around a survey research. Data collected were analyzed in tables and tested the research hypotheses with the analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical techniques. Findings revealed a direct positive relationship between marketing and bank performance. It then concludes that Nigerian banks engage in marketing to a considerable extent and marketing plays a significant role in the banking sector. Hence, recommend that bank’s should increase their marketing efforts to enable them perform optimally and out perform competition.

Key words: Marketing role; Banking services; Performance

INTRODUCTION Good marketing has become increasingly vital ingredient for business success. And marketing profoundly affects our day-to-day lives. It is embedded in everything we do(Kotler & Keller, 2006, p.3-4) Marketing practices are continually being refined and reformed in virtually all industries to increase the chances of success. Marketing is very important in an organization, that one could equate it with finance. While finance may be considered as the life wire of business, especially start up capital, marketing is the only thing needed so that the capital invested could be recouped and for the business to continue to exist.

In the first instance, there is no business that exists except there is market for such business. While market may be viewed as a point where exchanges takes place, marketing is considered as a set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating mutually satisfying exchange relationship between the marketer and the market (Linus & Vivienne, 1997, p.2). This definition justifies the dependence of business on marketing.

Marketing being the bedrock for business survival is commonly believed to have progressed through five distinct phases of evolution since the beginning of the time. According to White (2010), the simple trade era, the production era, the sales era, the marketing department era, and marketing company era. The modern marketing have been argued to have evolved in the mid 1800s in advance countries like the United State of America and the early 1900s in developing countries such as Nigeria. Linus and Vivienne (1997, p.2) argued that a form of exchange relationship within the society had, however, been in relationship before the advent of modern marketing. This exchange relationship started when individuals were able to produce given items more than they could consume.

The importance of marketing is viewed to the extent that financial success is said to depend on marketing ability. Finance, operation, accounting and other business functions will not really matter if there is not sufficient demand for products and service so the company can make a profit. According to Kofo and Suraju (2006, p.14), marketing provides the necessary cash and credit to produce, transport, and store, promote, sell, and buy products. The foregoing are however achieve through revenue generated from sales.

The traditional business focus is to produce and sell to the market (customer), whereas, a firm can never be sure that customers will want to buy its product. Therefore, the modern marketing idea emphasizes the identification and understanding the needs and wants of customer in the market, and adapting the operation of the organization to deliver the right goods and services more effectively and efficiently than its competitors for their satisfaction and mutual benefit. According to Paul (1995), satisfying the customer is what marketing is basically all about. Marketing fuels competition and better deals for consumers, it encourages innovation in an attempt to satisfy customers better. The basic premise of the marketing concept is that its adoption will improve business performance. Marketing is an acid test of the effect that its use has on key corporate indices such as profitability and market share.

In line with this, banks today are operating in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment. In the changing economic scenario, a professional approach to business development is essential and the survival of a banking institution depends on its ability to take up challenges coming up in the environment. Developing business through marketing of bank’s services is one of the crucial areas which need attention of the bankers to ensure profitable survival.

Bank marketing like any other marketing philosophy, in any context, refer to the need satisfaction of the institution clients. The basic step involves identifying the needs of the customers and developing products to suit their needs or modifying the existing products accordingly. It also requires the need for foreseeing wants of the customers in future and developing suitable products of their requirements.

Weyer, in Moham (2009) attempted a comprehensive defination for bank marketing. According to him, it consists of identifying the most profitable markets now and in future, assessing the present and future needs of customers; setting business development goals and marketing plans to meet them and managing the various services and promoting them to achieve the plans, all in the context of a changing market environment. Further, successful marketing in a bank call for commitment at all levels to the task defined in this regard. Hence, achieving higher business standards and operational performance through marketing of banking services should be one of the directional goals of the organization.

Thus, from the foregoing, the study is designed to examine the fundamental role of marketing in the Nigeria Banking industry in particular and business in general.

1. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Research shows that unethical marketing behavior impacts consumer’s behavior in the market place. Nigerian banks are mostly found of this behavior which resulted to poor handling of customer complaints. Lack of courtesy, failed promises, the pain and stress which customers of certain banks are made to go through in a single transaction can be highly frustrating and devastating.

The long queues and huge crowds in the banking halls can also be discouraging most time, especially when the weekend is near. Most times, these long queues are as a result of the cashier pushing duty to one another, as to who is to attend to the customer or not.

The issue of money transfer in banks is one major problem that customers of certain banks have been made to experience. In most cases, the customer hardly receives the payment of the money transferred in his account immediately. Thus, marketing practice in Nigeria banks is poor especially in areas of customer motivation and market share.

Academiers have wrote severally and extensively in the banks journal and periodic for adoption and where not adhered to. Customer themselves have protested through physical complaints and suggestion/complaint box provided by the banks themselves. An International Organization known as KPMG have also carryout survey on key aspect of banking service with the view to make recommendations for way forward to the bank considered not doing well. All these have proof abortive hence the need to carry out this research to address the problems.

2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The major objective of the study is to examine how selected banks have used marketing as a tool of competition in the changing business environment in Nigeria. Other specific objectives are as follows:

To examine the extent of marketing practices in Nigerian banking sector.

To determine the role of marketing in Nigerian banking sector.


Most researchers determine a bank marketing as an integrated system of organisation development and marketing of banking products, aimed at meeting the needs for individual consumers and profit based research and market forecasting.

Deryk Weyer of Barclay’s Bank attempted a comprehensive definition for Bank marketing as quoted by Mohan (2009), it consists of identifying the most profitable markets now and in future; assessing the present and future needs of customers; setting business development goals and marketing plans to meet them and managing the various services and promoting them to achieve the plans, all in the context of a changing market environment.

According to Shamsher (2009), Bank marketing does not only include service selling of the bank but also is the function which gets personality and image for bank on its customers’ mind. Further, bank marketing is based on a thorough knowledge of objective information about the market; the real consumer needs initiative and enterprise, finding the most profitable markets for banking products and effectively adapting to the market.

Marketing plays an informative role in the banking sector, it can be used to reach out to more and more customers and explain to them the benefits of depositing their money with the bank this will thereby, generating more deposits for the bank. Proven marketing strategies help banks grow and maintain profitability despite increased competition. Frank (2012), financial institutions such as investment companies are directly competing with commercial banks. Banks need effective marketing strategies to retain their existing customers and attract new customers. According author, the environment for banks is more challenging, employing effective bank marketing strategies will enable a bank to grow and maintain profits.

According to Anubhuti (2011), marketing is a very useful tool for banking sector for attracting customers for various banking products, stating that old days are gone for banking where in the customer had to walk into his bank and ask for services. Due to increase in competition, it has become imperative for banks to use marketing tool to increase there marketing share by providing awareness of their products to their prospective customers.

Now banks have to provide knowledge of their products to their customers and create requirement of their products among the prospective customer and for that marketing has become a most important tool which connects the customers and products offered by the bank. For the bank to derive maximum returns and enhance market position, the marketing mix has to be effectively managed. The marketing mix include product, price, promotion and place. All these can be integrated into the configuration of banking services.

Thus, successful marketing in a bank calls for commitment at all levels to the task defined in this regard. Achieving higher business standards and operational performance through marketing of banking services should be one of the directional goals of the organization.

Above table shows the response rate of respondents. A total of 64 respondents representing 16.2% of the sample size assert that marketing practices in Nigerian banks is at a low extent, 201 respondents representing 51% says marketing practices in Nigeria Bank is moderate, 49 respondents representing 12.4% believe its at large extent while 47 respondents representing 12% states that Nigerian Banks practice marketing at a key extent. 34 respondents representing 9% are yet to decide the extent of marketing practices in Nigerian Banks.

In responding to the types of marketing practices carried out by Nigerian Banks. 60 respondents representing 15.2% of total sample size went for speed of service option, 202 respondents representing 51.1% states that Nigerian Bank’s marketing practices is customers complaints handling, 72 respondents representing 18.2% believes Nigerian Banks involves in ethical marketing practice while 47 respondents representing 12% argues that marketing practices in Nigerian Banks is mostly on courtesy. 14 respondents representing 4% of the total respondents are uncertain of the type of marketing practices carried out by Nigerian Banks.

Result above revealed that 167 respondents representing 42.2% of the total sample size rated the role of marketing in banking sector as less significant, 119 respondents representing 55.2% examine the role of marketing in banking sector as highly significant while 9 respondents assert that marketing has no significant role in the banking sector. Apparently, responding to whether marketing is a competitive tool for Nigerian Banks, 326 of the respondents representing 82.5% of the sample size believes it is, 54 respondents representing 13.7% are of the opposite side and 15 respondents representing 3.8% of the total respondents don’t know whether it is or not. The implication of the result above is that Nigerian Banks practice marketing at moderate level, handling of customer complaints is the major marketing practices of Nigerian Banks. Consequently, the role of marketing in banking sector is highly significant and Banks engage in marketing as a way to out perform competition and achieve optimal performance.


From the results, we deduced that marketing is moderately been practiced by Nigerian Banks giving the views of the respondents. Meanwhile, handling of customers complains is the most marketing practices of the banks in Nigeria. The implication here is that Nigerian banks practice marketing, they listen to customer complaints and solve them as well, and this forms their most marketing technique. The study also revealed that the role of marketing in banks is highly significant. This is inline with literatures reviewed on this study. Also, Nigerian banks uses marketing as a tool to out perform competition. The implication is that marketing contributes greatly to banks survival and can also be used to overcome competition in today’s changing business environment. The ANOVA analysis show that F calculated is greater than F tabulated. This indicates that marketing practices in Nigerian banking sector is highly significant. Apparently, as revealed by the test F calculated is greater than F tabulated. This also indicates that marketing plays a significant role in the banking sector. The implication of these is that marketing generally is vital to the survival of banks in Nigeria.


The study has attempted to examine the extent of marketing practices in Nigerian banks and the role of marketing in the banking sector. The study established a direct and positive relationship between marketing practices and the role of marketing to bank survival in a competitive business environment of today. Findings revealed that marketing practices in Nigeria banks is significant while handling of customers complaints is one major marketing practice strategies of the banks. Also, the role of marketing in banking sector is significant and it is used as a competitive tool in the industry. Having reviewed previous studies in addition to the findings of this study, it then concludes that marketing is pivotal to the performance of banks in Nigeria. Management of Nigerian banks is therefore encouraged to increase their marketing effort as one of the major source of revenue for the bank.


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