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2010年,年仅17岁的印度男孩苏拉·沙玛(Suraj Sharma)被李安导演选中担任电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》的主角。历经两年的拍摄时间,该片终于于2012年上映,引起全球影迷的热捧。而影片的主角苏拉·沙玛也因此一炮走红,从一个无名小卒变成一位炙手可热的影视新星。有人羡慕他,觉得他第一次演戏就有幸担纲如此重要的角色;也有人质疑他,认为从未拍过戏的他未必经得起挑战。羡慕也好,质疑也罢,苏拉·沙玛最终用实际行动向世人证明了自己。

It would be an exaggeration, says Suraj Sharma with a laugh, to describe what he did in the adaptation of Life of Pi1) as "acting", despite the admiration he is swiftly accumulating for his role as Piscine Patel, the boy stranded2) on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger for 227 days.

In fact, Suraj is wonderful in the film. It's partly the luxury of seeing an unknown teenage actor in such a big role that makes him so believable as Pi, but mainly because he is so good.

It was his younger brother who convinced Suraj to go along to the casting call. At first he says he didn't want the role, "But by the time I reached the fourth round of auditions3), I really, really wanted it. I hadn't really done anything in my life, and I thought, 'Maybe I can finally do something and accomplish something.'"

By then, Suraj knew what the film was, knew Ang Lee was directing. At the final audition he met Lee. "And I was so nervous I forgot my lines. I thought, 'OK, now I've lost it.' [Lee] gave me another chance. He talked to me, directed me. In less than five minutes—I don't even know how—it's just the way he looks at you and how he talks, it becomes very real. The second time, I read my piece and I started crying."

The Life of Pi, which was published in 2001, was widely considered to be unfilmable—Piscine Patel's months at sea, with only a tiger named Richard Parker for company. Its success would rest on its young lead. It must have been daunting4). For much of the film, Suraj had to act alone against a blue screen—the tiger, and endless ocean, were put in digitally in post-production. He got to see the tigers that were used as models for Richard Parker being trained, "and I would use them as reference, but I never got to be on the boat with a tiger". Was it difficult to conjure up5) such convincing panic, when he had to act opposite what looked like a large blue pillow? "It was, but Ang makes things real. It's not really about what you're acting opposite, or what you're seeing; it's really about what you're feeling. That's what he makes very clear."

Lee coached Suraj in acting; Charlie Croughwell6) and his son Cam taught him how to swim. "One day, we went out kayaking7). Cam was sitting in front and at one point he turned round and said, 'Jump off.' I said, 'No way.' Cam flips the boat over so now I'm underwater upside down with my legs inside the kayak. I swim out and I try to get above the water and I'm freaking out. I looked down and there was nothing I could see and I started flailing8). I heard Charlie say, 'Just relax.' At one point I came up for a second, took a huge breath, went back down and then I gave up. And when I gave up, I came to the surface." He smiles. "That's how I learned how to swim."

In the following weeks, Lee had filled Suraj's iPod with what he calls "spooky9) God music" to help him connect with the polytheist10) Pi's spirituality. Hours of yoga and meditation helped with this too, though it also taught Suraj how to hold his breath for the long shots he would be doing underwater. Around four hours a day were spent swimming, and he had to lose 20% of his body weight to portray the malnourished11) castaway12).

To help him feel Pi's isolation, Lee had asked him to try not to speak to anybody. How long did that last? Days? Weeks? "About two months," he says with a laugh. "I felt like I was going insane. I was so far away from everybody I knew. I was doing things I had never done before. I got scared of myself at one point. Everything is so surreal and dreamlike."

With the film's release, Suraj's fame growing, he is wary13) of how life could change. Do the other people at college already treat him differently? He nods. "They've started to. Too much attention, stuff like that, is not good." He gives a small smile, a teenage boy who has gone on his own transformational voyage. "Things have changed, I guess."










1. Life of Pi: 《少年派的奇幻漂流》,是加拿大作家扬·马特尔(Yann Martel,1963~)的第三部小说,荣获布克奖(Booker Prize)。小说讲述了少年皮辛·帕特尔(Piscine Patel)在海上漂流的奇幻经历

2. strand [str?nd] vt. 使滞留

3. audition [???d??n] n. (拟进行表演者的)面试(指试演、试唱、试奏等)

4. daunting [d??nt??] adj. 令人畏缩的

5. conjure up: 设想,想出

6. Charlie Croughwell: 查利·克鲁维尔(1959~),专业的特技替身演员、特技协调员、导演,首部参演的影片为《回到未来》(Back to the Future),曾担任《蝙蝠侠归来》(Batman Returns)和《黑衣人2》(Men in Black 2)等多部影片的特技协调员。

7. kayak [?ka??k] vi. 划单人划子;坐单人划子式小艇航行。n. 单人划子;小艇

8. flail [fle?l] vi. (胡乱地)摆动

9. spooky [?spu?ki] adj. 鬼一般的;阴森森的

10. polytheist [?p?l?θi:?st] n. 多神信仰(或崇拜)者

11. malnourished

[?m?l?n?r??t] adj. 营养不良的

12. castaway [?kɑ?st?we?] n. 乘船失事的人

13. wary [?we?ri] adj. 警惕的,小心的