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Host: An e-mail came out offering a $50 gift card to the Gap注1 for just $25. The response was immediate. Half a million people clicked “buy.” That e-mail was

legitimate[合法的], but it didn’t come from the Gap. It came from a company called Groupon. It’s one of several

companies offering consumers some amazing deals and changing the way businesses market themselves.

The Gap deal was Groupon’s first big national promotion. And the response overwhelmed[彻底击败]

the company’s servers. Rob Solomon is Groupon’s


Solomon: We thought it would do well. We had no idea it would do as well as it did. And now we’re getting calls from every national retailer[零售商] out there about how they can get in on the fun with Groupon…

Up until now, Groupon has built its business with a

local focus. It partners up with small businesses in the dozens of cities it serves, then offers hard-to-resist savings to the people on its massive e-mail lists. Solomon says the customers buy directly from Groupon.

Solomon: Traditionally, the cupcake bakery[面包店] or the Pilates注2 studio or the Brazilian steakhouse[牛排店] wasn’t able to sell on the Internet, and they maybe promoted themselves a little bit on the Internet, but nothing really moved the needle[找到方向] until this thing came along.

Groupon may be the leader in discount[折扣] group buying on the Internet, but it does have competitors.

LivingSocial recently sent an e-mail to its customers in Washington, D.C. offering $50 worth of fancy cupcakes for $25.

More than 2,000 people responded―double what the managers at the Red Velvet[天鹅绒] Cupcakery had been expecting. Tracy Wilson says it’s been a wild ride for the pastry[糕点] chefs.

Wilson: They were literally working around the


Tim O’Shaughnessy is the CEO of LivingSocial. He says online marketing firms like his take a cut on each transaction[交易]. The business model is based on two

fundamentals: People can’t resist a bargain, and small businesses are always looking for more customers.

O’Shaughnessy: It is probably a more powerful marketing method than just about anything out there. And, you know, if you work with us, the next day you will start seeing new customers.

For some businesses, there can be a downside[不利方面].

Some complain the response was overwhelming and they lost existing customers who would have paid full price. LivingSocial and Groupon say they’re working with

merchants, but having too many customers is generally a good problem to have.
















注2:由德国人约瑟夫・普拉提(Joseph Pilates)于1926年创立并推广的一种运动健身体系,融入了瑜伽、太极拳、芭蕾的部分理念,可以是集体健身课程或是为纠正某种特殊损伤或其他身体问题而设的私人训练课程。