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2012湖南卷书面表达的体裁为记叙文。笔者认为本文应该以第一人称, 描述事实时用过去时态,谈感想时用现在时态。文章分为三段。记叙文通常是第一段交代事情发生的时间、地点、原因和结果(丢失物品的时间和地点);第二段叙述事情发展的经过(描述物品失而复得的经过);第三段总结事情产生的影响及人们的评价或看法(谈感想,总结全文,升华主题)。



主要内容包括: 1)丢失的物品; 2)物品失而复得的经过; 3)你的感想。


1. 词数不少于120个;

2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。


One day I was invited to give a speech on English learning in the city library. Feeling both nervous and excited, I stuffed the notes in my bag and rushed there by bus. While on the bus I discovered that my notes and wallet were missing. Although I was worried, there’s little time left for me to look for them, otherwise I’ll be late for the speech.

Out of expectation, a cleaner contacted me and sent them to me in time. On seeing the documents at the bus station, she picked them up and found my phone number inside. She thought I must be worried about it. So she called me, hurried to take a taxi there as soon as possible.

Thanks to the cleaner’s kindness, my speech was so successful that everyone cheered for me. I was very grateful to the cleaner. From the experience, I have learned that honesty is the best policy, and the willingness to help is necessary. Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and promising.



1. 高级词汇grateful / harmonious / promising,短语pick up / thanks to/ worry about,谚语honesty is the best policy(诚为上策)的准确使用;

2. 介词短语做状语On seeing... 、状语从句While on the bus... 、倒装结构(Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and hopeful.)等复杂句式的娴熟运用;

3. 文中使用了一些连接词(so)/(from... )、过渡性词汇,给文章锦上添花。



1. 加强阅读,丰富英语知识


2. 熟悉题型,掌握方法


3. 加强练习,提高能力
