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Rollerskating: Fun on Wheels

Every weekday morning, engineer John Buchan, 23, dresses neatly in a suit and tie and rollerskates seven miles across San Francisco to his office. He is not alone. The city or any Western city alike boasts a rollerskating messenger service, skating grocery[杂货店] shoppers and skating mothers pushing baby carriages. Boys and girls skate to a date. On the boardwalk[木板散步道], hundreds of thousands of skaters may appear on a Sunday, navigating[通过] perilously[危险地] among pedestrians[行人], while rolling guitarists serenade[唱小夜曲] sunbathers. An owner of a local diner[小餐馆] actually finds skating a practical means of transportation. “l tie my shoes to my belt loops[圈] and take off on my skates,he says. “They’re better than a bike or a motorbike because you don’t have to worry about locking them up when you get to your destination.”

The impetus[动力] behind this long-lasting craze is an improved variety of skate. Today, new skate wheels offer the wearer extraordinary[非凡的] maneuverability[可操作性]. Unlike the noisy, steel clamp-ons that kids used to wear, they are smooth and light, gliding[滑行] over cracked[破裂的] pavement[人行道] with silent grace and dispelling[驱散] the fear of falling.

At lunch hour, rolling regulars would glide along Manhattan’s Central Park’s winding paths, lapping the joggers[慢跑者]. Some of the joggers are in fact beginning to roll. After all, skating uses many of the same muscles as running and burns a large number of calories[卡路里].

Besides providing transportation and pleasant outings, outdoor rollerskating is rapidly becoming a recognized sport enjoyed worldwide. Even the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou are expected to include rollerskating in its competition schedule.

Rollerskating continues to be easy to learn, and is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It has been said that the sport helps the young to grow up, and older persons to regain their youth. It continues to be mildly strenuous[使劲的], develops grace, balance, poise[姿态] and teamwork, and is physically enduring[持久的]. All factors that make it appealing for recreation and competition alike.






Rollerskating in a Coach's Eyes


Rollerskating can be enjoyed by everyone in the family, from toddlers[学步的孩子] to grandparents.

It is a feel-good sport. When you're skating, you get happy. There's no stress of trying to hit the ball perfectly, etc.

One of the first things is to remember that roller skating is the opposite of walking. Think of skating as pushing back to proceed forward, and you're likely to have a lot more success.

Once beginners get the feel of the roll, they'll love it.



