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Town Hall Meeting with Baidu Employees 节选赏析

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Let me just say that in order to really transform society and to have that free flow of information we’ve got to have people that, we’ve got to create that climate for innovation(创新), which is going back to the patent(专利权) that Robin got for his new search engine.

We’ve got to make sure that if you create new products and if you have ideas, if you spend a lot of time and money and energy creating a new product, a new idea, that nobody steals it, that nobody takes it away from you. Because if you spend a lot of money, let’s say, on developing a new drug to fight a disease, and it costs your company hundreds of millions of dollars. If someone takes that drug and just steals it, and then can sell it at the same price or at a cheaper price than you are charging, then how do you ever pay back your investment? All the money that you spent creating that drug? And if someone can take that intellectual property(知识产权), your idea, why would you ever want to spend the next five or six or ten years developing a new idea or a new drug or a new product if someone else can take it away from you?

That’s why protection of intellectual property rights is so important to us in the United States, and we believe that it is so important to an innovative society. That if you want to continue to innovate, those that take the risk, who spend the money, or spend a long time developing a product or service, must be compensated(补偿) and must have that idea protected. Otherwise, people will not take those risks and you’re not going to have new products and new innovation.

We very much believe in the United States that China, if it wants to have more companies like baidu, if it wants to start inventing better products and higher products and higher value products, that there must be stronger protection for intellectual property rights. Otherwise that innovation will not occur in China and the Chinese people will do that innovation, let’s say, in Korea, Japan, the United States, Singapore or someplace else. If we want good paying jobs here in China, there has to be strong protection of intellectual property rights, whether for innovators like you or musicians or artists, writers, or people who invent new products, new automobiles, new forms of energy.


1. What is the text mainly about?

A. The patent for Baidu’s new search engine.

B. The importance of protection for intellectual property rights.

C. Investment on new products or ideas.

D. Stealing of others’ new products or service.