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Pitching Iron 马蹄铁带来的“铁”友

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My dad's the best horseshoe2) pitcher in Webly County, and I aim to be the same. Every chance I get, I'm pitching iron. I just love to feel that cold metal slide through my fingers and hear it clang3) when it hits the stake4) and twirls around it. Of course, there are times when the old horseshoe thuds5) in the mud, but Dad has taught me a lot of his skills, and mostly I throw ringers6).

When I started pitching iron, my ambition was to have my name engraved on the Webly County Horseshoe Pitching Association Trophy Cup, just like my dad's name had been for the last twelve years. Every spring, the association holds a tournament7) at the fairground8). Pitchers come from all over and pitch until they're eliminated9).

Usually about the time the barbecued10) pig is ready to eat with the coleslaw11) and potato salad and homemade ice cream, the last game―the one to decide the grand champion―gets under way. Man, it's tense! The pitchers bend and peer at the stake, frown and mutter and spit, while the crowd cheers its favorites. My dad always wins, but old Mr. Bloogey, his closest rival, makes him sweat12).

So how could I get my name on the cup unless I beat Dad, which I couldn't do―and wouldn't want to do.

My opportunity came last year, in 1958. I was fourteen. Dad got thrown from a frightened mule and broke his right wrist the first week in May.

"I reckon our name won't be on the cup this year," he said. "I'm sure sorry about that. Old Bill Bloogey's gonna win for sure!"

"I'll pitch for us!" I announced. "I'm better than Mr. Bloogey!" Dad laughed, shook his head, and said, "Well, now―"

Mama's eyebrows flew so high they nearly hit the braids wound around her head. "You will do no such thing, Charlotte Ann Wilkinson! Why, the very idea is absurd!"

"Now, Nora, what's so bad about it?" Dad asked.

"Girls don't pitch horseshoes!"

"But I do it all the time," I protested.

"Well, you ought to stop! Look at your hands! They've got calluses13) on them as thick as shoe leather!"

Dad and I eventually changed her mind―or maybe she just got tired of hearing me complain.

"Oh, go ahead!" she finally said. "Make a fool of yourself! Maybe it'll teach you a lesson!"

So I put on a pair of overalls and signed up for the tournament.

The men laughed and kidded14) my dad, but they let me pitch. None of them wanted to appear scared of a teenage girl. Besides, they figured I would be eliminated in the first round.

















Old Mr. Bloogey just grunted and spit at an anthill15). He lives in a shack16) back in the hills and has the manners of a marauding17) bear, but some folks like him. I didn't. He was the enemy.

Well, I showed all those men. I won game after game, hugging those stakes with rings of iron. My fingers got sore18) and my arm ached, but I ignored the pain. Hot and sweaty, one pigtail19) hanging loose, I looked a mess, but I didn't care. One of the straps20) on my overalls kept sliding off my shoulder, and I had to keep pulling it up, which was a nuisance21). Then someone pinned the straps together at the back. I glanced behind me just as I smelled Mama's perfume.

"I reckon you need all the help you can get," she said.

"I sure do! Thanks, Mama!"

Finally the tournament was narrowed down to just Mr. Bloogey and me. He eyed me tensely, and I knew that behind his grey beard, he was gritting his teeth22). He had probably figured the cup was his for the taking23) when Dad broke his wrist. Now, here I was, a sprout off Dad's tree, and a female at that24), standing between him and his prize.

It didn't help that his buddies teased him about how he might lose to a tadpole25) of a girl.

He scowled26) and he grumbled, "She beat you all, didn't she? If you've got nothing better to say, hush up27)!"

Then he turned to me and winked. "Come on, Charlie, let's get this show on the road. Soon as one of us beats the other, we can go eat that pig!"

Well, if that wasn't a big surprise―old Bill Bloogey acting like a real friendly fellow!

I grinned at him. "You get first pitch, Mr. Bloogey. Good luck!"

"Same to you, Charlie!"

And so we pitched and we pitched, and one of us finally won. If you want to know who did, then come on down to the Webly County Courthouse and look at the names on the Trophy Cup. If you make the trip in springtime, come on out to the fairground for the best barbecue this side of the Mississippi―and the best horseshoe pitching you'll ever see!














马蹄铁,又称马掌,是为马等牲口装钉在蹄上的铁制蹄形物,可以延缓马蹄的磨损,使马蹄抓地更牢。在西方文化中,马蹄铁被认为会招来好运,是日常生活中最常见的吉祥物之一。古罗马作家老普林尼(Gaius Plinius Secundus)曾说过,祛病辟邪最好的东西莫过于路上捡来的废旧马蹄铁。时至今日,仍有人深信捡到废旧的马蹄铁会给自己带来好运。



掷马蹄铁是一种两个人或者两队队员之间进行的户外竞技运动,两名选手(或两队队员)轮流朝对方的木桩投掷马蹄铁,先得到21分的一方为胜。掷马蹄铁在不同地区有不同的规则,其中比较流行的是National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America (简称NHPA)制定的规则,该规则按照参赛者的年龄和性别将比赛分为Juniors、Open Men、Open Women、Seniors和Elder Men五个级别。通常,两名选手(或两队队员)用掷硬币的方式决定投掷顺序,然后在距离木桩40英尺(约12米)外轮流投掷。两名选手(或两队队员)需要投掷两轮,每轮包含四次投掷,每名选手(或每队队员)分别向对方的木桩上投掷两次马蹄铁。

一般来说,比赛有两种得分方式。一种是投掷出ringer,即马蹄铁完全套在木桩上,此时得3分;另一种是投掷出closer,即掷出的马蹄铁距离对方木桩最近且在其四周6英寸(约15厘米)范围内,此时得1分。两名选手(或两队队员)投掷后可能会出现几种不同的情况,根据情况的不同得分也有所不同。通常情况下,如果投掷出一个ringer,得3分。如果掷出一个ringer和一个closer,得4分。如果掷出两个ringer,得6分。如果两次掷出的马蹄铁都比对方的要近,得2分。如果两个选手(或两队队员)都掷出ringer,则两个ringer都不计分。此外还有一种结果是leaner (即掷出的马蹄铁斜靠在木桩上,是closer的一种),在专业比赛中计1分,业余比赛中计2分。通常,最先赢得21分的一方获得胜利。

13. callus [?k?l?s] n. (手、足上的)硬板;茧块

14. kid [k?d] vt. 取笑;戏弄

15. anthill [??nth?l] n. 蚁丘;蚁冢

16. shack [??k] n. 简陋的小屋;棚屋

17. marauding

[m??r??d??] adj. (人)四处劫掠的;(动物)四处攫食的

18. sore [s??(r)] adj. 疼痛的

19. pigtail [?p?te?l] n. (尤指女孩或男人的)辫子

20. strap [str?p] n. 带子;布带;皮带

21. nuisance [?nju?sns] n. 令人讨厌的人(或事物);麻烦事情

22. grit one's teeth: 咬紧牙关

23. for the taking: (= free for the taking)供自由拿取;可轻而易举地获取

24. at that: [用来代替前面语句的全部或一部分,并加强后面词语的语气]而且

25. tadpole [?t?dp??l] n. 蝌蚪

26. scowl [ska?l] vi. 皱眉;怒视

27. hush up: 安静;住嘴