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摘要:采用田间试验方法研究了30%苄嘧·苯磺隆WP对春小麦杂草的控制效果和应用安全性。结果表明, 30%苄嘧·苯磺隆对田间阔叶杂草具有较好的防除效果, 于春小麦3~5叶期每公顷施用30%苄嘧·苯磺隆WP 281.25~337.50 g/hm2对水300 kg茎叶喷雾,可有效防除密花香薷(Elsholtzia densa)、遏蓝菜(Thlaspi arvnse)、藜(Chenopodium album)、苦苣菜(Sonchus oleraceus)等阔叶杂草;在以大刺儿菜(Cephalanoplos setosum)、泽漆(Euphorbia helioscopia)为优势种群的春麦田需增大剂量至337.50 g/hm2。对供试的乐麦5号和高原483春小麦安全,除草后小麦增产12.02%~17.38%,增产效果总体优于对照药剂。


中图分类号:S451.22+1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)17-3744-04

Control Effect and Crop Safety of Bensulfuron-methyl and Tribenuron-methyl 30% WP against Broad-leaf Weeds in Spring Wheat Fields

WEI You-hai

(Institute of Plant Protection, Qinghai Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Xining 810016, China)

Abstract: To provide guidance for chemical weed management in spring wheat fields,experiments were conducted to evaluate the weed control effects and crop safety of Bensulfuron-methyl and Tribenuron-methyl 30% WP. The results showed that Bensulfuron-methyl and Tribenuron-methyl 30% WP has very good efficacy on Elsholtzia densa, Thlaspi arvnse, Chenopodium album, Sonchus oleraceus,etc.. Its normal dosage is 281.25~337.50 g/hm2 with 300 kg water in the term of 3~5 leaf-age of spring wheat. The dosage should increase to 337.50 g/hm2 in spring wheat field where the dominant species were Cephalanoplos setosum and Euphorbia helioscopia. Bensulfuron-methyl and Tribenuron-methyl 30% WP was safety to spring wheat variety Lemai 5 and Gaoyuan 483; the yield of wheat was increased by 12.02%~17.38% than CK and ecceeded that of the compared herbicides.

Key words: Bensulfuron-methyl; Tribenuron-methyl; spring wheat; herbicide; broad-leaf weeds; control effect; safety

中国麦田草害面积约占小麦种植面积的30%, 其中严重危害的面积占8%, 造成的损失约占小麦总产量的15%, 达100亿kg[1]。苯磺隆是中国麦田除草剂的当家品种,其市场占有率已超过其他小麦除草剂的总和[2],使用面积占小麦种植面积的50%。但是,由于其作用位点单一,杂草容易产生抗性[3,4]。近几年,由于长期单一使用,猪殃殃(Galium aparine L.)、播娘蒿(Descurainia sophia)对苯磺隆产生了不同程度的抗药性[5-8]。在青海春麦田苯磺隆使用已有10多年历史,猪殃殃、鼬瓣花(Galeopsis bifida Boenn)、大刺儿菜(Cephalanoplos setosum (willd.) Kitam.)、苦苣菜(Sonchus oleraceus L.)等杂草发生数量上升。为进一步利用高活性磺酰脲类除草剂,延缓其抗性的发展,国内外投入不少精力进行研究,其中代表性的方法有开发磺酰脲除草剂与其他除草剂的混配制剂[9,10]。2009~2010年,笔者对山东中禾化学有限公司研制的30%苄嘧·苯磺隆WP防除春小麦田阔叶杂草效果、适宜用量及对春小麦的安全性进行田间试验,现将试验结果报道如下。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试药剂


1.2 供试作物


1.3 试验方法

设30%苄嘧·苯磺隆WP(制剂量,下同)225.00、 281.25、337.50、562.50 g/hm2 4个处理。以30%苄嘧磺隆WP 150.00 g/hm2和10%苯磺隆WP 150.00 g/hm2为对照药剂,并设人工锄草和空白对照,共8个处理,重复4次,共32个小区,随机区组排列,小区面积为5 m×4 m。于作物苗期茎叶喷雾,按每公顷对水300 kg配备药液,由低剂量向高剂量依次喷施。