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As is known to us all,vocabulary plays a very important role in English learning.The British linguist D.A.Wilkins mentioned in his book Linguistics in Language Teaching (1972) “Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”This illustrates the importance of vocabulary in language learning.However,for many Chinese students,vocabulary learning has always been a major obstacle.The reason for this may lie in the lack of context awareness in vocabulary teaching and learning.In traditional vocabulary teaching,teachers always ask students to memorize the words in vocabulary list by themselves.Students repeat the words and their definitions several times by rote.After that,there will be a dictation to check whether the students have remembered the words.As a result,no matter how hard they try,students still generally feel words are hard to remember and easy to forget,even though they have remembered the words,they still don’t know how to use them.The purpose of this essay is to explore the important role of context in vocabulary learning and the strategies of using context to help students learn vocabulary effectively.This essay includes three sections:section one deals with the definition of context and its functions; section two analyses the existing problems of learning vocabulary without context; section three focuses on how to make full use of context in vocabulary learning.

Importance of context in learning vocabulary

As is known to us all,vocabulary is not an isolated part in learning languages.Words appear in discourse,and discourse appears in specific situations.An English word may have several meanings,and the meaning of a word varies in different contexts.Only in a certain context,can the meaning of a word be understood accurately.In turn,if we want to speak correctly and appropriately,why have to choose words carefully depending on different situations.

Learning vocabulary in context can avoid the ambiguity.Polysemy is one of the most prominent features of English.The same word in different contexts means different things.For example,the meanings of “white” in the following expressions are totally different:white lie (not for evil purpose),white coffee (milk Coffee),white man (honest),white elephant (something expensive and useless),a white night (sleepless nights),a white war (economic war).Also,if we read the sentence “She can not bear children” without contexts,we can not tell whether it is “she can not ‘tolerate’ children or she can not give birth to a child.”However if this sentence is put in a specific context “She can’t bear children because she is sterile”,the meaning gets quite clear.

We can guess the meaning of a new word from the context.Guessing is a very important strategy in English vocabulary learning.Firstly,In English exams,we often meet some new words,and in authentic communication,we also come across many words we do not know.In these cases,to understand better,we need to guess the meanings of the new words according to the context.What is more,Psychological research shows that information processing has a great effect on memory.The harder our brain processes information,the longer it is kept in our memory.The process of obtaining the meaning of a word from context enables students to remember the word better.

Context can help students to memorize vocabulary.Memorizing English words is closely related to the “environment”.When we try to understand and memorize English words,we can associate the abstract implication of words with concrete“environmental factors”(context).Then in the continuous learning and application,we gradually get rid of these “environmental factors”,and then only abstract implications of words are left

Problems of learning vocabulary without context

Vocabulary is of great importance in English learning.However,without a context,a number of students learn and memorize English words separately.They just keep recalling the definitions of the words again and again.Obviously,learning words in this way will result in many problems.

Students can only have limited understanding of words and even misunderstand them.Many students just memorize an isolated list of words without reference to the context.What they know is just the one or two Chinese definitions on the list.When they come across the words they memorized,whatever the situation is,they always put the same Chinese definitions in,which will surely cause problems in understanding.

Memorizing words without context is far from effective.Passion is very important if you are to do something successfully.However,a common existing way to memorize words is to recall the meaning the words again and again by rote,.which is quite tedious,and many people do not like it at all,let alone do it with passion.What is more,memorizing the words by rote not only takes a long time but also makes the words easy to forget,which frustrates students to some extent and thus makes the problems even worse.

Students may have problems with using words if they learn the words isolatedly.It is a very common phenomenon that students make mistakes in parts of speech and use words inappropriately when speaking and writing.If students only focus on the Chinese definitions of the words and neglect the contexts when they learn vocabulary,they can not really understand the words well,and naturally do not know how to use them.

Ways to learn words through context

Teachers should pay more attention to context when teaching words.How students learn vocabulary is greatly influenced by their teachers.As teachers,on the one hand,we should make students aware of the importance of context and help them master the effective way to learn vocabulary; on the other hand,we should put words in contexts when teaching.We can teach chunks and sentences rather than teach isolated words; we can teach the usage of words in stories and real communications rather than ask students to memorize them by rote.

Reading is a very useful way to learn vocabulary.There is no doubt that reading provides a lot of contexts for our learning.Through wide reading,articles of related topics will surely provide frequently repeated vocabulary,which will help students remember the words more easily.In addition,the same words in different contexts will also help learners understand the words better.

We learn vocabulary better in communication.The purpose of our learning vocabulary is to communicate.Authentic communication provides us with good contexts,in which we learn how to use the words correctly and appropriately.In turn,if we keep practicing the words we have learned in communication,we learn the vocabulary better.


Vocabulary is the basis of language,the purpose of language is to communicate,which determines the close relationship between context and vocabulary.Without contexts,the words we learn are often isolated,static,and unilateral.Only if you put it in a certain context,words have a life.So the study of context is very important to vocabulary teaching.As teachers,we should actively change ideas,improve teaching methods,and fully aware of the importance of context in vocabulary teaching,and try to present and teach vocabulary in context.At the same time,we also need to scientifically guide the students to learn words,learning words in sentences,paragraphs,and cultural contexts,avoiding isolated memorizing words.Finally,we should encourage students read more and communicate more.Then,learning vocabulary may become easier.