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Dear friends, 英语中动词之后加介词或副词构成的短语,我们称之为“短语动词”,在使用时要把“短语动词”看作一个整体。“短语动词”主要有五种:


Don’t ______the people in trouble. Try to help them.(吉林省)

A.hear from B.go over C.laugh atD.look like

【答案解析】选C。本题考查短语动词用法。根据句意“不要嘲笑处于困境中的人,试图帮助他们”,可知应选laugh at, 意为“嘲笑”。

【拓展】常见的这类短语动词有:look for(寻找), stand for(代表;表示),wait for(等待),pay for(付款),send for(派人去请),hear from(收到……来信),hear of(听说),depend on(依靠),carry on(继续),take after(长得像)等。


You shouldn’t ______ your hope. Everything will be better.(长春市)

A give upB.fix up C.cheer upD.put up

【答案解析】选A。题意为“你不该放弃希望,所有的事情都会好的”,give up为“放弃”之意。

【拓展】1.常见的相当于及物动词的这类短语动词有:clean up(打扫干净),set up(摆放;建立),cheer up(使兴奋;使高兴),cut up(切碎),fix up(修理),work out(制定出;算出),give out(发放;消耗尽),give away(赠送;分发),run away(逃跑),think over(仔细考虑),turn over(把……翻过来),hand in(交上),get in(进入)等。

2.常见的相当于不及物动词这类短语有:get up(起床),start off (出发),come back(回来),get down (下来),hold on(别挂断;等一等),look out(当心;小心),get away(逃走)等。


―The shoes are very nice. I’ll take them.


A.Pay for themB.Try them on

C.Put them on D.Take them off (答案为 B )


People in Colombia needn’t make plans to meet their friends. They often just drop by them.(黄冈市)

A.give a ride to B.give up visitingC.省略e over to

【答案简析】选D。drop by指“顺便来访”,与come over to意思相同。

【拓展】常见的这类动词短语有:add up to(合计达),catch up with (赶上),go on with(继续),look down upon(瞧不起), run out of(耗尽;用光)等。它们相当于一个及物动词,后面要接宾语。



_________being a volunteer?

【答案简析】Do you take pride of 或Are you proud of ;take pride of是“动词+名词+介词”构成的动词短语。

【拓展】这类短语动词有:make fun of(取笑),make use of(利用),pay attention to(注意),take care of(照顾)等。它相当于一个及物动词,后面跟宾语。


(根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。) 所有参展的东西我都感兴趣。(济南市)

I ______ _______ in all the things _______ _______.

【答案解析】填am interested; on show。 be interested in“对……感兴趣”。

【拓展】这类动词短语有:be late for(迟到),be angry with (生气), be busy with(忙于), be short for (是……的简称),be good at(擅长),be proud of(为……感到自豪)等。