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Though the set is simple and crude, artists work hard and seriously.


The crew and actors play back the footage on a digital camera they just created.


Zhang Chengzu plays a leaf as the flute during a break.

演员正在揣摩剧本中的情节。 Actors study the script.


The filming of Lotus Temple is under way.

A Villager’s Filmmaking Dream Comes True

By Chen Guangshu, Ding Hua

Zhang Chengzu looks ordinary, just like his fellow residents in Daxu, a rural town in Xiangshan, a county in the seaboard of Zhejiang Province. Yet he is different from his fellows. He dreamed of making a film of his own for years and now he has made a feature film. He is waiting for the completion of the final touches to the film and a government license to screen it to the public.

Before he dreamed of making a film, he wrote five stories from 1992 to 2003. The stories would have stayed in a drawer forever if he had not been employed as an extra in a big-investment television series at a filmmaking location in Xiangshan in 2006. The opportunity enabled him to earn some money and see for the first time in his life how people filmed a drama. This eye-opening experience changed his life forever.

He wondered whether one of his stories could be filmed too. The idea fascinated him. He chose a story, turned it into a script and called it “Lotus Monastery.” The inspiration was based in his boyhood-year memory. He ran into two young monks when he was visiting a monastery in Xiangshan. The boy wondered why the two had chosen to be monks. He tried to figure the puzzle out in the story. The romance is about a girl suffering from a serious illness. The family sends the girl away to stay at a local monastery. A young monk there happens to be versed in traditional Chinese medicine. The monk cures the girl of the disease and they fall in love.

Zhang showed his script to many people and those who read it agreed it was good. Zhang determined to make a film on the script. He was determined. Whenever it was possible, he tried to grab jobs at the filmmaking location so that he could see how professionals made films.

In June 2009, he acquired a filmmaking permit from the government through the help of a professional filmmaking business. With the permit, Zhang tried to find investment. He thought he needed 500,000 to make the film. His efforts went fruitless and investors turned him down. Those big investors said politely that they admired Zhang’s dream and tenacity and that they had money, but could the film make money?

The permit was valid for only two years and time was running out. Zhang’s friends and acquaintances came to his help. Zheng Aiyun, a granny who is a street vendor selling city maps to tourists at Ningbo Railway Station, gave Zhang 40,000 yuan. A retired hospital staffer named Guan Yunfen invested 20,000 yuan. Finally, 11 investors chipped in and Zhang had 80,000. All these investors are ordinary people. Zhang did not take the offer of 40,000 from the map vendor. He took only 5,000 yuan from her.

A teacher at Zhejiang College of Industrial and Commercial Technology said that the lowest budget for making a film would be 300,000. Zhang chose the cheapest way to make the film. Most actors were volunteers. Zhang paid food and accommodation. None of the eleven actors had had any experience of acting. Sometimes a scene needed filming more than 100 times before it was okay. The crew used a single and simple digital camera. They also made-do some devices. The postproduction was handled by three students at a film production studio of Zhejiang College of Industrial and Commercial Technology. They spent more than a month polishing and adding finishing touches. The postproduction gave the three young editors a lot of trouble. The video quality was worse than that of many cell-phone cameras. Of course, they did not charge a cent for the work.

“Lotus Monastery” has been screened to a limited number of people. Zhang has watched it. The first time he watched the film, what made him weep was not the story, but the credits showing the names of the 11 investor-benefactors who made his dream come true. The film will soon be submitted for a screening permit.