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The Effects of Intelligence Participation and Implication on English Teaching

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Abstract English teachers are confronted with different problems on teaching. It is a kind of effective ways to use the knowledge of intelligence participation and implication to improve English teaching and learning. Teachers can provide guarantee for the intelligence participation of students and the degree of students’ intelligence participation affects English teaching. In addition, correct analysis of implication contributes to English learning abilities.

Key words: Intelligence participation; Implication; Analysis; English teaching

Intelligence participation and the phenomenon of implication have already been researched by scholars at home and abroad. As for the research of intelligence participation in speech communication, the scholars in western countries are Searle, Grice and Sperber & Wilson. On Searle’s view, a speaker’s performance and an addressee’s understanding an indirect speech act always involve some kind of inference (Searle, 1975). Grice’s analysis is considered important and helpful, because it shows a close relationship between the notion of meaning and intention, and because it captures something which is essential to speaking a language. When speaking a language, the speaker attempts to communicate things to his hearer by getting the hearer to recognize the speaker’s intention to communicate just those things (He, 2006). At last, based on Searle’s and Grice’s theories, Sperber & Wilson put forward the ostensive-inferential mode which emphasizes the important role of the hearer in inferring the intention of the speaker.

The scholars in China are Guanlian QIAN, Yumin CHENG and Shenghuan XU. Guanlian QIAN first puts forward the concept of intelligence interference. From his point of view, intelligence interference refers to the inferring process of the implication from the speaker’s words to the world knowledge, memory and interpersonal relationship by the most basic logic (Qian, 2002). And he also points out that the intelligence of the speaker must come into the mode of pragmatic inference, which is decided by the characteristics of language, that is, fuzzification of language, redundancy of language, linearity of language and discreteness of language. Fuzzification of language makes language indefinite about its limits of semanteme and it requires people’s intelligence to make clear. Redundancy of language makes speech redundant and it requires the intelligence to omit the redunduancy and leave the valuable information. And linearity of language makes language ambiguous and it requires the intelligence to exclude ambiguity. Discreteness of language shows that there is a sketchy frame when language sketches a kind of thing and people can not understand the specific part. At this time, the hearer need use intelligence to complete and imagine this gap (Qian, 1994). From the above, we can understand the important role of intelligence participation in the analysis of implication. As for intelligence participation, Yumin CHENG points out that linguistic system itself can not complete the work which it wants to do and it must depend on the participation of intelligence (Xu, 1991). And Shenghuan XU believes that the apprehending process of conversational implicature is the process of inference, which is different from logic inference. It is the pragmatic inference (Xu, 1991, pp.1-7).

And through the knowledge of intelligence participation and implication, it can guide us to analyze the problems of modern English teaching and learning and help us to solve them effectively.

1. Problems of modern english TeAching

There are many problems in modern English teaching. The aim of English teaching is to improve English levels of students and cultivate the ability of practical use of English. And the principal function of language is to communicate with people. However, a great many English teachers are still in the same mode: teachers only teach students the language points which are listed on the teaching materials or teaching references. The teaching methods they use are old. They do not adopt various teaching methods to arouse imagination and creativity of students and do not cultivate the ability of comprehensive use of language. And they only pursue teaching progress and ignore teaching efficiency. The old mode is not suitable for the modern English teaching.

There is no classroom atmosphere in this mode. Teachers do not play their roles in the teaching. As a matter of fact, teachers are the leaders of the class. Their tasks are to make students fully devote to the class and become the real participants, not just listeners. Teachers ignore the initiative of students. Even though teachers dominate classroom teaching, students are the core of it. As we all know, some teachers like teaching English knowledge from the beginning to the end. And students just listen to them mechanically and they lose activity. Gradually, they are not interested in English and do not accept knowledge actively. This kind of teaching is unsuccessful. It is because the teaching methods which teachers use are so simple. Moreover, their teaching ideas need change. This old mode may not let students’achievements improve. It will make students lose interests in learning English. And in this process, teachers and students lack interaction. It will not push the development of class teaching.

Therefore, changing the current teaching mode is extremely urgent, which needs the participation of both teachers and students. Teachers should explore new ways to let students take part in the teaching actively and create the environment of English learning for students both in class and after class.

1.1 Teachers Teach in flat style and lack exchange With students As we all know, the traditional English teaching mode is not suitable for current English teaching. In this mode, teachers use a chalk and a textbook as the tool of teaching, which is simple and old. It focuses on the teaching of teachers and does not take students into consideration. However, modern English teaching also has this kind of problem. Although modern English teaching involves multimedia, most of teachers write the contents of teaching on the courseware and let students copy on the notebooks. It ignores the participation and initiative of students in class. The reason why teachers lack exchange with students is that they pursue teaching progress and they do not take teaching quality seriously. The exchange of teachers and students is the most important one. Some teachers let students master knowledge through a lot of mechanical trainings. In class, teachers explain rules and principles of English knowledge and students listen to them and write down what they speak. Some teachers use quantity of teaching to measure teaching efficiency and quality and believe that they only plough into the teaching and the students will improve. However, whether the students receive knowledge or not is the most important point to measure the efficiency of teaching.

Teaching is important, but it will not replace the learning process of students. After teaching, teachers should see whether students have already understood and mastered. Therefore, teachers will not only teach in the teaching process but also make eye contact with students and do interaction. For example, let students answer questions or make lectures instead of teachers. Teachers not only complete teaching tasks but also let students learn real knowledge. Any knowledge which is only understood by learners has not received its goal. Moreover, teachers need give students directions in order to infer the whole from a single instance.

And students will obtain very good practice. Students are the teaching center. Teachers need consider students’participation. The teaching method of using teaching instead of learning is not suitable for modern teaching requirements. Therefore, teachers need establish the student-centered teaching mode and do teaching and learning at the same time. They also need spare no effort to prepare their teaching, stimulate enthusiasm of students and guide students actively. If teachers change this old mode and give the active guidance to students, it will form a good circle. It is favorable for teaching quality.

1.2 students Accept Knowledge Passively

In English teaching, teachers teach the contents of syllabus and students listen to them. The knowledge which students master only stays on the surface and they do not understand the connotation. At last, they only remember the conclusion mechanically. A lot of thinking methods are implied in it. This kind of learning may make students lack enthusiasm of active thinking and lead to failing to solve problems.

In the teaching process, teachers often ask and students answer. Teachers and students are usually in inequivalent positions, Even though students have ideas about certain questions, they do not dare to put forward. Gradually, students can only accept passively. And there are few chances of independent thinking and questioning. The thinking of students is seriously restricted. Therefore, students lack independent participation and there is no efficiency in teaching no matter in classroom study or extracurricular discussion.

From the above, we can summarize that intelligence participation is the key point to realize English teaching. Modern education believes that teaching is a kind of learning activity which is actively participated by students. Imparting knowledge is not the final purpose of teaching. The ultimate goal of teaching is to use students’ participation as a point of departure, mobilize the enthusiasm of students fully and guide students to participate in teaching activities actively, which can make students not only master knowledge, but also learn autonomously.

1.3 students lack the environment for english learning

English learning needs a good learning environment. This kind of learning environment is not only in class, but also after class. If a person is in a linguistic environment for a long time, the effect of this language is enormous. And he or she will learn this language fast and master it easily. Therefore, linguistic environment plays an important role in language learning.

As for a language learner, whether he or she is in class or after class, he or she should stay in the environment of language learning. However, in modern English teaching, it can only guarantee the environment for English learning in class. Teachers may try their best to teach students in English and give students more conditions of English interaction, such as, presentations, oral practices, and dramatic performances and so on. And students can change their thinking mode of Chinese and make themselves involved in class. However, after class, students are in the environment of Chinese completely. In addition, teachers seldom create the environment for English learning after class. If students only depend on the teaching in class, it will be not enough for their language learning. Moreover, students will lose interests gradually and it may lead to the differences of their English achievements.

From the above, we can know that teachers need create some activities for students after class in order to have the linguistic environment, such as English corner, audiovisual appreciation, English contests and so on. Only so can students have more opportunities to use English thinking mode and develop with English teaching step by step, which can push the improvement of English teaching.

2. The effects of intelligence participation on english TeAching

In accordance with the characteristics and effects of intelligence participation, it gives some suggestions for English teaching. As is known to everyone, traditional teaching is simplification and singleness. Teachers and students lack interaction, which makes students loss of enthusiasm. However, the initiative of intelligence participation makes us know that only by mobilizing students can the aim of English teaching be realized. And the degree of intelligence participation requires that students should take a correct attitude to dealing with learning. They devote different efforts and the effects of learning are also different. Therefore, teachers need give students some supporting and foreseeing suggestions. And students will not take an indirect route and learning efficiency and the effects of English teaching are improved at the same time.

2.1 Teachers Provide guarantee for the intelligence Participation of students

Teachers play a positive role in the process of intelligence participation. The intelligence participation here refers to the ability of judgment and inference of the students in the English teaching. The exploitation of this ability depends on the guidance of teachers. Firstly, teachers need think of some questions which will be mentioned in class in the process of preparing lessons. These questions can examine the ability of students’ intelligence participation from different perspectives. And these questions are typical and various, which can help students consider according to this kind of thinking mode. Moreover, teachers need pay attention to the connection with the related knowledge so as to make students dip into the knowledge of all the aspects. On the other hand, it requires that students should think questions frequently in the process of previewing based on the linguistic characteristics and rules to judge and infer. Whether the inference is correct or not can be compared with what the teachers teach and students can make conclusions in the end.

Secondly, teachers need focus on the interaction and exchange with students in English teaching. The cultivation of this ability requires that teachers should stimulate and arouse students in class. Without teachers’exploitation, students themselves are difficult to improve. The forms of interaction and exchange can be various. For example, teachers can ask students some questions; students think about questions and ask teachers; teachers and students finish a task together. However, the examination of this ability relies on the performance of the students in class. If students answer questions easily, it shows that students has already mastered well. If they answer the questions incompletely or can not answer them, teachers will emphasize on the cultivation of intelligence participation of this aspect in order to let students control it completely. Thus, it will build an excellent atmosphere of intelligence participation for students.

2.1.1 Create Good Environment for the Intelligence Participation of Students If teachers want to create good environment for the intelligence participation of students, they can do from two aspects. One is in class and the other is after class. In class, teachers need provide situations of intelligence participation for students. The situations come from teachers’ continuous stimulation to the students in class and create the connections which can proceed intelligence

participation. Students will take part in consciously in these connections. Interests are very important in this process. Teachers may use the forms of wall maps, multimedia or games to do heuristic teaching, not the traditional teaching mode which teachers only teach according to textbooks. Doing by this kind of way can students have interests and be good at thinking. Moreover, the teaching forms of teachers can be various. For example, it can be taught in the form of teaching, discussion or question-answering. Teachers can also make these forms in one class. And the class which is always changing will not be bored and dull. It is because the atmosphere of the class has already mobilized by teachers and students would like to think about every question. Thus, teachers can finish their teaching tasks excellently and the integrative ability of students will improve.

On the other hand, when teachers arrange assignments for students, they need take intelligence participation of students into consideration. The assignments which teachers arrange are not necessarily in the form of writing or reciting. The two forms can be the main body of the assignments. They can also arrange some social practice which lets students experience personally. Students will ask questions and think in the practice and then do judgment and inference. During this process, students may pinpoint and solve the problems, which can mobilize positive factors of students and improve their comprehensive quality. And students send the questions back to their teachers. At this time, teachers and students will discuss the questions and solve them together. The class atmosphere at this time will infect the whole class to participate in the discussion eagerly. It realizes the interaction and exchange of teachers and students. Students are mobilized and teachers are stimulated to improve their professional quality constantly. And the virtuous circle comes true in this process.

Thus, neither of the two aspects can be dispensed, if teachers want to create good environment for students. This needs the joint efforts of both teachers and students. Good environment can provide guarantee for the development of the students’ intelligence participation. Although environment is the external factor of intelligence participation, it plays an important role in pushing the initiative of the students’ intelligence participation. It is worth paying attention to and researching by teachers.

2.1.2 Give Students Supporting Guidance Teachers not only provide good environment for intelligence participation of students, but also give supporting guidance to them. The supporting guidance refers to the fact that teachers may give students corresponding hints when students have difficulty in the process of intelligence participation. It gives the confidence to students and provides the guarantee for the excellent accomplishment of intelligence participation. In the first place, teachers need let students improve their linguistic ability because the correct enforcement of intelligence participation needs inferring according to the learned knowledge. If the knowledge is not mastered enough, the proceeding of intelligence participation will have difficulty. Therefore, teachers need emphasize on the cultivation of students’ linguistic knowledge. Here, linguistic knowledge includes speech sound, vocabulary, grammar and so on. If the knowledge mastered is complete, the consideration of students in the process of intelligence participation will complete too.

Second, teachers will guide students to relate to the specific context in the process of intelligence participation and students can combine the context to proceed intelligence participation. If students break away from the context, the inferred results are not reliable. During this process, teaches need teach the importance of the context to students. When students do inference, teachers can take examples for them. Moreover, it requires that teachers should let students know that the same sentence may have different meanings in the different contexts. In the specific guidance, teachers need make students find out the specific context combined with the context and infer the real meanings. Thus, context is throughout the whole process of inferring the real meanings. It has guiding and restricted effects on understanding the real meanings.

In addition to mentioning the effects of mastering the importance of linguistic knowledge and context, teachers should also guide students to using correct methods to proceed intelligence participation. Generally speaking, the thinking of people can be divided into conventional thinking and reverse thinking. If the conventional thinking can not function, teachers can let students try to use reverse thinking to proceed. In this process, teachers may give students some hints. As we all know, people are accustomed to use conventional thinking and few people think about reverse thinking. At this time, reverse thinking may function to judge and infer. Thus, if teachers give students the hints to change the perspective of thinking, they will use the correct method to proceed intelligence participation.

From the above, we can see that the process of students’ intelligence participation can not separate from the guidance of teachers. Teachers, on the one hand, will teach students linguistic knowledge and let students master it. On the other hand, teachers will teach students to use the methods of intelligence participation correctly. These two aspects are equally important. Whether students can successfully proceed intelligence participation is decided by themselves and the correct guidance of teachers. Here, teachers play a leading role. They will give the guidance of different degrees through different performances of the students. The aim of it is to let students really master the inferring process of intelligence participation, which can push the development of the comprehensive ability of students and provide the guarantee for the successful enforcement of the intelligence participation.

2.2 The degree of students’ intelligence Participation Affects english Teaching

The degree of students’ intelligence participation refers to the initiative of students in the process of intelligence participation in class. The development of the initiative of intelligence participation can affect the teaching quality directly. Thus, the degree of students’ intelligence participation is worth focusing by the modern English teaching. Students are the executors of intelligence participation. Whether the students are active or not will be related to the development of intelligence participation. That is to say, if the level of the students’ enthusiasm and initiative is high, the degree of intelligence participation is strong. And every connection in the English teaching will get greatest development. On the contrary, if the level of the students’enthusiasm and initiative is low, the degree of intelligence participation is weak. And every connection in the English teaching will not get greatest development.

Here, the enthusiasm and initiative are mainly manifested in the excellent students. These students can preview the new course after class and find out the important point and difficult point of it. They will make marks on the parts which they do not understand completely. In class, they will mainly listen to the parts which they have already marked. At this time, the students listen to the class with questions and aims. Therefore, the degree of the students’ intelligence participation is strong. However, the students who have poor grade will not preview the new course in steps: find out questions, listen to class and solve problems. And the degree of the intelligence participation is weak. Gradually, it will affect their achievements and the relations with every connection in the course. For example, in the process of the explanation of the English text, those who have previewed the text have gained some understanding of the new words. And then the students will overcome the barrier to new words and pay attention to the sentence structure, grammar, sentence meaning and so on when they analyze the text in class. And they can answer the questions which the teacher asks bravely and their initiative has got greatest development. And the students who do not preview the text, they will have pressure virtually in class. They will not take part in class actively. It will form a vicious circle in the course of time and the achievements of the students will be affected.

In the view of this, whether these students have mastered the knowledge with practiced skill or not is decided by the degree of the students’ intelligence participation in the English teaching. Thus, if the degree of the students’intelligence participation is strong, the teachers will teach with high spirits. Moreover, the interaction of teachers and students is frequent. And students will remember the important points and difficult points firmly in mind. Conversely, if the degree of the students’ intelligence participation is weak, teachers sometimes will jump the connection which they have prepared carefully. At this time, the interaction of students and teachers will reduce and the students will not realize the important points and difficult points. This will affect the teaching quality. Therefore, whether the degree of the students’ intelligence participation is strong or not may affect English teaching directly. If teachers want to improve their teaching quality, they will guarantee that the initiative of the students’ intelligence participation is strong.

3. The effecTs of correcT AnAlysis of implication on english teaching

The improvement of English teaching is displayed in the improvement of the abilities in students’ different aspects. Students need to be equipped with the ability of analyzing and inferring implication, which is shown in listening comprehension, reading comprehension and English conversations. It is because that there are the phenomena of implication in listening comprehension, reading comprehension and English conversations. This part combines the respective characteristic of listening comprehension, reading comprehension and English conversations and explains how implication hinders English teaching and learning. Thus, the following part is to introduce how to use some methods and techniques to infer implication. Through these methods and techniques, the learning efficiency and inferring ability of students are improved. Moreover, in this process, without the guidance and help of teachers, students can not succeed. Only by the bidirectional efforts of both teachers and students can teach quality be improved.

3.1 correct Analysis of implication contributes to english listening comprehension

Listening comprehension is the important part in English teaching. English teaching emphasizes on listening, speaking, reading and writing. And listening is at the first place. The American psychologist Anderson believes that listening comprehension includes three processes which are interrelated: perceptual processing, parsing and utilization. In the process of utilization, the hearer need relate the psychological token with learned knowledge in virtue of world knowledge and linguistic knowledge in order to make correct inference ( Anderson, 1983). Only by correct inference can students communicate easily and realize the aim of communication. As we all know, listening comprehension has fast speed, covers wide linguistic knowledge and cultural knowledge and has limited time. Thus, some students have difficulty in overcoming this kind of training.

And there are also some reasons for leading to poor understanding in listening comprehension. For example, if there are some esoteric words and complicated grammatical structure, it will lead to the barrier to listening comprehension of the students. And some sentences in listening comprehension involve the phenomenon of implication and it requires students to analyze and infer the real meanings. At this time, if the students do not infer correctly, it can also have effects on listening comprehension.

The reason for producing the barrier to the implication in listening comprehension is the context, violation of cooperative principle or the different intonations of the speaker. This may lead to implication out of some aim. Even though the students have listened to every word in the listening, sometimes they can not understand correctly. The reason is that students do not take the context and cooperative principle into consideration. As for the context, students need master the time, the place, the person and the context in the listening comprehension. The more the students know about the information, the easier they understand it.

The context plays a significant role in listening comprehension. It is one of the factors to consider. The reason why the context is focused is that sometimes the same sentence can have different understandings under different contexts. Only by the specific context can students infer the real meanings of them. Thus, it is important to master the correct methods of analyzing implication. For example:

I have traveled so many places of interest.

Question: What do you learn from the speaker?

From the sentence, students can have different understandings. It means that the speaker is tired of traveling because he or she has traveled so many places of interest. It also means that the speaker is proud of traveling so many places of interest. Thus, the exact meaning is depended on the specific context. Students can find in the former part of the conversation. In the conversation, the two people are talking about the weak point of traveling. And the speaker visits many spots in one day and can not rest well. Thus, from the context, students can infer that the speaker is tired of traveling.

And another way of producing implication in listening comprehension is through violating cooperative principle. It requires that the students should understand cooperative principle and the reason why the speaker violates it. Generally speaking, the speaker violates cooperative principle because of avoiding embarrassment and expressing euphemistically. At this time, if the students understand which maxim the speaker violates and the reason for it, it can help analyze the implication in listening comprehension. For example:

A: How about your salary this month, Jim?

B: It can not afford the fee of the room.

Question: What does B mean?

This dialogue happens between a mother and her son. His mother wants to know the sum of her son’s salary. But her son does not tell the exact number. And he answers that he can not afford the fee of the room. Here, B violates the quantity maxim. He does not make his contribution as informative as is required. It can show that he tries to avoid answering the exact number. And the implication is that B’s salary is not so much.

In listening comprehension, the students also need concern about the factor of the intonation. For example, there are at least two kinds of intonations for the answer of the question “Do you know John Smith?” If the speaker uses the rising intonation, he or she requires the person who asks the question to continue to say something. If the speaker uses the falling intonation, it may mean the conversation may end up (Longman dictionary of contemporary English, 2001). Thus, in the process of listening comprehension, students need listen to not only the meanings of the speech, but also the intonations of the speech. And then the students infer the real intention of the speaker. Therefore, different intonations can express different emotions of the speaker. For example:

A: She is our national team coach.

B: Oh, she is a coach.

Question: What does B mean from the answer?

If B uses the rising intonation, it shows his or her distrust of the fact. If B uses the falling intonation, it expresses his or her agreement with A and the emotion of his or her esteem. Thus, the exact answer depends on the intonation in listening comprehension.

From the examples we can see that teachers need teach context knowledge, the theory of implication and the knowledge of the intonation to students. Only in this way can students analyze implication from different perspectives. And they can test it in the practice. And students will not only master context knowledge, the relating theories and the knowledge of the intonation, but also improve their own English level. It is the basis of proceeding listening comprehension. Even though students master the knowledge of implication, they can not analyze it correctly without solid skills of vocabulary and grammar.

3.2 correct Analysis of implication contributes to english reading comprehension English reading comprehension has been already become one of the important parts in English teaching because it is one of the effective ways to check the English comprehensive ability of students. And students learn English through texts. Thus, correctly analyzing the questions in reading comprehension is the fundamental guarantee for getting good achievements. The reason why reading comprehension is always a difficulty is that it occupies large space and students are not certain to understand all the words which appear in reading comprehension. And reading comprehension involves the contents of humanity, geography, history, customs, and culture and so on. Students are in a passive position to analyze it. In addition, there are always several questions behind reading comprehension so as to check whether the students understand it or not. And the answers to the questions usually do not appear in the article directly. It requires students to analyze and infer the answers.

The implication in reading comprehension is implied between lines, that is unlike the implication in conversation. The aim of the implication in reading comprehension is to express the personal emotion of the author. And the implication in the conversation is because the speaker violates the cooperative principle intentionally out of some purpose. Thus, analyzing the implication in reading comprehension and conversation has different perspectives. When students analyze the implication in reading comprehension, they can depend on the hints of the sentence or the hinted words to infer the implication. For example:

(1) Although a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very valuable to the individual and to the society of which he is a part, the vast modern network of communication is open to abuse. However, the mass media are with us for better, for worse, and there is no turning back.

Question: From the last paragraph we can infer that the writer is

A: indifferent to the harmful influence of the mass media

B: happy about the drastic changes in the mass media

C: pessimistic about the future of the mass media

D: concerned about the wrong use of the mass media(Lyon, 1977)..

In this paragraph, the author uses the word “although”. And it is evident that the author emphasizes the latter part of the sentence “the vast modern network of communication is open to abuse”. And the key word is“abuse”. This word implies the attitude of the author to the mass media. And “abuse” means wrong use of something. And students can infer the implication of the paragraph is that the author is concerned about the wrong use of the mass media. Thus, the answer should be “D”. From the above, we can know that the hinted word tells us the implication of the sentence.

And another way to infer the implication in reading comprehension is according to the implied meaning which is included in the grammatical structure. Only by mastering the meaning which the grammatical structure expresses can students infer the implication. For example:

(2) But some educators say small schools won’t work unless they’re part of broader reforms. “Small is a proxy for a set of conditions that must be in place for schools to flourish: autonomy, professional, development, parent and community involvement, students as resource,” says Professor Fine.

Question: The last paragraph of the passage implies that

A: if sticking on the reforms, American schools will be successful at last B: the small-schools reforms can never be successful C: the small-schools reforms can be successful with the successes of many educational reforms associated with schools

D: educators are very pessimistic about small schools(Roach, 1983).

In this paragraph, there is fixed grammatical structure“not…unless”. It is involved condition. And the author means if they conduct broader reforms, the small schools will develop. And the following sentence also writes the conditions for successful schools. Thus, the students can infer that the reforms can never be successful.

Therefore, teachers have the responsibility to guide students to infer the implication in reading comprehension, which is, finding out the hints of the sentence or the hinted words and the exact meanings which are involved in grammatical structure. This kind of ability of students comes from training experience of reading comprehension and their daily accumulation of knowledge. Sometimes, the students may not know the exact meanings of the hinted words. They need look for the optimal relevance with the help of context knowledge and background knowledge. And correct analysis of the implication in reading comprehension can improve the efficiency of class and students’ comprehensive ability of English.

3.3 correct Analysis of implication contributes to english conversations

One of the ultimate goals of English teaching is that students can proceed English conversations freely. In the process of English conversations, only by understanding the meaning of the speaker’s speech can students communicate easily. A speech has literal meaning and implied meaning. If it is the literal meaning, the students can understand it directly. If it is the implied meaning, students need infer the real meaning. The implication in English conversations needs fast speed and accurate inference. Only in this way can conversations proceed successfully. If students can communicate easily, it will contribute to English teaching.

There are some obstacles in inferring the real meanings in English conversations. It mainly refers to the context factor, the cultural factor, the factor of knowledge level and so on. The reason why the context factor hinders English conversations is because the hearer need restore the implied premise of speech. And in this process, the context must get involved. Otherwise, the inference of conversational implicate cannot be preceded. Therefore, when students do English conversations, they need combine the situational context and social context to infer the implication. The obstacle of the cultural factors is that the two sides of the communication have different cultural backgrounds and social customs. If one side is not familiar with the cultural background and social custom of the other side, it will lead to communication failure. The examples have already listed in the former. Here, the thesis does not repeat them any more.

Thus, students, in English conversations, need try their best to overcome these hindering factors and master related knowledge in order to achieve the goal of successful communication. In this process, teachers need pump the knowledge of these aspects to students and let students learn the key point to solve the problems. Only so can students infer the implication accurately. At the same time, it can push the teaching of teachers.

3.4 correct Analysis of implication contributes to improving Teaching Quality

The phenomenon of implication is involved in every aspect of English learning. Correctly analyzing implication can not only help students relieve the obstacles in learning, but also improve teaching quality. Teaching quality is improved by correct analysis of implication from the following aspects.

Firstly, if students can analyze implication correctly, they will control it easily in listening comprehension, reading comprehension and English conversations, which may not only improve the learning efficiency, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of students to explore and master more knowledge of English. And the initiative of students is mobilized and they are willing to think and solve problems. As we all know, students are the main body of teaching. One of the important tasks of teaching is to bring students into the participation in class teaching. Correct analysis of implication has the power to deal with this problem. Thus, we can understand that correct analysis of implication will help English teaching and improve teaching quality.

Secondly, correct analysis of implication will push teachers to explain and analyze the related knowledge of implication more profoundly, which may help do with more difficult questions. Furthermore, teachers can be equipped with more experience in the future explanation of implication. In the process of teaching the texts, there is the phenomenon of implication. If students can analyze implication correctly under the guidance of the teachers, it will increase the teaching process and make teachers have enough time to teach and extend the knowledge beyond it. Unconsciously, it broadens the students’ horizon and makes the effect of teachers get the greatest function, which exists the ideal state of teaching and improve teaching quality.

Finally, the initiative of students and the greatest use of teachers form the effective interaction in class, which makes every resource of teaching be used. It plays a positive role in English teaching. This kind of teaching mode has taken the place of the traditional teaching mode, which not only stimulates students, but also improves the teaching quality. It has a profound impact on improving teaching quality.

Intelligence participation and correct analysis of implication both have important effects on English teaching. They conduct a reformation to the drawbacks of modern English teaching. Although English teaching is added some new elements with the advancement of science and technology, English teaching can not be limited in forms. Teachers need pay attention to the contents of it and consider questions from the perspective of students. In this way, teachers can consider in an all-round way and realize the ultimate goal of teaching. Therefore, teachers need create good environment of intelligence participation and give students supporting guidance in the process of intelligence participation. And students need take an active attitude and make full use of their intelligence participation. In the aspect of inferring implication, teachers need give students the methods and technique of analyzing problems so as to improve the ability and efficiency of the analysis. Students should practice over and over again both in class and after class according to these methods and techniques. At last, the teaching quality will improve with the joint efforts of both teachers and students.


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