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中图分类号:F126;F321.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:16748131(2012)04000110

On Marketoriented Land Reform Based on Rural Leftbehind

Old People Who and Whose Next Generation Have Become Urban

Residents but Who still Work and Live in the Countryside

—Reflection Based on the Investigation on Dabang Village of Dongxi Town of Qijiang District of Chongqing

YANG Shunxiang

(Chongqing Party School of CPC, Chongqing 400041, China)

Abstract: The rural leftbehind old people who and whose next generation have become urban residents but who still work and live in the countryside, which is a special phenomenon of Chongqing’s household register system reform. The rural leftbehind old people are “urban residents” who live in the countryside, their household register change does not bring real change to their life, and their economic situation, living condition, health condition and recreation condition are not optimistic. The rural leftbehind old people work and live in the countryside in order to retain their “root” of land, their household register has become urban residents but they still work and live in the countryside because they try to continuously maintain “their land” and “land wealth” is the key to the problem of the rural leftbehind old people. Thus, Chongqing must perform marketoriented land reform and ensure the peasants to own land wealth so that the rural leftbehind people can be guided to move away from the predicament and the great change of the peasants to urban residents and to live in the cities can be realized.

Key words: rural leftbehind old people who and whose next generation have become urban residents but who still live in the countryside; household register system reform; change of peasants to urban residents; peasants whose household register has become urban residents; peasants whose household register has become urban residents but who still live in the countryside; marketoriented land reform; land wealth; change of people and land 


2010年7月25日,重庆市政府出台了《重庆市人民政府关于统筹城乡户籍制度改革的意见》(渝府发〔2010〕78号);2010年8月1 日,《重庆市统筹城乡户籍制度改革农村居民转户实施办法(试行)》开始实施,标志着作为“全国统筹城乡综合配套改革实验区”的重庆市户籍制度改革进入实质推进阶段。在重庆市户籍制度改革不断推进过程中,形成了一个特殊的社会群体——农转城空巢老人。