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生活中常常有人悲叹自己的身份卑微,因而放弃应有的努力和对成功的执著追求,结果往往导致成功与自己擦肩而过。对此,美国黑人新闻记者Eel Prague给我们上了值得深思的一堂课。

Eel Prague was the first black journalist who won the Pulitzer News Prize in the history of the United States. Brave and hardworking,he made outstanding achievements and created a miracle in the history of the American news. Thinking back to his own childhood experiences, he said,“Our family was so poor that my parents made a living by toiling for others. At that time, my father was a sailor,who would have to go between the ports on the Atlantic Ocean. I always thought the black people humble① like us couldn’t have any prospect,so perhaps we would wander about aimlessly like the ships where my father worked.”

One day when he was nine,his father took him to visit Van Gogh’s former residence②. In front of the creaky small wooden bed and the pair of cracked leather shoes,Prague asked his father curiously,“Since Van Gogh was the world’s greatest painter,wasn’t he a millionaire?”His father answered,“Van Gogh was a poor man who even didn’t afford to marry wife.”

Once,his father took him to Denmark. At Hans Christian Andersen’s home with the stained walls,Prague was confused to ask,“Didn’t Andersen live in the royal palace?”His father replied,“Andersen was a shoemaker’s son,who had lived in this broken attic before his death. The royal palace only appeared in his fairy tales.”

Since then,Prague’s life had changed completely. He said,“I’m fortunate enough to have a good father,who let me know Van Gogh and Andersen. And those great artists also told me the success of people has nothing to do with poverty.”

In real life,we often see such a group of people,they would decide their own future and living patterns because of their poor born environment;they often dialogue with the world in a pitiful voice due to their humble roles;they always abandon their childhood dreams for the temporary living predicament③;they always lower their heads alive with wisdom because they are discriminated for their plain features.

But God will surely favour some of the poor,who have the strong sense of survival,the resolute courage,the unyielding④ character and superior talent. God will make them come to the fore. Don’t dialogue with the world in a pitiful voice. As long as a person knows where he or she is going,the world will make way for him or her.


①humble adj. 卑微的,低下的

②residence n. 住处,住宅

③predicament n. 窘境

④unyielding adj. 不屈的

1. The underlined word “prospect” in Para.1 probably means “ ”.

A. chances or opportunities for success or wealth

B. an extensive view of landscape

C. a person regarded as a potential customer

D. the possibility of some future event occurring

2. Why could Eel Prague win the Pulitzer News Prize?

A. He visited Van Gogh’s former residence and was encouraged by his experience.

B. Being a black journalist,he was popular among Americans.

C. He was encouraged by Hans Christian Andersen’s experience.

D. Not only was he brave and hardworking,but also he made outstanding achievements and created a miracle in the history of the American news.

3. What did Hans Christian Andersen and Van Gogh have in common?

A. They were both very rich and lived a very happy life.

B. Both of them lived in the royal palace.

C. Both of them couldn’t afford to marry wife.

D. They were both successful but lived a poor life.

4. After visiting Hans Christian Andersen’s and Van Gogh’s residence,why did Eel Prague’s life change completely?

A. From then on,he became a famous journalist.

B. He realized that the success of people has nothing to do with poverty.

C. He won the Pulitzer News Prize and became the first black journalist in the history of the United States.

D. He found that the black people humble like him couldn’t have any prospect.

5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Knowing Where to Go

B. A Miracle in the History of the American News

C. Eel Prague,a Famous Black Journalist

D. How to Be Successful


1.答案为A。根据该词前文“the black people humble like us...”以及下文“... wander about aimlessly like the ships...”所表达的语境,可知A项符合句意。






By the time we reach adulthood,many of us have had the good fortune to have at least one best friend. If we have 1 around or changed our life situation 2,we may be lucky enough to have had several. The best friend relationship is often our earliest 3 peer relationship,and it can be a source of great warmth and connection 4 our lives. The details of best friendship 5 as we grow up and grow older,but the heart of it remains the same. Our best friends are a warm shelter in which we feel free to be ourselves,to share our deepest secrets,to 6 when we are tired,to celebrate when we are 7 ―a place in which we feel completely welcome to give and receive that most 8 of all gifts,love.

Most close relationships 9 bumps from time to time,and one of the characteristics of an enduring best friendship is its ability to 10 the turbulence and remain unbroken even as it faces changes. Our best friends are those who 11 to love us through all of our changes,as we do the same for them. We find ways to embrace and 12 the differences that set us apart and offer love and support no matter what happens.

1. A. moved B. looked C. turned D. gone

2. A. nearly B. repeatedly

C. immediately D. anxiously

3. A. strong B. strange C. close D. young

4. A. over B. in C. during D. throughout

5. A. finish B. improve C. end D. change

6. A. rest B. talk C. walk D. watch

7. A. disappointed B. serious

C. happy D. nervous

8. A. expensive B. precious

C. special D. natural

9. A. make B. land C. hit D. cause

10. A. ride out B. lead to

C. wipe out D. result from

11. A. refuse B. manage C. agree D. happen

12. A. tell B. settle C. see D. appreciate


1~ 4 ABCD 5~8 DACB 9~12 CABD

(责任编校 彭益)