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My Phone Interview with Mu Xin

By Han Xiaojun

Who is Mu Xin? Many Chinese readers are asking this question after the first edition of his first collection of essays entitled Reflections of Columbia sold out on the Chinese mainland. Little is known about him except for the brief fact that he is a master of Chinese literature and landscape artist with profound knowledge of Chinese classics.

After pulling every string, I finally learned that the master now lives in New York and that his four-year solo art show in museums across America just ended last year. I phoned him at 10 lock on the morning of February 9, 2006. This telephone interview unveiled some surprising details about the writer. He is from Hangzhou; he speaks Hangzhou dialect fluently, and Hangzhou, known as a paradise on earth in China, will be his first choice for an easy life in old age if he chooses to go back home.

My first words were in English. After learning that I was a journalist with Qianjiang Evening News, he suddenly spoke in Hangzhou dialect, to my astonishment. He joked with me, "You are asking around who Mu Xin is" Well this Mu Xin is in the United States cooking for himself right now."He said I brought the sound of the motherland to him.

Mu Xin was the penname of Sun Pu born in 1927 in Wuzhen, a water town in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province. He graduated as a western painting major from Shanghai Institute of Fine Arts and moved to New York in 1982.

He grew up in Hangzhou, went to school in Hangzhou, and found his first job in Hangzhou. During his childhood years, his family lived in southern part of the city. He loved West Lake. Even now, he said, the beautiful scenery of the lake and surrounding hills still appeared in his dreams.

"Now I am old,"he said, "I want to settle myself and return to my country. The first stop of my home trips in the past years has always been Hangzhou. I went to Hangzhou last year. I failed to find the street where my family once lived. There have been great and fast changes in Hangzhou. Hangzhou will be my choice when I come home. I wish to have a small house around the street where I once lived and store my paintings there.?Reflections of Columbia is Mu Xin's first book published in simplified Chinese characters and on the mainland. It contains 13 representative essays that can best showcase his style.Mu Xin's essays were first published in Taiwan and caused a big stir then. In 1984, Mu Xin wrote a few essays and got them published. The publishers in Taiwan took great interest in his writings and asked him for more. So far he has published 12 collections of essays in original complex Chinese characters in Taiwan.

Mu Xin has contracted with a publisher in Guangxi Autonomous Region in southwestern China to condense the 12 books into 8. Reflections of Columbia is the first. All the eight include essays he wrote 20 years ago. After the eight, he will translate his new essays which have been published in America back into Chinese and introduce them to mainland readers.

The first edition sold out pretty fast. It stayed on top of bestseller lists at various bookstores. Hearing this feedback, Mu Xin said it was good news and it was what he had expected. He explained that he had expected that his essays would be warmly received, for he knew the mainland readers were now well prepared for his essays.have waited for this readiness for 20 years. I did not put my books on the mainland market because I thought the time had not yet matured. The sellout means that I made the right choice at the right time. My essays are highly appreciated because, with the booming economy, the people have become more eager for culture, knowledge and the national memory. This is really good news.?His profound knowledge of China's literary classics came from his private education received at home in his childhood years. Xia Chengtao, a celebrated Chinese master, was his private teacher for a while. His father had a large collection of books. The systematic training in ancient Chinese prose prepared Mu Xin for his essays. Mu Xin said he was not a scholar of the past. He wrote about the past, but his focus was not on the nostalgic past and he did not mean to go back to the ancient glory. His writing was new. He believed that readers can read something fresh in his seemingly ancient styled essays.

Within the elite Chinese community in New York, Mu Xin enjoys a reputation as a prominent master of Chinese literary studies. He held regular lectures at his house.

Experts on the mainland find it hard to classify Mu Xin, who is different from any other writer on the mainland. There are mixed reviews. Some laud his works. Some don't. Mu Xin attributed his difference to both his knowledge of Chinese and the books such as Bible, Greek Myths and Shakespeare's works he read in his childhood years.

(Translated by David)