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Language Focus / 语言点:

1. 语言背后的文化知识

2. 固定英语表达法

3. 阅读难点解析

Situation Dialogues 情景对话

Part One: ENGLISH TITLE飞来的艳遇


James: There are so many girls in bikinis! What a beautiful view!

Xiao Qiang: Yeah, girls sure are open here, they all wear bikinis. I wish Chinese girls were this open!

James: You just wait and see, Xiao Qiang, Chinese girls are sure to follow this trend!

Xiao Qiang: Funny huh? Saipan belongs to America but there are almost no white people here. Everyone we've seen is either a local or from Japan, Korea or China!

James: Think about it, this is a long way from America and Europe and there are so many beautiful beaches near them, why would they come here?

Xiao Qiang: No matter, I like Asian girls more anyway. Look at them. They are so sexy in bikinis!

James: I like Asian girls too, I guess that's one reason I came to China. Asian girls are sexy and slim, American girls tend to be on the heavy side.

Xiao Qiang: Hey, someone's in trouble out there, I'm going in to save her!

James: What? I didn't even know you could swim.

(At this point, Xiao Qiang dives into the sea to rescue the girl.)

Lily: Sabrina, I am worried about Xiao Qiang, do you think he will be OK?

Sabrina: Don't worry, he will be fine. Don't you remember? He was the freestyle champion at his college!

Lily: This beach is very dangerous. Even if a person can swim very well, he should still be very careful!

Sabrina: Did you call the lifeguard?

Lily: Yes, I did. I just hope both of them can hold on until the lifeguard gets here.

Sabrina: Me too. But look at how brave that guy is. At this beach, some places are very shallow and some places are very deep. If that girl gets scared and holds the guy's neck too tight, it would be very dangerous for them because he won't be able to swim!

Lily: I'm sure not as brave as him.


Xiao Qiang: Are you OK?

Alexandra: Yes, thank you so much. What's your name?

Xiao Qiang: My name is Xiao Qiang, and you?

Alexandra: Alexandra. I'm from Greece.

Xiao Qiang: I am from China. Wait a minute, I think the lifeguard is on his way and he will take to you to the hospital.

Alexandra: I think I am OK, I just drank some seawater but I'll be fine. Do you have a phone number? You saved my life and I don't want to lose touch with you.

Xiao Qiang: I'm just here on vacation but I'm staying at the Regency. You can call the hotel, my room number is 515.

Alexandra: OK, I hope we can meet again before you leave.

Part Two: ENGLISH TITLE 今晚夜不眠


Alexandra: Hi you! I'm so surprised to see you here! Are you stalking me now?

Xiao Qiang: Alexandra, hi! No. I mean no, I'm not stalking you. I didn't know you worked here.

Alexandra: Yes, I work here every night and I study at the nursing college during the day.

Xiao Qiang: So you're all recovered?

Alexandra: Yeah. Didn't I tell you? The sea is my friend. I am OK.

Xiao Qiang: Oh, let me introduce my friends. This is Lily and Sabrina, they are also from China, and this is James - he is from America.

Alexandra: Hello everyone, I am Alexandra. Nice to meet you guys! Hey, Xiao Qiang, do you wanna dance? Doesn't matter because I want to dance with you!

Xiao Qiang: OK, why not!

Lily: This girl moves way too fast. They just met this morning and look at how into him she is!

Sabrina: You have to be kidding. Xiao Qiang saved her life. She should be delirious to be dancing with him.

Lily: But she could have come and sat with us. Why did she ask Xiao Qiang to dance with her!

Sabrina: Are you jealous? I think she's nice.

Lily: Jealous! Me! Hah, not in this life!

Sabrina: Don't lie to yourself any more, if you like Xiao Qiang you should tell him. Xiao Qiang has liked you for a long time. It's time you stopped playing games with him.

Lily: You think so? Well, he already has his Alexandra now anyway.

Sabrina: She is just a friend. Don't try to find excuses for yourself. I think you should tell him.


James: Wow, it's already past 12 and they haven't come back! Where are they?

Lily: Sabrina, I told you this girl is too easy. Maybe they went home together!

Sabrina: Don't be silly, Lily. Xiao Qiang wouldn't do that...would he?

James: Who knows? Xiao Qiang adapts to other cultures very fast and a lot of girls like him. And Alexandra is sexy. Very sexy!


James: OK, I'm just saying that it's a possibility.

Sabrina: Lily, don't think about it too much. I trust Xiao Qiang, he is a good guy.

Lily: Really? He just disappeared with a girl and you still want me to trust him?

Sabrina: Alright, I think we should go back to the hotel now. It's already very late. Maybe Xiao Qiang already went back.

James: I agree with you, maybe they went back to Xiao Qiang's room!

Sabrina: James, I'm begging you, pleeeease shut up.

【Language Focus / 语言点】

1. ...American girls tend to be on the heavy side.

这是一个委婉表达美国女孩的体形往往偏胖的方式。另外,“be on the (+adj.) side”是一个常用的词组,可以与很多形容词搭配,如“The meals at the canteen are always rather on the small side”(食堂饭菜的量总是给得很少)。

2. He was the freestyle champion at his college!

“freestyle”在这里实质上指的是“freestyle swimming event”,即“自游泳比赛”。从上下文得知,小强下海救人去了,所以Lily很是担心小强的安全,因此Sabrina就提醒她说,小强在大学读书时还得过自由泳的冠军。

3. This girl moves way too fast.

这句话中的“move”指的可不是“移动”的意思,而是指“进展”,因为从小强白天救起Alexandra到晚上他俩在酒吧相遇并没有多长时间,但Alexandra却表现得像是跟小强认识很久一般,超过了正常交往中彼此相熟悉的那种速度和过程。所以,Lily 就借此来表达Alexandra跟小强的关系进展得过快,不满和嫉妒情绪昭然若揭。

4. ...look at how into him she is!

在这个句子中用到了一个表达方式“be into sb/sth”。这个词组在口语中常用,意思是“对着迷或感兴趣”。

5. Sabrina, I told you this girl is too easy.


【Links / 相关链接】

* 北马里亚纳群岛(Northern Mariana Islands)位于西太平洋热带海域,由大小14个岛屿组成,属于典型的海洋性气候特征,没有四季之分,气温虽高,但不炎热,年气温在28-30度之间,隶属于美国联邦政府。在14个岛屿中,塞班岛(Saipan)、天宁岛 (Tinian) 和罗塔岛 (Rota) 是其中已被开发的三颗最耀眼的明珠。北马里亚纳群岛联邦约有8万名岛民,大多数来自北美,其余包括日本、韩国、菲律宾、中国、密克罗尼西亚的其它岛屿以及亚洲、欧洲和南美洲。英语为官方语言,当地居民之间使用的是查莫洛语和卡若兰语。主要流通货币为美元,旅行支票及国际通用的信用卡也可在那里使用。交通工具以旅游巴士和出租车为主。

* 塞班岛是北马里安纳联邦的首府,面积284平方公里,人口43000。塞班岛旁边就是著名的马里亚纳海沟,海沟同塞班岛的山峰连在一起,当地人通常自豪地认为塞班的山峰才是世界最高峰. 站在陡峭的悬崖上可以俯视到蔚蓝的海水中有一道蓝得发黑的海水,那就是马里亚纳海沟,也是全世界最深的海沟。

* 水上运动设施是该群岛的旅游卖点之一。塞班南部末端的水上乐园,是一个融合了优美风景、瀑布、蜿蜒河道、滑水梯、短板冲浪、嬉水池、游泳池、儿童水上游戏及潜水训练池的冒险乐园。另外,塞班还有5个世界级高尔夫球场,其中“珊瑚海洋度假俱乐部”(Coral Ocean Point Resort)最具挑战性。

* 塞班岛上栖息着40多种美丽的鸟类、特有的热带动植物、美丽的热带鱼及海龟等,让旅客享受与大自然融为一体的乐趣。喜爱游览古迹的游客,也可以在塞班岛上欣赏到西班牙期间的建筑物以及太平洋战争留守美军建筑独特的风格,令人流连忘返。

* 在塞班岛,逛夜市也是当地一大特点。每周四晚间都会举办著名的加拉拍市集,时间约从晚上6点开始到9点结束。届时,琳琅满目的摊位会摆满香喷喷的烧烤小吃、清凉的水果、当地的手工艺品和服饰等。夜市中,还会有火舞等精彩的当地特色表演秀。

* 关于美食,到了塞班一定要品尝查莫洛传统料理,如烤乳猪、生鱼片、红米饭、椰汁虾及可可椰子粽等。同时,还可自由选择,享用美式料理、中式飨宴、法式大餐、日式料理、菲律宾等美食。当然,来到热情的海岛,绝不能错过海滩BBQ。

* 目前,中国上海和广州分别有东航和南航执行每周两个班次的包机服务,搭送中国游客前往北马里亚纳群岛观光旅游。此外,韩亚航空公司、美西北航空公司及美国大陆航空公司也有航班定期飞往塞班。


1521 由西班牙航海家麦哲伦最早发现;

1521-1899 被西班牙占领;

1899-1914 被德国占领;



1947 塞班岛连同整个北马里亚纳群岛(不包括关岛)由联合国交由美国托管;

1978 成立北马里亚纳群岛联邦,首都设在塞班岛。