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Step 1 Lead-in.

Play a flash for the students and ask them what they can see from the flash.

(With the development of agriculture and industry,people live more comfortablyand conveniently,while on the other hand,the earth is being damaged more and moreseriously.)

What does the flash encourage us to do?

(The flash encourages us to reduce energy-consumption,emission and pollution to live a low-carbon life.)


Step 2 Presentation.

Present the cartoon on the screen.Tell the students after the journey to the West,Sun Wu kong together with his master and brothers is on their way back to Tang Empire.However,something unexpected happened…Today,let's write a composition about this cartoon.


Step 3 Writing guidance.

Task 1 Discussion about the structure of writing about cartoons.

Use three questions to guide the students to discuss how to write about cartoons.①Do you know how to write about cartoons?②How many parts do you think the composition about cartoons is often made up of?③What are they?

First ask the students to discuss it in groups and then give them chances to exchange their ideas.Finally tell them writing about cartoons always consists of three parts:describe the cartoon,interpret the cartoon,and express personal opinions.

经过讨论发现学生容易说出头尾两部分,即描述图片和阐明自己的观点,而他们往往会忽视中间一部分,这时教师可以这样启发学生:What do we use cartoonsfor?这时,有学生举手回答:We often use cartoons to reflect the problems in our real life because cartoons are more vivid and profound than words.经过这一环节,这时教师可以顺势作出归纳:Good!That is to say we should connect cartoons with real life to reveal the reason behind the fact.So in the second we should interpret the cartoons.至此,学生对漫画式书面表达的基本结构已经清楚了,接下来,教师就一步步地引导他们如何开头、衔接以及表达个人观点了。

Task 2 How to describe a cartoon.

Ask the students what expressions we can use to start the description.Give themone minute to prepare it.After that,invite the students to express their ideas freely.(①The picture is talking about…②The picture shows a common phenomenon…③

The picture describes an interesting phenomenon…(④From the picture we can seethat…)

这时,教师可再作些补充,如:As is vividly shown in the picture…

Practice:Describe this cartoon

What elements should we include when describe a thing?(5Ws and 1H)

Remember not all the elements should be covered each time.Here.“who andwhat”are important and“when and where”can be mentioned too.Encourage the stu-dents to discuss the information about“who,what,when and where”?Finally invitesome students to describe this cartoon completely.

Task 3 How to interpret a picture.

Ask the students to think about the expressions to start the interpretation.

这项任务对于学生来说比较有难度,这时,教师可以举个例子给学生作个示范。如:It seems very ridiculous that…However,this kind of story is performed ev-ererywhere in our daily life.

示范之后,让学生讨论看看还可以用哪些表达形式。学生们的答案如下:①The picture shows that…It is the exact reflection of…(②The picture indicates that…Nowadays it is a common phenomenon that…

Practice:Interpret this picture.

Now let's think what problems does this picture reflect?And what do you think isthe reason for the problem?


Task 3 How to give personal opinions.

由于在以前的书面表达中也经常需要表达个人观点,这项任务对学生较容易,学生纷纷抢着回答:In my opinion,…/As far as I'm concerned,…/Personally,…/From my point of view,…/As for me,…

Step 4 Writing tips.

Before writing,give some writing tips to the students.First,ask the students tocompare some examples.After that,get the students to draw conclusions about whatmakes a good composition.

Step 5 Writing.

Give the students 10 minutes to finish the writing.During this period.teacher cangive them some help if asked.

Step 6 Presentation & Evaluation.

Ask some students to present their compositions on the screen.After each presen-taion.encourage the students to evaluate the compositions.

Step 7 Summary & Homework.







