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摘要:运用正交试验的方法研究不同炼苗时间、遮阳网遮光率、基质以及不同移植月份对圣诞树组培移植效果的影响。结果表明,炼苗时间为10 d、遮阳网遮光率为70%、基质为泥炭土:黄心土(2∶ 1)、移植月份为4月的处理圣诞树移植效果最好,成活率可达97.2%,苗高达11.1 cm。


中图分类号:S792;S723.13;S723.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1671 - 3168(2012)01 - 0115 - 04

Transplantation Test of Tissue Culture Seedling of Metrosideros excelsa

OU Jinghua

(Fujian Forestry Science and Technology Test Center, Nanjing, Fujian 363600, China)

Abstract: Using orthogonal test, effects of different refine seedling time , different shading rate, different substrate , and different transplanted months on transplanted affects of tissue culture seedling of Metrosideros excelsa was analyzed in this paper, the results indicated that the best conditions for transplanted affect: time of refine seedling is 10 days , the shading rate of shadenet is 70%, the substrate is proportioning of peat soil, yellow soil =2∶ 1,the transplanted month is April , the survival rate can reach to 97.2%, and the height of seedling reach to 11.1cm。

Key words: Metrosideros excelsa; tissue culture seedling; transplantation; transplanted substrate; refine seedling time; shading rate; survival rate

收稿日期:2012 - 01 - 30.


作者简介:欧景华(1958 - ),男,福建平和人,工程师。从事林木、花卉种苗繁育工作。Email:oujinghua18@163。com圣诞树(Metrosideros excelsa)别名新西兰圣诞花,属桃金娘科(Myrtaceae),桃金娘属(Rhodomyrtus),原分布于新西兰北岛沿海地区,是新西兰特有常绿植物,树高15 m左右,最高达20 m,冠幅可达38 m,是一种生命力很强的植物,可以在条件恶劣的悬崖岩缝中生长,在火山岩地区也有分布。圣诞树在圣诞节期间开花,花朵盛开时,红色的鲜花星星点点镶嵌在树冠中间,非常壮观,可盆栽也可作绿篱,还可作草坪树,是一种很好的园林绿化树种[1],我国南方诸省均有引进,但关于圣诞树组培苗移植方面的技术尚未见报道。本试验是在圣诞树组培苗生根技术获得成功的基础上进行圃地移植试验,旨在完善圣诞树组培育苗技术体系,为圣诞树在我国南方进一步推广提供育苗技术参考。