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by Joseph Thomas



The general plot of X-Men: The Last Stand sounds similar to the1)previous two films. Once again, Professor X and his group of human-friendly2)mutants will find themselves in3)conflict with the more extreme group headed by Magneto. This time, the two forces will fight over a cure for mutation. Of course, Magneto and his mutants4)disregard the rest of humanity because they see themselves as greater beings. The X-Men seek5)equality with humans and are determined to stop Magneto and his6)destructive ideals. All of the usual characters from the previous X-Men films return, except Nightcrawler. However, many new mutants will be added, including Angel, Juggernaut, Shadowcat and the Beast.

X-Men or Superman?

There will clearly be some7)rivalry during the summer between X-Men 3 and Superman Returns. The director of X-Men 3, Brett Ratner, was8)originally set to direct Superman Returns with Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. After some disagreements with the producers, he left the project and Bryan Singer, the director of the first two X-Men films, took over. Singer was expected to direct X-Men 3, but since the studio9)insisted on a 2006 release for the second10)sequel, they were not willing to wait for him to finish the Superman project. As a result, Singer chose Superman Returns and the producers of X-Men 3 picked up Ratner.

Is the studio worried?

Some fans are upset about X-Men 3. Why? To put it simply: Brett Ratner. The director achieved box office success with the Rush Hour11)series, but his other films, such as After the Sunset, have not been well received.

"I would be worried if there wasn't12)kvetching going on,"says Tom Rothman, chairman of Twentieth Century Fox. "These are love letters compared to what we got on the first movie. I hired the director of Apt Pupil to direct X-Men!13)Crucifixion would have been too good for me!

"Most of the anger has been over early images14)leaked online, which the team claims were stolen and unfinished. "Whe stuff that they're leaking is not typical of the film,"says Ratner. "It's like looking at a girl without makeup on."

Will this be the last X-Men movie?

That's what the studio has been saying - but don't buy it. While this15)trilogy is ending, Fox has new plans, including a Magneto16)prequel and a movie featuring the younger X-Men. For the near future, though, it appears that fan favorite Wolverine will be the first X-Men to get his own film. "We actually have a second17)draft coming in,"says Hugh Jackman, who hopes to18)shoot the film next year. As for Ratner, for now, the third X-Men film looks to be first and last. "I've done the biggest one I could do. I did the best job I could, and I'm very proud."







“如果没有这些抱怨,我才会感到担忧。”20世纪福克斯主席汤姆・罗斯曼说道。“和第一部电影我们得到的评论相比,这些(抱怨)简直是情书。我雇了《纳粹追凶》的导演去执导《X战警》!严刑拷问对我来说也算是仁慈的了!”大多数愤怒都直指早期一些在网上泄漏的图片,制作队伍则声称它们是偷窃得来的,并不是完成以后的版本。“他们泄漏的东西不能代表电影,” 雷纳说,“这就像看着一个没有化妆的少女。”

