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Voice: Iceberg! Right ahead!

Elizabeth (Host): Titanic. Who could forget the movie’s 1)epic 2)recreation of the ship’s sinking in 1912? But, remarkably, the story of the Titanic was first told 14 years before the ship left port in this book, almost exactly foretelling the ship’s name, the iceberg, and the month of the disaster. How could that be possible? Do 3)premonitions really happen? The answer may lie where we all begin, with our mothers.

Lynn Dorman’s daughter Ally is a healthy, happy 20 year-old, but her bright future almost never was; something Lynn sensed while Ally was still in her 4)womb. And when did you start having a feeling something might be wrong with the baby?

Lynn: Probably end of my second 5)trimester.

Elizabeth: But when Ally was born, she looked to be this beautiful, healthy baby. At that point, did you feel at all relieved?

Lynn: I remember holding her and having that feeling that something was really wrong with her, just a feeling that something was not right.

Elizabeth: Did you say anything at that point to your doctor?

Lynn: Oh, yeah, I did.

Elizabeth: Lynn did more than just tell her doctor. Sensing the clock was ticking on her daughter’s life, she risked being ridiculed as a 6)hysteric, and rushed Ally to the emergency room—three times.

Lynn: They checked her out and they said, “She’s fine. Here are your discharge papers” and I refused to sign them.

Elizabeth: At that point they’re starting to think, “We have a mom with 7)post-partum depression”.

Lynn: Yes.

Elizabeth: Before the psychiatrist could arrive, 8)infectious disease specialist, Dr. Bashara Freige stepped in. Lynn told Dr. Freige she had more than just an 9)ambiguous concern, she 10)pinpointed a problem in Ally’s 11)abdomen. How did you know that?

Lynn: I just…it just came to me like that.

Elizabeth: Lynn had 12)nailed it. Ally had a rare, undetected infection outside her small 13)intestine. It was caught just in time. They told you that, in fact, if she hadn’t had that surgery, she could have died.

Lynn: Yes, she could have.

Elizabeth: It’s a 14)compelling story, but is it really possible that Lynn was experiencing something beyond everyday motherly instinct? Doctor Larry Dossey thinks so.

Larry: If you look at premonitions, in the literature the most common is that of a mother for something happening to her baby.

Elizabeth: Dossey, who wrote a book called The Power of Premonitions, says they often come to us in our dreams, but they’re by no means ordinary dreams.

Larry: One woman said, “The premonition dreams that turn out to be true are lit up from the inside”. So the vividness is one clue. Another clue is whether or not they’re 15)recurrent. Many of them that turn out to be true come back night after night as if they’re 16)clamouring for attention.

Elizabeth: He says that along with 17)forebodings about our children, premonitions of disasters are the most common.


伊丽莎白(主持人):《泰坦尼克号》。谁能忘记那艘沉没于1912年而在电影里华丽再现的邮轮?然而,值得关注的是,泰坦尼克号的故事首次在这本书[译者注:指《泰坦号的沉没》(The Wreck of the Titan)]中讲述,是在该邮轮离港进行处女航的十四年前,书中几乎准确无误地预言了邮轮的名字、冰山和灾难发生的月份。怎么可能会这样?预言真的会发生吗?答案可能存在于母体里,来自于我们的母亲。




















March 11, 2011, an epic 18)trifecta of disasters hits Japan; an earthquake, a tsunami, and a nuclear meltdown, and an 18 year-old American boy claims he predicted it all. You say you have accurately predicted several things.

Ryan: Correct.

Elizabeth: Ryan Michaels claims to catalogue premonitions of disaster on his website. His entry from before the Tsunami specifically mentions explosions, earthquakes and flooding. And when did you get this premonition?

Ryan: About nine months before it happened, I believe.

Elizabeth: But author and 19)sceptic, Matt Hudson, doesn’t buy it. So what’s happening to people when they feel like they’re having a premonition?

Hudson: The most likely 20)scenario is people just feel anxious about something, and so it’s easy to feel like, “Oh, maybe I have anxiety for a reason, maybe I’m sensing the future”. And then, looking back at an experience and…and labeling a thought as an example of 21)precognition or of premonition, that is mostly because of our tendency to see patterns in the world.

Elizabeth: But what about this 22)bizarre case from 1950? A church in Nebraska, exploded during a scheduled 23)choir practice, but nobody was hurt. Why? Because all 15 people scheduled to be at practice that night didn’t show up.

Larry: Nobody had a clue that anything bad was gonna happen, but yet everybody found some reason to not go to church.

Elizabeth: So what does that tell you?

Larry: I think that the unconscious works in very strange ways.

Elizabeth: It certainly did for this man. Barrett Naylor is a Wall Street executive, a “24)brass tacks” kind of guy with no interest in the 25)paranormal. But Naylor cannot explain two life-changing moments he could not ignore. Each occurred as he stepped off his 26)commuter train after an hour-long ride into 27)Grand Central Station, heading into work. The first time was on the morning of the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.

Barrett: It was a feeling, “I don’t belong here today”. I just simply turned around, got on the train, sat down and went home.

Elizabeth: The second time was on 9/11.

Barrett: It’s not a physical feeling. It’s…I can’t even describe it.

Elizabeth: Dread?

Barrett: It wasn’t dread. It was…I got in there, a feeling came across me that it was not a day to be in the city.

Elizabeth: Naylor regrets not warning others on that tragic morning. But his experience also gave Naylor a shared sense with people like Lynn, Ryan and so many others who believe in premonitions; believe that there’s something more to this world beyond what we can see.



















1898年,美国作家摩根·罗伯森写了一部名叫《徒劳无功,或泰坦号的沉没》(Futility, Or the Wreck of the Titan)的小说。小说讲述了一艘号称永不沉没的豪华巨轮,名为泰坦号,从英国首航驶向大洋彼岸的美国。这是人类航海史上空前巨大也是最豪华的客轮,船上的装备极尽奢华,满船装载的都是有钱的乘客,人们在巨轮上尽情享受。但是,这艘巨轮首次出航就在途中撞上冰山,悲惨地沉没,许多乘客葬身海底。

