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A Ball Can Change the World 等

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A ball can change the world

Have you ever heard of the “Homeless World Cup”? There are about one billion homeless people living in our world today. The Homeless World Cup exists to end this. It is an international football tournament, where teams made up entirely of people who are homeless completely.

The first tournament was held in Graz, Austria in 2003. It was such a success, with a great and strong effect on the players―31 of the 141 players from the 2003 tournament held regular jobs a year later. The event has been held annually ever since. And the 2010 tournament was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in September 19―26, where 64 nations took part in the game.

The effect is always significant year on year with 73% of players changing their lives for the better by coming off drugs and alcohol, moving into jobs, education, homes, training, reuniting with families and even going on to become players and coaches for pro or semi-pro football teams.

The Homeless World Cup supporters include UEFA, UN, famous European football clubs and international footballers.

Player Eligibility

Anyone can participate regardless of his or her ability, but must:

Be at least 16 years old at the time of the tournament

Have been homeless at some point after the previous year’s World Cup OR

Make their main living income as a streetpaper seller OR

Be asylum seekers (who have neither positive asylum status nor working permit)


At most 4 players per team on the court:

3 outfield players

1 goalkeeper

Plus 4 substitution players(rolling substitution allowed)

Tournament details

Games are 14 minutes long, in two seven-minute halves.

The field is 22 meters long by 16 meters wide.


Homeless World Cup


tournament 锦标赛

Graz 格拉茨

Austria 奥地利


Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢


alcohol 酒精

reunite 重聚


pro or semi-pro职业或半职业的

UEFA 欧洲足球协会联盟

UN 联合国



seeker 寻求者

positive 实际的

status 状态

court 球场

outfield 场上的

goalkeeper 守门员


2010 Asian Ganes:Show a Different China

The 1990 Asian Games were the first large-scale international sports event held in Beijing, China. After 20 years, the Asian Games bring the olive branch back to China again. The 2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou from November 12―27.

“Beijing is the capital of China, I thought that all the cities in China should be the same as Beijing,” Peterson, an American visitor said. “Guangzhou gives me a good chance to know the different sides of China, which is more passionate and dynamic.” How will the 16th Asian Games show traditional Chinese charms and cultures?

Guangzhou, different from Beijing, is a city with flowers in bloom all the year round. Many people know Guangzhou through the Canton Fair, but they don’t know the city is much more fascinating besides the developed economy ― the long history, the unique Lingnan Culture, the delicious food, and so on. The Asian Games to be held here becomes a good opportunity to show the world an overall sight of Guangzhou and China.

Furthermore, the Asian Games enable foreign friends to know Chinese culture better by watching sports events such as Dragon Boat, Weiqi, Chinese Chess, which are full of Chinese traditional characteristics but hardly appear in the Olympic Games.


olive branch 橄榄枝

dynamic 有活力的

Canton Fair 中国进出口


unique 独特的

Lingnan Culture 岭南文化

enable 使能够

Dragon Boat 龙舟

Weiqi 围棋

Chinese Chess 中国象棋

The Official Mascots

The official mascots are five goats derived from the legend about “City of Goats”. Their name “Le Yangyang” means peace, harmony and great happiness, with everything going as you wish.

The Official Emblem

The official emblem also originates from the legend about “City of Goats”. Meanwhile, it symbolizes that the burning flames of the Asian Games will never die out.

3 Records

The Largest Scale Asian Games: A total of 12,000 athletes from 45 countries will be committed to the Games.

The Largest Number of Events: Compared to the 28 events in the Olympic Games, the 2010 Asian Games will feature 42 events throughout the 16 days of competition.

The Most Gold Medals in an Asian Games: 473 gold medals will be presented in the 2010 Asian Games.


mascot 吉祥物

derive 源于

emblem 会徽

symbolize 象征

athlete 运动员

feature 以……为特色