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老鼠报恩 第7期

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A Mouse And A Lion

One day, a mouse accidentally jumped on a lion's back who was sleeping.The lion caught it and wanted to eat it. The mouse said to the tiger:"Don't eat me,please. I'll repay you." The lion said dismissively: "You are just a little mouse. You can repay me? I don't believe you." But the lion released the mouse.


Bank of Words

accidentally[ks'dntli]意外地;一不小心 repay[ri'pei]回报;报复;付还

dismissively[dis'misivli]轻蔑地;不屑一顾地 release[ri'li:s]释放;解除;豁免

One day, the lion was caught by hunters,and was hung on a tree. The lion cried:"Help,help!"


The mouse heard the lion's voice, and came here in hurry. It said to the lion: "I'll save you." The lion said:"How do you save me?"


The mouse said proudly:"Don't worry. I will bite the net with my teeth." It's a good idea!" the lion said happily.

老鼠自豪地说:“不要担心。我会用我的牙齿咬网的。” “好办法!”狮子高兴地说。

Bank of Words

hunter['h?蘧nt] n.猎人,狩猎者 hang['h?耷] vt.悬挂,吊

proudly['praudli] adv. 傲慢地;得意洋洋地 bite[bait] vt.咬;咬伤;咬断:

"Yeah!We succeed!" the mouse cried. The lionfell down on the ground and came out of the net. The mouse saved its life.


"Thank you very much, little mouse. I apologize to you for my former words." the lion said. "You're welcome. We can be good friends." the mouse answered. "Yes. Let's go home together!" "Let's go!"

“小老鼠,非常感谢你。我为我以前的话向你道歉。”狮子说。“不要客气。我们可以做好朋友哦。”老鼠说。“是的。我们一起回家吧!” “出发吧!”

Bank of Words

succeed [sk'si:d] v.成功;继承 fall down 掉下,落下,跌倒

apologize ['pldaiz] vi.道歉;认错