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Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫

The only place to start your royal tour is at SW1A 1AA, London’s most exclusive[独一的] postcode and the royal residence[住处] that everyone wants to see. Every summer, Buckingham Palace opens to visitors, and the highlight this year is the exhibition of the 60th anniversary[周年纪念] of the Queen’s coronation[加冕礼]. Legend has it that the Queen’s robes[长袍] were so heavy that at the start of the 1953 ceremony[仪式], she asked the Archbishop of Canterbury注1 to give her a push. On a tour of the 19 state rooms you can see the Throne[王座] Room, used for ceremonial[礼仪的] receptions.

英国王室之旅的起点非“SW1A 1AA”莫属――这是伦敦最独一无二的邮政编码,也是每个人都想一饱眼福的王室官邸。每年夏天,白金汉宫都向游客开放。今年的亮点是女王加冕60周年纪念展。传闻在1953年仪式开始时,英女王所穿的礼袍过于沉重,以至于她需要请坎特伯雷大主教推她一把。在参观白金汉宫的19个国事厅时,你可以看到用于礼仪接待的王座室。

Kensington Palace 肯辛顿宫

Located on the western fringes[边缘] of London’s Hyde Park, the birthplace and childhood home of Queen Victoria is one of the most attractive royal residences in Britain. Kensington Palace was bought for £20,000 in 1689 by William III and Mary II, and it quickly became a favourite among the monarchy[君主政体]. The palace was the home of the Queen’s late[已故的] sister Princess Margaret, as well as Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and is the official London residence of Prince William, Princess Catherine注2 and Prince Harry. On a visit, you can climb the King’s Staircase, explore the King’s and Queen’s State Apartments and roam[漫步] the newly remodeled[改造] gardens.


The Palace of Holyroodhouse 荷里路德宫

Her Majesty’s注3 official Scottish residence, Edinburgh’s Palace of Holyroodhouse has entertained Scotland’s most famous monarchs[君主] over the years. The palace itself is home to the State Apartments, used by the Queen on her visits to the Scottish capital.


The Goring Hotel 戈林酒店

Just a stone’s throw[很短的距离] from Buckingham Palace is The Goring Hotel, located on a quiet street in Belgravia注4. The century-old hotel has long been a royal favourite; the late Queen Mother used to visit for afternoon tea, and her husband King George VI and a teenage Queen Elizabeth II came for sausages[香肠] and scrambled eggs[炒鸡蛋] to celebrate[庆祝] the end of World War II.

Before she was married to William in 2011, Kate Middleton and her family took over the 71-room hotel and enjoyed the five-star treatment and afternoon tea. If you fancy[喜欢] splashing out[大肆挥霍], rooms start at £375, with £5,000 getting you the royal suite[套房] the now Duchess of Cambridge stayed in for the night.



Hampton Court Palace 汉普顿宫

While you are never likely to spend a night at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle, it is possible to rent a room at several other royal residences. The pick of the bunch[精选品] is Henry VIII’s Hampton Court Palace near Richmond in southwest London, where you can rent an apartment in the palace’s Tudor Wing or in the Georgian House.

Her Majesty has been known to broadcast her Christmas Message to the nation from the Chapel[小礼拜堂] Royal―so book ahead for the 25th of December.



Royal Yacht[游艇] Britannia 皇家游艇不列颠尼亚号

It may not be a traditional royal residence, but the Royal Yacht Britannia has a unique distinction[特点]: it is the Queen’s favourite. “Britannia is the one place where I can truly relax,”said Her Majesty. The 60-year-old boat is now permanently[永久地] docked[停靠码头] as a visitor attraction in Edinburgh.

The yacht served the royal family for 40 years, sailing more than one million nautical miles[海里]. Four royal honeymoons also took place on board, including that of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Perhaps the most interesting fact is that the ship undertook 968 official visits, including for the handover[移交] of Hong Kong in 1997. It was all a breeze[轻而易举的事] for Her Majesty, of course, as she’s the only person in Britain who is not required to have a passport.



The Castle of Mey 梅城堡

The tiny Castle of Mey on Scotland’s north coast is the most northerly in Britain. Though it is not easy to get to, that never stopped the late Queen Mother―she made regular stops at the residence after first visiting in 1952, while mourning[哀悼] the death of her husband, King George VI.

A green-fingered[精通园艺的] gardener, she cared for the gardens that visitors can see today, and could often be seen watering the flowers. The highlight of the castle tour is seeing how the royals spent their holidays, for the furnishings are still set out as the Queen Mother had it.



Kew Palace 邱宫

Kew Palace, restored to what it might have been when King George III lived there, is an easy trip from central London to its River Thames location. So close, in fact, that Her Majesty popped in[突然出现] to celebrate her 80th birthday in 2006. Although the palace is not lived in anymore, it is open to the public to see what life was like in Georgian times注5.
