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One day a fat little chick wanted to go for a walk around the farm. The little chick hopped along looking at the things on the farm. Soon the chick was far from the hen house. Then the chick met a fox.

"What a fine chick you are, and so much like your father," said the fox.

"I liked to chat with your father. It made me happy just to talk to your father and to hear your father sing. Now that he is not here, I am lost. Will you sing some- thing for me as your father did? Please sing something. Then please come to lunch with me. Your father came to lunch with me."

Now, this little chick liked to sing, and to hear what a fine chick it was. So with a shake of its wing, it hopped up and started singing. But then the fox picked up the fat little chick by its wing!

The farm dog saw the fox catch the little chick. "It looks like I have work to do," said the dog. The dog chased after the fox.

"That dog is fast," the little chick said to the fox. "Tell the dog I want to go with you. Then it will stop chasing us."

The fox started to tell the dog, "This chick wants to go with me."

But as the fox was talking, it let go of the little chick's wing. The little chick ran from the fox. Hopping back to the hen house, the chick said, "A chick who wants to live long will not sing for a fox!"

The dog chased the fox all the way to the fox's house.

Running from the dog, the fox said, "After this, I will not stop to chat when I am having my lunch!"









