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On the construction of the mechanism for the smooth operation of the internal po

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Abstract. A difficult problem for the system construction of the modern university is the issue how the academic power and the administrative power can coordinate and orderly operate. The weakening of the academic power and the strengthening of the administrative power make the university slope foot forward in the development. To solve this problem, first of all, we should restore the originality of the academic power and the academic tissues. By perfecting the structures and functions of the university organizations, improve the control on the power, and make the power operate in its due orbit, to ensure that the modern university system is not a mere formality.

Keywords: Modern university system; academic power; administrative power

In recent years, in the face of the declining of the quality of the higher education, the colleges and universities actively explore the construction of the modern university system according to the requirements of the country and their own situations, and many universities carry out the exploration of the two-class management model, and some of them implement the system management mode. But in the process of the exploration, a problem puzzling the universities is: how can the administrative power and the academic power harmoniously coexist, to jointly complete the pre-established educational objectives and tasks. Now, both the theoretical circles and the education practitioners are supportive of this view, namely, the academic power and the administrative power are the two largest powers indispensable in the university management form [1]. The existence of the academic power ensures the basic attributes of the university teaching, and the scientific researches, while the function of the administrative power lies in the coordination of the mutual relationship between the university internal departments, making it become an indivisible whole [2]. In reality, there is the status that the academic power is weakening, while the administrative power is strengthened and will take the place of the academic power. The author thinks that the key point of the construction of the modern university systems is the construction of the smooth operational mechanism of the internal powers. Without the smooth internal power mechanism, the modern university system will become a mere formality.

1. The essence of the academic power and

the academic organization

In terms of the types of power, the German scholar Marx Webb proposed the three kinds of powers, the charismatic, the traditional and the legal theory. John French and Bertram Raven in 1959 put forward five kinds of powers in the "Base of the social power": punishment, reward power, legal power, expert power, and the right of appealing, The previous three kinds of powers are related to the post of the organization together, namely, the duty power. The latter two have no association with the post about the organization, that is, the non-duty power [3]. The university academic power is rooted in the professional disciplines, from the academic reputation of the experts and the scholars, it should belong to the type of the charismatic power, the expert power, and the impel power, which is the influence generated based on the professional achievements and the moral characters of the academic authority itself. Its mode of action of the object depends mainly on the influence of the authority of the scholars [4], which need the objects to follow voluntarily rather than make the objects obey in the violent way. "If we take the command and obedience as the base of power, it is against the idea of the academic freedom. [5]" It will bring some paradox to make the academic power equal to the power of the academic organization:

First of all, the university academic organizations, such as the academic committee, the Professor Committee and so on, are established by the administrative dominant forces, rather than established spontaneously by the academic authorities. Such academic organizations exercising the academic powers will produce the confusion of the role of the power subjects, causing the academic powers cannot be independent and autonomously operating. But some colleges and universities, especially the newly established undergraduate colleges themselves have not formed the academic powers [6], and the school decision-making level establishes the academic organizations for the needs of the auxiliary management, and let the academic organizations without the academic authorities to exercise the academic powers, so that the academic power loses its due authorities.

Secondly, even if the academic organizations are composed of the academic authorities, in the process of dealing with the academic affairs, they will be faced with this dilemma that the academic authorities have influences in their own fields, and perhaps they have detailed understandings on the subject achievement appraisal and the law of development of the discipline. But the whole development planning of the discipline of the school, the personnel arrangement matching the academic development, the resource allocation and the abutment of the discipline with the social systems are the complex management problems. As the America scholar Terry R Bacon said in his book "Factors of power", "Power is relative, which is up to the field you are up to. I just have been recognized in the field I am up to, and have won the reputation, and thus have some degree of the authority, or is the greater power. But in other areas, I am unknown to the public, and I have not been appreciated, nor do I receive the attention, and therefore, I am essentially incapable of action [7]". So, the academic authorities do not necessarily have the knowledge and skills to be engaged in the management. If we think that the power used by them to participate in the management of the affairs is the academic power, it will inevitably lead to the academic power into the vicious circle that the administrative power suppresses. To observe from the actual operation, the academic organizations more often become the role of the advisors of the operation of the administrative systems, and the power of the academic organizations in nature is the demisability or the grant of the administrative powers.

If we rate the power possessed by the academic organizations dominated by the administrative power as the academic power, it will lead to the good idea difficult to achieve that "the academic power is the foundation of the university power, and the university management should be oriented by the academic power". Also, there will be new or another form of "administration". Therefore, we should strictly distinguish the academic power and the authorities of the academic organizations, which will contribute to the academic power to play their independent abilities of autonomously processing the academic affairs.

2. Construction of the reasonable internal structures

and functions

The organization is the foundation of the operation of the power, and without the organization, there is not power operated. The special attributes of the organizations of the colleges and universities determine that there exist the two organizational structures of the administrative and academic system. The construction of the organization structure should give full consideration to the organizational structure between the two internal systems and the framework of the communication bridge between the two systems.

The establishment of the organizations of the administrative systems should be based on the strategic targets and the functional transformation of the schools. The present administrative system established according to the theory of "bureaucracy" is fast and efficient, but it also caused the rigid system. In the face of the higher knowledge, high consciousness, diversified management objects, its advantages is hard to play fully. First, fully consider the purpose of the organizations, and the structure follows the strategy, so the organizational structure should change with the strategic changes, to reduce the randomness that the tissue produces. The position limits the boundary of the power, and now the focus of the conflict between the academic power and the administrative power in universities not only is on the conflict between the leadership of the schools or the leadership of the institutions and other academic staff, and the greater part is focused on the conflict between the functional departments and the schools. The cause of the conflict lies in the function does not change and is not clear, and many of the functional departments want to do things and have done a lot of what they think they should do considering their responsibilities, and also the starting point is to serve the teaching, but often the result is that the institutes think that the activities of the functional departments interfere with the normal teaching order, causing the antagonism to each other.

The establishment of the organization of the academic system should follow the principle of autonomy and openness of the academic development. First, the source of the academic power is rooted in the knowledge, and is focused on the academic authorities, and is the embodiment of the voluntary follow. The academic authorities should play their own influence to independently set up the academic team in line with its own needs of the development of the subject, to cultivate its followers in the academic development. Second, the organizations with the academic authorities established by the academic authorities based on the common academic ideals and beliefs, and abide by the common occupational morals and academic morals put forward their own authoritative opinions on some specific affairs relating to the academic development of colleges and universities such as the evaluation and affirmation of the academic achievements, the development planning of a specific discipline on a certain stage, and the curriculum in order to ensure the quality education and so on. And the academic organizations set up under the auspices of the administrative systems for the needs of the university management should be defined as the administrative system provide the staff rights. The jurisdiction of the power is focused on the overall development planning on the subject and other global transactions, to put forward the decision-making, references and suggestions, and not related to the decision of a specific transaction. In terms of the academic teams, and the resources that the organizations of the academic authority need to carry out the academic affairs, we can solve the problems through the communication mechanisms and the power restriction mechanisms between the two systems and other effective ways.

3. Establish the restriction mechanisms of the exercise

of the powers

3-1. System restriction

The system is the core of the system construction of the modern universities, and is the fundamental point of managing the university by law. The author thinks that in the system construction, we should focus on doing a good job in the construction of the decision-making system, the construction of the evaluation system and the construction of the distribution system.

3-1-1. The construction of the decision-making system

The winner Prize in Economic Sciences Robert Simon once said that the management is the decision-making, and the decision-making runs through each link of the management. The principle of the decision-making is not the optimal choice, but the principle of satisfaction. No matter what mode the modern university system adopts, the decision-making will be one of the most important links in the management of the colleges and universities. At the present stage, the Party Committee of the university, and the principal office, as the highest decision-making bodies, take the form of the collective decisions, but in the relatively independent group of the college, there exists the vacuum of the supervision and restriction of the power of the highest decision-making body to a certain degree. The final stage of the collective decision-making often presents the decision of what I say goes, and the kind of decision requires that the subject of the decision is a "good person" to become a scientific and reasonable decision, namely, the subject must be an educator, thinker, or the expert in the management or other matters with the decision-making items, and when making decisions, these people have no their own selfish doping, which is the phenomenon never seen in reality. According to the principle of satisfaction, the introduction of the stakeholders to participate in the decision-making is very necessary. The stakeholders within the universities include the leadership, teachers, students and other staff. Their educational levels and their degrees of rationality are relatively high, and the scientific consciousness and the consciousness of the right are strong. They should have the rights and the abilities to participate in the decision making of the school affairs, and the introduction of these roles can make the decision more satisfied by all parties of the participation, not just a few people. At the same time, it should be required that the members participating in the decision making should have a clear reason for supporting and denying the decision making, rather than a simple process of voting.

3-1-2. The construction of the evaluation system

The achievement of the management work should finally be recognized by the evaluation through various effective ways. Without the evaluation, the entire management will become meaningless. The subject of the evaluation of the current evaluation system basically is in the hands of the administrative system and the academic organizations dominated by it, which let the whole evaluation system into that rules of a game of both the athlete and the coach. And other members outside this system are forced to accept but have no room for negotiation in order to participate in the evaluation system. Such evaluation system is apt to produce the improper use of the power, and also is an important factor to spawn the emotion of discontent. Aiming at the weakness, we should further overcome it from the choice of the evaluation subjects and the value orientation of the evaluation. In addition to the evaluation of the administrative system itself, the subject choice should also to let the academic teams spontaneous set up by the main academic authorities in and outside of the schools, the organizations of the academic authorities, and other informal organizations and other individuals participate in the evaluation through the academic research results, rather than the subjective judgment. The value orientation of the evaluation cannot be carried on only by the efficiency or the quantity and other quantified indexes. The blind pursuit of the efficiency will destroy the quality of the education to a certain extent, because the high quality education is the expensive and time-consuming education with nature, and the efficiency-centered value orientation should be transformed to the quality-centered value orientation.

3-1-3. The construction of the distribution system

The good internal distribution system will let the stakeholders realize that their achievements of their own work are recognized, which can fully mobilize the enthusiasm, whether they are engaged in the administrative work or the academic researches. The construction of the internal distribution system should be improved from the two aspects of who are the dominants of the allocation and what is the basis of the distribution. We should reform the method that the personnel department put forward a proposal, and then it can be executed after the approval of the highest decision-making body. We should let the representatives of the stakeholders be the makers of the distribution plans, and let all the parties fully elaborate the appeal of their own interests, and after the agreement with each other, it can be implemented. It should be so, especially when it comes to the resources the academic powers need to carry out the academic affairs.

3-2. The disclosure of the information

The power, as the scarce resource, is always in the hands of the minority. In the development of the universities, one factor causing the improper use of the power is the asymmetry of the information. Many of the employees of grassroots are often unable to understand the process of the decision making and the execution of the powers formulated by the authorities, and cannot judge whether the decision is correct and whether the enforcement of the power is legitimate. In the case of the system failure, often the power and the responsibility do not match. The expansion of the higher education objectively request to exercise the power in the form of the representative democracy, and in order to overcome the shortcomings of the representative system, we should make public the decision of every representative, but not only the results, including the process, not just the text information. We should make public the video data, and make all the stakeholders know whether or not the representatives they vote truly reflect their intentions in the exercise of the power, and we should make every representative participating in the decision making, clear about their duties and deeds, and let each represent really bear the responsibilities with the right to vote and the moral strength. Only in this way can we better reverse the bad phenomenon that the academic authorities are keen on the officialdom, and the people in the office are busy pursuing the academic reputation.

3-3. Strengthen education of the view of power

Power is a function of the dependent relationship, and the power depends on the strength of the dependence. The education of the concept of power is to make the power holder exercise the power correctly, fully aware that the exercise of the power can be carried out smoothly depending on the support of the masses, but not just relying on the duty power based on the position. The exercise of the power is to achieve the goals, rather than to become the politician pursuing the power as the objective, and resorting to the expediency. Non power holders and weak power holders must be clear that the non-violent non-cooperation will make the strong powers lose the soil of the improper use, and that the conflicts will make the exercise of the power back to the right path in the case of the failure of the restricting systems.

4. Conclusion

In short, the operation mechanism of power in the construction of the modern university systems should first of all needs to solve needs the active participation of each university staff, and they should be fully aware that they each have the responsibilities for the improper use of the power, either into the pursuit of the power, or appended to the power command. When clear about the attributes of the power, through the use of the system mechanism, has an all-round understanding of the information, and establishes the correct view of power, which will eventually allow the smooth operation of the power.

5. Acknowledgements

Foundation item: This paper is the periodical achievement of the school-based key project of the Qujing Normal University in 2009, "Research on the management systems and the operating mechanisms of the modern university of Qujing Normal University", Project number: 2009ZX007.


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