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Michael Wilson (Producer): The introduction was magnificent[壮观的]—the way it’s played out in the film. The first words that Sean Connery says on screen are...

James Bond: Bond. James Bond.

David Greene (Host): Important words, a couple of…a few important words.

Wilson: (laughs) And it was an instant icon. Ursula Andress coming out of the sea is an instant icon for all moviegoers.

Greene: I guess…I wondered did your father imagine that people would still be watching Bond, you know, 50 years after that first film?

Barbara Broccoli (Producer): When Ian Fleming注 was in Istanbul with…with Cubby, he said to him, “You know, these films will go on beyond me, and you’re eventually going to have to get people to continue writing these stories after I’m gone.” So I think even Ian Fleming envisioned[预想], you know, the series to go on, you know, for certainly decades. I don’t think anyone would have quite predicted 50 years. I mean, it’s…it’s an extremely long period of time—I mean, almost half of, you know, cinema itself. I can guarantee you they’d be very happy.

Greene: People love having the debate over who their favorite…their favorite actor was who…who played James Bond. And each actor changes the character in…in his own way. Is there one of them that you felt kind of play the quintessential[典范的] 007?

Wilson: I think that all of them have reflected different aspects of the Bond character. Certainly Sean was a fantastic first Bond. He really set the bar and everyone else has to measure up to[达到标准] that. But every one of the actors, they’re leading men and they bring their own personality to the role. And they find in the Fleming character, which is so rich, that these diverse actors could find something in it that they could reflect in their own personality.

Greene: As a moviegoer, I…I kind of feel like Daniel Craig. I mean, he really has the…the coldness that…that you hear about, you know, and think about from Fleming’s books. And I guess…and when you made Casino Royale, were you reconsidering that? That this was going to be a moment to…to go back to the literary[文学的] conception[概念] of the character?

Broccoli: You know, obviously when we got the rights to Casino Royale, we really felt—since this was the origin story…it was the original story that Fleming had written about the character—we felt we had to recast the role and choose someone who was going to redefine[重新定义] Bond for the 21st century. And I think that’s what Daniel has done so extremely well.

He has allowed the audience into Bond’s inner life—into the complexities[复杂性], the conflicts that Bond expresses in the novels, which are very difficult to convey on the cinema screen because it’s an internal[内心的] dialogue. Bond doesn’t talk about how he feels. And I think, you know, Daniel is such a…a superb[极好的] actor, and I think this was one of the things that he very much wanted to do when he agreed to play the role—was to really go back to the Fleming…original Fleming Bond. And that Bond is, yes, a lot darker and…but he also has vulnerability[脆弱]. I mean, in that film, his heart is broken and he shuts down emotionally. And I think that vulnerability is very powerful.

Greene: Barbara, you…you said something interesting: redefining the character for the 21st century. And it makes you wonder how tough it is to keep James Bond relevant[有关的], as we move on from the Cold War and now into, you know, an entirely new…new generation, a new time.

Broccoli: Well, we’ve had this challenge many times. I mean, we had it when we were about to do Goldeneye. The press and everyone were saying, “Well, you know, now that the Cold War is over and the Wall has come down, what relevance does Bond have?” I mean, the world’s at peace—do they need James Bond? (laughs) And well, you know the answer to that, don’t you? The world certainly did not become a peaceful place. It became even more complex. And you know, after 9/11 certainly the world changed again, dramatically. And I think that, you know, Daniel’s por-trayal[描画] of the character’s brought a lot more humanity to the role.

注:伊恩·弗莱明(1908-1964),作家、记者、二战特工,战后以自己的间谍经验创作了詹姆斯·邦德系列第一作:《007大战皇家赌场》,被称为“007之父”。下文提及的“丘比”全名为艾伯特·“丘比”·布罗科利(Albert “Cubby” Broccoli,1909-1996),该系列电影的制片人,其家族此后一直掌管着007系列的幕后大权。




















早期的邦女郎多由模特或不知名的女演员出演,在影片中的作用相当于“花瓶”。但在冷战结束后,邦女郎在影片中的地位逐渐提高,大牌女星也纷纷应邀出演。在《天降杀机》中担任第23任邦女郎的是法国女星贝纳尼丝·玛尔洛(Berenice Marlohe)。






《诺博士》(Dr. No,1962年)

《俄罗斯之恋》(From Russia with Love,1963年)



《雷霆谷》(You Only Live Twice,1967年)

《女皇密使》(On Her Majesty’s Secret Service,1969年)

《金刚钻》(Diamonds Are Forever,1971年)

《生死关头》(Live and Let Die,1973年)

《金枪人》(The Man with the Golden Gun,1974年)

《海底城》(The Spy Who Loved Me,1977年)


《最高机密》(For Your Eyes Only,1981年)


《雷霆杀机》(A View To A Kill,1985年)

《黎明生机》(The Living Daylights,1987年)

《杀人执照》(Licence to Kill,1989年)


《明日帝国》(Tomorrow Never Dies,1997年)

《黑日危机》(The World Is Not Enough,1999年)

《择日而亡》(Die Another Day,2002年)

《皇家赌场》(Casino Royale,2006年)

《量子危机》(Quantum of Solace,2008年)
