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The technique of Bajiquan pays more attention to the near-body fighting and four kinds of striking using, so it’s difficult to defend its fierce attacking. At the present, it has been listed in the most important professional training items of all kinds of police and security personnel in many parts of China.

Hooking kick is one of the representative skills in Bajiquan. Now let’s study the practice of it in order to offer the practitioners with valuable opinions.

A.The Ways of Practicing Hooking Kick

a.Crossing Legs and Hooking

Preparation Posture: .

Then, move the left foot up for a small step and move the toes of it inside. After that, turn the body towards the right side, move the right foot back to the left leg (that’s legs crossing). At the same time, raise the right palm up to catch the opponent, wave the left palm down and use the back of the hand to hit him. Look at the front of the left side . Continually, step the right foot soundly, hook the left foot along the ground out to the left side, and become the right palm into a fist and pull it to the side of the waist, wave the left palm up to the front of the body and then, press it down. Look at the left palm .

Key points: Legs crossing must be swift; body posture changing should be flexible; the left foot hooking must use the power from the waist to form a pool effects with the power of left palm pressing down.

b.Stepping up and Hooking

Preparation Posture: .

Begin from the Preparation posture. Raise the left palm up to the front to block, meanwhile, move the left foot up a small step. Then, move the right foot up, bend the knee and put only toes on the ground. Pull the right palm back to the side of the waist. Look at the front . Continually, move the toes of the left foot outside, turn the body left, stamp the right foot and hook it out to the front rubbing on the ground. Meanwhile, press the palm down to the left side of the body, grab the left palm and become a fist, then, pull it back to the side of the waist. Look at the right palm .

Key points: Foot moving up must be quick; the power of the right foot hooking and that of the right palm pressing down form pool effects, including the power from the waist and hips.

B.The Application of Hooking Kick

a.Crossing Legs and Hooking

The opponent and you are preparing for fighting . (Note: The man whose sleeves are buttoned up is the opponent, while you are the man who rolled up the sleeves.)

If the opponent steps the right foot up and strike your head or chest with the right fist, you can move the left foot up a small step, then, turn the left toes inside, move the right foot to the back of the left leg and become the crossing legs. Meanwhile, use the right palm to grab the opponent’s arm, wave the back of the left palm to hit his crotch . Continually, you can grab his wrist and twist it, use the left palm, from the outside to the inside, from the up to the downside, to hit his back. At the same time, move the left foot towards the left side to hook his foot that is in the front of him, and try to make him fall down to the front .

Key points: The power of the hooking and the power of the left palm pressing must form pool effects, including the power from the waist and hips. In actual fighting, you can use the left palm to cut the back of the opponent’s head. Note: you cannot cut until the opponent is an evil person.

b.Stepping up and Hooking

The opponent and you are preparing for fighting .

If the opponent steps up his right foot up and cut your head with the right fist, you can move the left foot up a small step, move the head aside to avoid the cutting, and meanwhile, raise the right foot up to catch and block his arm, then, move the right foot up to control his right leg . Continually, use the right palm to push his chest. Meanwhile, you can use the right foot to hook the foot that is in the front of him. Try to make him fall down .

Key points: your grasping must be accurate; your foot moving must be swift. The hooking and palm pushing must be used at the same time, and the power in them should form a pool effect. Your body must be close to the opponent’s.

Notes: hooking kick is one of the falling down skills in Bajiquan. It pays more attention to catch accurately and to hit fiercely, so your body moving must follow your foot moving and be close to the opponent’s body. Only this can improve the fighting effect. Hooking kick has large variety of changes in Bajiquan, which can cooperate with all kinds of body postures and hand skills. Only more practice can improve your ability to use them and improve them in actual fighting.