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Analysis of Utilitarian Learning Pattern Under the Background of Network Languag

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[a]School of Culture and Social Development Study, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.

*Corresponding author.

Received 22 January 2014; accepted 16 Apirl 2014

Published online 27 April 2014


Network language is generated in the Internet context, its emergence and development would always be influenced by Internet itself. With the prevalence of network among the youth group, teenagers’ behavior is increasingly influenced by the network language. This article aims to observe the teenagers’ utilitarian tendency in their study work, then analytic network language’s impaction on young people’s learning pattern and find the reason behind it.

Key words: Network language; Teenagers; Utilitarian learning pattern

YE Yingqi; ZHANG Yin (2014). analysis of utilitarian learning pattern under the background of network language Among Teenagers . Cross-Cultural Communication, 10(2), -0. Available from: http///index.php/ccc/article/view/4494

DOI: http:///10.3968/4494


According to a report which released by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in January this year, at the end of December 2013, the scale of China’s Internet users has reached 618 million. The penetration rate of Internet has been improved to 45.8%. While the ratio of teenager who aged from 20 to 29 years old is 31.2%. More and more teenagers would like to choose Internet as a medium to communicate, in the same time, network language derived in this medium is gradually penetrating into every aspect of teenagers’ study and living and make a big influence, especially on teenagers’ daily learning, communication methods and the form of their language which leads to their emphasis and psychological dependence on network language and eventually forming a unique way of communication and learning attitude. This article will focus on the relationship between the network language and the patterns of teenagers’ learning mode, trying to seek the intrinsic link between them and analyze the impact and effect of network language bringing to teenagers in a long-term learning.


1.1 The Outline of Network Language

In general, network language includes two aspects. First it refers to some technological network terms, such as posting, broadband, etc. Second is the new language which different from traditional language appearing in the communication between different Internet users. In the early formation of the network language due to the communication limitations of main subject, the network language in mainly composed by former aspect. But with the limitation is subsequently moderated and the communication between applicable subject has been strengthened, the other aspects of the network language will occupy a major position in the network language. The new language which comes from sign becomes the main tool of communication in Internet and its influence is increasingly beyond its carrier. The original terminology used to be a dominant position at this time is either gradually transformed into a language with new language features or gradually withdraw from the spotlight. The main language spoken in this article refers to the network jargon includes the features of new language after a mature formation of Internet and those language clusters including new language emerging in communication.

1.2 The Features of Networks Language

Because there is a huge difference between network language and traditional written and oral language, it has following main features:

1.2.1 The Significance and Generality of Network Language

A single symbol contains a large amount of information, but because of the liability and lacking of effective mechanism in the main body during the communication process, ensuring the accuracy of information transmission are easy to produce ambiguity. The efficiency in the rate of network transmission which forms the diversity of the Internet formation combines well with innate curiosity corresponds of network’s main body. Network has become the basic way for many people accessing information. The limitations of time and space make people have to give up some original information which they are unwilling to abandon in the process of obtaining. In such cases, the symbolization of daily language becomes people’s first choice, such as symbols and symbols, symbols and numbers, the combination of digital and digital instead of the traditional Chinese characters in the network.

For example, when people are describing Alibaba website the first thought is not about the marketing between the enterprise and the enterprise, but the code name “B2B”. When people want to say “goodbye” in the network, they will use “88” to instead of traditional text. And this replacement is easy to let people mix the complex symbol meaning together and form the phenomenon of polysemy. With the uncertainty of the network context, people are pretend to make mistake in the process of using the network language. Such as “FB” can represent the “corruption”, “luxury” and some specific scenarios - copy in network games. The relative concealment and liability led to the randomness in network transmission process which strengthens the distortion of information in the process of transforming and causes the vulgar phenomenon directly. Such as “TMD” is shorted from theater missile defense plan originally but is used as the abbreviation of vulgar language in the eyes of some Internet users.

1.2.2 The Network Language Has Rapid Transmissibility

As the most rapid media at present, the language tools which appear in the Internet and network language has a fast speed since they were created. Network has an incomparable efficiency when compared with interpersonal communication and other media. Symbolization of network language is easy to operate in the process of spreading a message from main body. They are easy to be accepted and memorized for audiences during the acquiring of information. Therefore, the symbolization of network language also strengthened this efficiency to a certain extent.

1.2.3 The Virtuality of Internet Language

People in the network situation has a virtual identity which independent from the reality which usually hides one’s real name, age, culture level, social status and so on. This makes segregation between network and reality, the freedom of language communication and corresponding social responsibility. The segregation influences the network language mainly from following three aspects: First, the virtual identity under this segregation is distorted. true, therefore the credibility of network identity is greatly reduced, the main body’s spread function is reduced, the importance of the network language which covers information is improved; Second, due to the establishment of the virtual identity, the freedom of information transmission is increasing its equal status so as the openness of the network context; Third, the establishment of a virtual identity isolates the relation between the network language behavior and realistic responsibility, therefore the use of network language is exonerated.

1.3 The Influence the Network Language Brings to Teenagers

1.3.1 The Study Environment Under Network Language Is attractive for Teenagers

Because of network language’s generality and virtuality, it creates a different learning mode from reality learning mode. And its particularity meets the characteristics of teenagers who like pursuit new things. So this kind of mode is favored by young people than traditional one. This kind of pattern has the following two main characteristics: First, there are many methods to acquire knowledge, the coercive power for study is low and the content has a high selectivity. Network for its characteristics of virtuality and openness break or weaken the geographical, cultural and racial segregation. Through information highway it connects every corner of people all over the world. People get the freedom from the original limitation which they cannot get in reality through the Internet. And this kind of breakthrough in restriction on the original limitation directly impact on the Internet which is information explosion within the scope of the Internet. And these information fragments produced by explosion for those who are accustomed to traditional mandatory learning mode teenagers are never contact with in the past. On the one hand, teenagers are active to get the new information. On the one hand, they also accept information selectively.

Second, the network learning mode has a diversification for its evaluation subject and evaluation mode. Due to the relative equality and the liability of the network language used in main subject, network context provides a relatively relaxed environment for others learning process and evaluation in Internet subject. Every evaluation main subject can make different evaluation in this relax environment and let teenagers have cognitive ability so as to promote the own ability.

1.3.2 The Characteristic of Network Language’s Escape Are Easy to Be Accepted by Teenagers

Network language involves into the interests level which daily life language dare not to include. While the teenagers has a natural tendency to accept the new way to spread opposite things which are different from morality. As already be mentioned, the virtuality of network language main subject makes it has a right to be exonerated. Therefore, the main subject used in can make comments directly disregard social conventions responsibility. This fact provides the condition for network subject to protect personal economic factors which are stressed by generations of Chinese. Since the reform and opening up, mass media are focused on this. Therefore, the discussion of economic factors is prevalent in the network situation. And the relevant discussion about economic factors induced to economic interests for the discussion of personal motivation in this loose environment unconsciously which has great discrepancy to traditional ethics and morality that teenagers received in the school and family. Teenagers are pretend to absorb new things that make them have a positive attitude for concept of utilitarianism which is different from traditional morality. They take this concept into their study learning and regard it as a guide.

1.3.3 The Spread of Network Language Will Induce “Following the Mass Effect”

The convenience of network language covers amount of information that will make receiver repeated to receive the same or similar information at the same time. While the economic motivation of the utilitarianism occupies large proportion in the information, which makes teenagers received a large number of such ideas in the process of using the network. In addition, teenagers’ strong desire to imitate and the higher self confidence make them teenagers not easy to change after absorbing this kind of idea. And those who were not affected by this kind of idea also easy to absorb this kind of idea when seeing most of the similar groups perceived this ides and finally avoid from this group. As a result, mainstream values instead reality becomes the guide for teenagers study learning.

1.3.4 The Conception of Efficiency in Network Language Leads to Teenagers’ Utilitarianism

Teenagers themselves have a strong desire to self-realization, and strive to master “efficiency”. Network language has the characteristics of convenient which provides teenagers the concept of “efficiency”. The generalization of “efficiency” finally developed to utilitarianism. Teenagers are in a certain age stage and begin to have a preliminary social cognitive establishment. But because of its cognitive limitations, teenagers at this stage are particularly worship for those social groups which have advantages in certain area and also trying to achieve this level. But the limitations in reality repudiate teenagers’ efforts to reach their goals through their own effort. Teenagers thus try to find “shortcut” to achieve the goal and the network language’s “economic intuition” make teenagers think “shortcut” is possible to achieve. In the end “shortcut” becomes utilitarianism in daily life and study.


The concept of utilitarianism mentioned above in the study of teenagers has evolved into a kind of pure utilitarian learning mode whose characteristic is pursuit efficiency. The following paper is going to discuss this model.

2.1 The Features of Teenagers’ Utilitarian Study Mode

2.1.1 Utilitarian Study Mode Mainly Focuses on Result

Influenced by utilitarian study mode which mainly focuses on result, teenagers try to use minimum cost to gain maximum return in the process of study. On the one hand, this single pursuit of efficiency affect the quality of the results, on the other hand, also driven teenagers seeking unconventional ways to achieve this efficiency. The former is performed as the application of symbolic language. The contradiction between the high requirements of the real-time interactive online and the low speed of information output prompting the simplification of language to symbol. Teenagers use these symbols which stimulate sensory organ directly to instead traditional language and promote efficiency when sending and receiving information. In the process of this kind of efficiency, the main subject in communication not only want their own information can be transferred efficiently, but also expect the receiver has an effective understanding. Once the expectations are failed, the transmission main subject will look for another way which is unconventional to enhance the efficiency. And that a pair of unconventional way is “copy” which will help web users to achieve high efficiency, at the same time, also eliminated the main subject’s confidence of scheduled task and encourage the inertness of the subject.

2.1.2 The Utilitarian Study Mode Solidify Teenagers Thought in Study Habit

Utilitarian learning mode helps teenagers obtain higher self experience in the short term. After getting this kind of experience teenagers also willing to use this kind of learning mode in order to satisfy their specific experience need. The essence of the preference for utilitarian learning mode reflects the solidification of learning model and the solidification of learning way and thinking mode. In utilitarian learning mode, teenagers tend to choose the network to obtain knowledge and solve the problems. Once this tendency has become their first choice their thinking mode will depend on mainstream way of thinking in the Internet.

2.1.3 Utilitarian Study Mode Depends on Media in Study Approach

This dependence is mainly embodied in the following two aspects: First, this kind of learning pattern in book learning methods is weaken, teenagers in this type of pattern cannot learned knowledge systematically. For teenagers in this learning mode focus their learning methods on the network and neglect the main carrier of traditional learning - print books. Despite teenagers can get abundant learning resources in the network, but these resources show in the form of points and sides for teenagers who lack of construction ability. These pieces of knowledge are easily forgotten and neglected and can’t build a reasonable knowledge system. Second, because teenagers have self-fulfilling wishes, they always seek independent method to solve the problem of learning and living. The solidification of learning methods and thinking pattern makes teenagers regard networks as an independent way to solve problem. The opinions they get in network are complex, in which teenagers can’t select appropriate idea to applied to the reality, so that the real problem is still not solved and form a vicious circle.

2.2 The Damage Utilitarian Learning Mode Brings to Teenagers

A. Utilitarian learning mode has the characteristics of clear short term goal, but teenagers have tendency of targets is greater than the results in the process of learning. Affected by utilitarianism, teenagers only pay attention to achieve the target in the process of learning and ignore the quality and process of the result. The process of goal setting for teenagers’ target is too idealistic. Due to the individual’s strong desire to self-realization and ignore the feasibility in the process and efforts needed to achieve goals.

B. Influenced by network language diversity, the goals of utilitarian learning are also prone to diversification. Teenagers have the limitation of experience and ability and cannot achieve multiple goals. Utilitarian learning mode has clear target, but because of diversity of network background which will inevitably make teenagers objectives diversified. The limitations of their own make most teenagers can’t complete many goals in the same stage. Thus “shortcut” such as copy became their first choice to achieve goals..

C. Utilitarian learning mode makes teenagers pursuit learning efficiency while ignoring quality l to achieve target. Utilitarian learning mode affects the quality of learning mainly from the following two aspects: First, the features network language symbolization was brought into the real learning in pursuit of efficiency. The ambiguity caused by language polysemy affected the quality of learning; Second, the behavior caused by efficiency which seemingly contributed to the achievement of learning goals, but in fact distort the purpose of learning. The expected goal is failed to achieve.

D. Utilitarian learning mode makes the teenagers easy to escape from setback. Teenagers’ high desire of self-realization and disappointment from expected goal will make them blame the external environment. Meanwhile, teenagers’ bipolar mood will produce a kind of escape from real learning after the failure.


In view of the characteristics and causes of utilitarian learning mode and combined with the social reality and development tendency, the author think the following aspects could do to change teenagers’ learning mode.

3.1 Support From External Environment

A. Set up a reasonable and positive, diversified evaluation system which will divert teenager’s attention from utilitarian goal. Once the utilitarian goal is dispersed it will not so obvious. School and family should provide a reasonable, active education mode and pluralistic evaluation system. Change the original negative evaluation system and make a positive evaluation to learning process. The evaluation of results can’t always be positive but cope with the negative and neutral factors to make an objective evaluation. The feedback should give to teenagers to help them change the target system.

B. Strengthen the supervision mechanism of the network make the network language more objective and credibility. The openness of the network let the network has a mature supervision mechanism and our country’s asymmetry in network openness and regulatory causes the distortion and vulgar of network language. Using national compulsory means to monitored network language is a necessary means. It also can make network language become more objective and credibility.

C. Strengthen the moral norms and change it from external rules to inner, consciously constraints. Adolescent psychological inversion results from the independent growth of individual while external rules which constraints the independence is increasingly weakened. Thus the single specification used to restrict teenagers’ utilitarian learning mode will deepen their hostility. But moral consciousness and inner restrictions used in individual conforms the development of individual adolescent independence. Thus inner moral self-consciousness becomes an important way of adjustment of utilitarian learning mode in the adolescent stage.

3.2 Guide of Inner Behavior

A. Help teenagers to establish reasonable independent consciousness and self cognitive ability and make them to find an accurate position, setting reasonable goals and taking action. Teenagers during adolescent have a high self-realization and independent consciousness. It is inevitably for them to become idealize when making learning goals. Whether could help teenagers evaluate themselves reasonable at present situation will directly affect the learning process and learning results. Thus help teenagers have a clear cognition in the past, present, and future, developing reasonable cognitive situation will make them have a positive attitude to reality. Using reasonable actions to distinguish virtual and reality is the prerequisite to establish reasonable learning mode.

B. Strengthening process guide mechanism during the learning process. Not only give supervision and evaluation to teenagers on the target and the results, but also help and encourage them in the process of study learning. Completing the target in time and quantity as well as achieving the goal in efficiency and quality.

C. Making an attribution guide to juveniles and help them establish a suitable attribution mechanism of individual development which will make them use a reasonable way to face adversity and finally smooth out of adversity. Based on adolescent’s rational self-cognition and change the single attribution of habits. Teaching them to learn from self-experience and environment, while summing up experience use it to further study.

D. Extending teenagers’ association and help them build positive and mutual beneficial relationships. Help them set up positive attitude towards life using which to replace the attachment of previous virtual network interpersonal relationship.

3.3 Construction of New Study Mode

Conduct and lead teenagers to build a new study mode. Combine their specific situation there are following features in new type of study:

A. The amount of learning resources has a reasonable construction. Endless learning resources exist in Internet which meets the requirement of network users. Simple accumulation of resources brings difficulties to teenagers in the process of employment. Therefore it is necessary to arrange and systematized the learning resources in Internet. It is also the premise of establish knowledge system to subject.

B. Using reference interests to complete study motive and remove unreasonable part of motivation. Everything has a kind of interests as the prime mover, so does learning. The motivation to gain interests is the root of learning. Under the influence of other factors this kind of motivation will derives unreasonable factors. If inner moral self-consciousness can restrain unreasonable composition effectively at this time, these unreasonable compositions will be reduced. It is possible to achieve learning goals.

C. Diversification of methods to acquire knowledge appears both in networks and the traditional model. The way of knowledge acquisition has changed from traditional mode to network mode. In this shift people pay attention to the advantages of the new network mode and the disadvantages of traditional mode, and ignored the shortcomings of the new pattern and the advantages of the traditional mode. Therefore the new learning mode should be more objective towards the two patterns which will make both coexist in the new learning mode and impel a smooth learning.


People pay much more attention to network study in daily learning. But many studies just focus on a single aspect and hold a negative attitude toward it. The author thinks the future research should balance the two sides and see their negative effects and positive effect. According to the reality and the need of teenagers’ development in new learning mode introducing more real resource. This article regards utilitarian learning mode as the breakthrough to analysis the characteristics, situation and subject of network language. Explain its negative influence and put forward relevant countermeasures accordingly. But the research methods of this article is using documents as its evidence and lacking of a systematic sampling research. Thus the data in this paper is indirect information and the author keeps his own opinion in some issues which influences the substantive feature of this paper.


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