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【中图分类号】R445.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2010)08-0006-02

【Abstract】Objective: To evaluate the practical effect of supersonic technique in detecting young and middle-aged crowd’s vessel station and the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, we apply it by detecting the carotid artery of 498 young and middle-aged crowd in the health physical examination. Methods:There are 498 subjects, (male 334, female 164) and their ages range from 30-60 years of old. All of them are without cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases after the check-up by our hospital. To examine the inside diameter, IMT and the resonance intensity and number of atheromatous plaque of carotid arteries、internal carotid artery、external carotid artery in both sides of the subject by color Doppler Imagining. Results: (1)There are significance differences inIMT,slight narrowness and plaque formation of the carotid artery between male and female groups.(2)IMT has the tendency of thicker following the age. Conclusion: Thesupersonic technique has great significance in detecting the risk and prevention of young and middle-aged crowd’s cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

【Key words】Young and middle-aged crowdCarotid artery ultrasoundPhysical examination

目前,许多统计资料表明,心脑血管疾病发病率在不断上升,其发病的年轻化趋势已引起了社会的高度关注,故对其早期发现、早期干预已刻不容缓。多普勒超声检查对于颈动脉粥样硬化(carotid artery artherosclero sis, ccA )的诊断提供了一种快速、安全、简便、重复性好的检测手段,可发现早期动脉粥样硬化的形成[1],为心脑血管病的早期预防和治疗提供客观的依据。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料:选取2007年7月-2010年4月于我院体检中心参加健康体检的排除既往心、脑血管疾病史选择进行颈动脉超声检查的中青年人群共498名,其中男性334名,女性164名;年龄30-60岁,男性平均年龄49.23±5.4岁,女性平均年龄48.11±5.2岁。334名男性中,吸烟率达68.2%,中度以上饮酒率达74.5%,血压偏高者达8.7%,血脂增高者达65.3%,高尿酸血症者达60.4%,高敏C反应蛋白升高者335%,肥胖者达9.0%,超重者达22.2%,自诉平素工作紧张、疲劳及压力过高者达55%以上;而164名女性中,吸烟率为0,中度以上饮酒率为35%,血压偏高者为5.1%,血脂增高者为38.4%,高尿酸血症者为356%,高敏C反应蛋白升高者为18.2%,肥胖者为3.8%,超重者264%,工作紧张、压力大、睡眠欠佳者达45%。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 检查方法:使用荷兰飞利浦IE33彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率7.5-12MHZ,由专人专仪器检查。检查时取仰卧位,颈后垫检枕,头偏向检查对侧,常规对双侧颈总动脉(CCA)、颈内动脉(ICA)颅外段、颈外动脉(ECA)进行纵切、横切及连续扫查检测。检测血管内径,内膜-中层厚度(IMT),注意管腔有无斑块、斑块形态及大小,有无狭窄或闭塞等形态异常。其诊断标准:(1)IMT

1.2.2 统计学处理:数据以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,计量资料行t检验,计数资料行X2检验,P

2 结果

2.1 颈动脉IMT的年龄分布情况及增厚检出率比较:受检者双侧颈动脉IMT男、女相比有显著性差异(P

2.2 受检者双侧颈动脉狭窄程度:颈动脉超声可以显现动脉壁情况。在334名男性受检者中,共发现148例存在不同程度的狭窄,其中轻度狭窄115 例,占34.4%;中度狭窄26例,占7.8%;重度狭窄7例,占21%。而164名女性受检者,共有24例存在狭窄情况,主要以轻度狭窄为主,其中轻度狭窄20例,占12.2%。男女比较存在显著差异。详2 讨论




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