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Factors Affecting Teaching Efficiency in English Class of Senior Middle School

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Abstract: It is well known that learning English becomes very important during the rapid process of economic globalization. The teaching of English as a foreign language in China has become a nationwide endeavor pursued at all academic levels. However, in English class, there are many factors that influence teaching efficiency. To know those factors clearly will help teachers to find the typical problems, analyze problems objectively and find proper ways to solve the problems. Only by this way can the teaching efficiency be enhanced. On the basis of defining the factors, this paper is to give research on the solutions. At the same time, students are expected to find the right learning strategies for individualized strategies so that eventually it helps to generate effective results in english class. To study and research the factors and strategies is very important in language teaching.

Key Words: Factors; Teaching efficiency; Enhance; Strategies

摘 要 随着经济生活全球化的日益加快,学习英语的重要性已众所皆知。在中国,从幼儿园到大学,英语教学已经成为一种流行趋势。然而,在英语教学中有很多的因素已经影响到了课堂教学效果。因此,教师要全面地了解和分析这些因素,并善于发现教学中所发生的一些具有代表性的问题,然后客观地加以分析,从中找到症结所在,并尝试各种解决方法。只有这样,才能不断提高课堂教学效率进而提高教学水平。本文在说明影响课堂教学效果因素的基础上,研究阐明了解决这些问题的方法策略。同时,期望学生找到适合自身特点的学习策略,从而达到有效的教学效果。因此,研究影响课堂教学的因素及其解决方法是语言教学研究的重要内容。

关键词 因素 教学效率 提高 策略

1 Introduction:

What happens in English classroom is intimately linked to the teaching efficiency. Not only should teachers be aware of that but analyze them and find strategies to solve the problems in classroom teaching. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors influencing the teaching efficiency. This step is the basis of finding different strategies aiming at different factors. How to deal with the inharmonious phenomenon happening in classroom is very important. “Teaching is not easy as one imagines. As a teacher, he needs the enthusiasm to work and exquisite specialized knowledge as well. Furthermore, he should take students’ emotion into consideration.”(Oxford R, 1990, p117)[1] Some previous proofs have demonstrated factors such as gender, age and the individual personality have impacts on English learning and teaching. This negative effect has close relationship with the teaching efficiency. This study is to investigate further on this subject.

2Factors related to teaching efficiency and strategies of solving the problems

Generally speaking, a successful class has close relationship with its participants, namely, teacher and students. They are not perfect. If both the participants can find their own shortcomings and try to overcome them, the teaching efficiency will be better. Based on different subjects, factors are different. The below mentioned are focusing on the respective factor and solutions.

2.1 Student as the subject of the research

Students play an important role in classroom teaching, but different performances lead to different results. The most common phenomenon teachers often come across is the interactivity is nit easily achieved. Sometimes, the situation is even worse that the class activity can not go on smoothly. The following aspects can inform you the reasons.

2.1.1 Some students are unwilling to participate in classroom activity. This bad atmosphere influences every student. I have done a questionnaire on students’ own free will to join in the class activity. 50 students (30 male and 20 female) are investigated. The result is 12 students, including 8 girls and 4 boys, said they participated in the class voluntarily, which takes on 24%; The other situation is that 18 students wanted to join the class but they are afraid of expressing them affluently and making mistakes, which takes on36%. The rest of the students said they preferred to be audience. Seldom do they join in the class activity and air their opinions, which occupies 40%. This investigation reveals that students’ desires to join the class are low. Research shows students have a kind of fear of losing face if they can not perform well in class. Actually, this worry is unnecessary. “A person can not master the language without making mistakes.”(Ellis, 1986, P276)[2] So, teachers should make it clear that as a student, he should not bear this emotional baggage. Just have a try. If they are wrong, teachers should not interrupt students for this action will increase the psychological pressure on students. As time passes, students might lose confidence and enthusiasm to study and become passive even refuse to cooperate with teachers. In this way, teaching efficiency becomes a vicious circle and is greatly affected.

2.1.2 Students’ interests of learning English are also very crucial. Einstein once said: “Interest is the best teacher.” It is appropriate to use the motto here. Standards of English Course for senior middle school points out: “The task of elementary education for English is to stimulate and cultivate students’ interests of learning English, make students build self-confidence, form good learning strategies. . . . . .”(Jiaoyubu, 2003, P23)[3] In order to reach this standard and adapt the requirements in contemporary times, teachers should exploit the potentials of students and kindle students’ interests to study in English at the same time. In this way, students find delight in English learning. Later, they will study diligently and think more in English. This will improve teaching efficiency much. On the contrary, students have no interests but forced to do the things they do not like. You can imagine what will occur in class. Students will be uncooperative with teachers. They will be constant chattering in class, not listening to the teacher, refusing to take part in certain activity etc.

2.1.3 Whether students preview or review is important to teaching efficiency as well. I have interviewed 12 students on this aspect. However, only 2 students do the tasks after class. They said: “Reviewing makes the knowledge we have learned consolidate and previewing informs us the information of new knowledge. When we preview, we put new concepts in mind in advance. When we have class, it is easier to grasp the important and different points. We feel the effect is evidently better than when we do not do.” This survey shows the necessity of reviewing and previewing. “Students who do not review or preview will have too many things to take care of at the same time. Thus they can not concentrate on class.”(Zhang Dianyu, 2005)[4] This sometimes makes class in a mess. Consequently, students’ reviewing and previewing help teachers achieve better teaching efficiency.

2.1.4 The students’ level of oral English has impacts on teaching efficiency. Oral abilities of senior middle school students are poor because senior high school lays more stress on the ability of test. It is exam—dominated education. Oral ability of students is limited, which leads to their unwillingness of participating in the classroom activity successfully. Teaching Syllabus of Senior School English points out: “On the basis of teaching junior English, teachers should make students consolidate and enlarge the common knowledge. Meanwhile, teachers should help students develop the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and enhance the ability of communicating in English.” This will benefit students for students can make efficient learning strategies. Actually the efficient learning strategy is the cornerstone of the sustainable development of students. The teaching syllabus mainly informs us the importance of speaking and listening. However, in real life, most senior middle school students are poor in oral English and in listening. They can not communicate with people freely. Even worse, some students can not say a few words in English.

The problem teachers often come across is some students can get high marks in written English test, but they do not like to open their mouths and air their ideas. There are some other cases, for instance, some students who have god ideas in their minds feel hard to express themselves. It is investigated that the reasons of these phenomena are students having no or little interest in oral English and keeping out of point. That whether students’ oral English is good or nit has something to do with students’ characters and personality. In order to solve these problems, teachers should help students foster the interests of speaking English. Teachers can finish the teaching tasks successfully if students speaking English fluently. However, how to arouse students’ interests of speaking English? Teachers should adopt diversified teaching methods and interesting classroom activities. They can organize students to do role-play of dialogues between teams and sing songs. Teachers can also make a combination at the same time. In this way, students can get more chances of practice. They will feel more excited. As time goes on, they dare to open their mouths and speak English. This greatly help students build their self-confidence hence they are eager to do oral practice.

Teacher’s strategy of correcting students’ oral mistakes is very vital. Nowadays, English teaching often lays more stress on communicating ability so there is a lot of information needed to express in English. On this aspect, the frequency of speaking English increases to a large extent. However, teachers are usually alert to every sentence students speak. When teachers find some mistakes, for example, pronunciation, intonation, grammar etc, they immediately interrupt students and correct them. This is a bad behavior. Teachers my think they help students improve English. In fact, this action will disturb students’ thinking. In the long run, students always worry about whether the sentences they speak are right or wrong. It will impede the teaching efficiency for students will spend more time on thinking this thus they will not concentrate on the content. Some students may first think of Chinese and then put the Chinese sentences into English. This actually is Chinese-English. In view of these problems, teachers should consider proper methods to correct mistakes otherwise students will have a sense of being afraid of difficulty. “Teachers should try their best to neglect the mistakes and they should encourage students. This positive attitude makes students strengthen the confidence to speak English in public.”(Liu Wei, 2005)[5]

Teachers are only leaders to find good strategies to give students clues. Students are the principal part in class. Teachers should realize that their duties are to play the leading roles well and try to kindle students desire to speak English.

2.2 Teacher as the subject of the research

In an attempt to find out what we think teachers and teaching I asked a variety of people the question: “what makes a good teacher?” I interviewed several students of different levels, from senior middle school to college. The following answers are representatives. “They should make their lesson interesting so you don’t fall asleep in class.” This was said by anstudent in a college. “A good teacher is someone who has a wide range of knowledge not only of his subject.” “I like a teacher who knows our name…….” it is suggested that nowadays students also have requirements to teachers. Thus teachers should find their default and try to avoid them.

2.2.1 “One of the features of high teaching efficiency lays stress on how to ask questions, and make good use of the raised questions to help students easily understand the teaching content.”(Yang Ying; Huang Juan, 2005)[6] Teachers need to master this skill in classroom teaching. Asking questions is the bridge of communication between teachers and students. It is also a tie for teachers to impart their knowledge to students. When there is a difficult question for students, some hints should be given to help students. Through hints, students can give correct answer. For instance:

T: Today we will study a new lesson about advertisement. Then what is advertisement?

S: I don’t know.

T: Well, when you are walking on street, suddenly a big billboard comes into your sight. What is that?

S: (Pause) Sorry

T: Look at the blackboard. Have you seen the picture on the board? (Teacher draws a picture of cell phone on the blackboard)

S: Yes.

T: Actually, this is a king of advertisement. Now can you tell me what advertisement in your own words is?

S: Of course. Advertisement refers to a kind of action of making something publicly known.

T: Very good.

This is a promotion question. The teacher uses to lead the student to give a correct answer. This way can provide more chances of succeeding and promote students to participate in class activity. If the answer lacks depth, teachers should provide more related information and make a further elaboration. In a word, teacher should adopt proper ways to ask question on the basis of teaching content and teaching aim. Using proper ways to ask question is the core of high teaching efficiency.

After giving students’ questions, teachers should pay attention to the following:

1. Pause. After raising questions, teachers should give students enough time to think and wait for the answers patiently.

2. Rephrasing. Teachers should use another way to say the question again if students can not understand what the teacher said. In this case, teachers can start in other words: Let me put the question in a way that will help you understand it better.

3. Providing additional information. Sometimes, students can not answer the questions because of lack of important information. Under this circumstance, teachers should provide students with more information. In tideway, teachers help students think about a question rather than give the answers directly.

4. Predicting answer. Some students who lack confidences may give up the chance of answering question. This moment teachers should try to encourage students to predict answers. For instance, a text is about a businessman named Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. He is so lucky that he survives the crash and lands on a deserted island, where has no food and people. In this situation, teachers can ask questions like this: what would have happened if Chuck is alone on the deserted island? What is the likely result of this story?

5. Lowing level of cognitive demand. If a certain student can not answer the question, teachers should let other student try. If several students fail to give the correct answers, it reveals the question is too difficult. Right now, teachers should lower lever of cognitive demand and give students some simpler questions. Teachers use simpler vocabulary to help student understand the questions better. Although this may change the expected aim and keynote, it can maintain the communication between the teacher and the students,

2.2.2 The arrangement of the teaching content should be appropriate.” A good teacher knows what levels his students have. The content arrangement should be in accordance with the availability of students’’(McDonough,J.etal, 2003, P89)[7] If the teaching content is to difficult, students will suffer great setback although they try several times. In a long run, students will be in a low sprite and lose confidence. By contrast, if the teaching content is too easy, it will cause a negative result in that students think it is too easy that they are unnecessary to listen to.

Therefore, teaching content should contain some proper difficulties. In this way, students experience a sense of triumph after a litter try, which is beneficial to high teaching efficiency.

2.2.3 “Teaching’s emotion is a factor to teaching efficiency. Teacher’s emotion can arouse a kind of positive influence on students, students will find learning interesting and relaxed. They will have strong desire to learn more,”(Li yincang, 2005)[8] On the contrary, the negative emotion produces a negative result. Student will feel dull and oppressive. Teacher’s love to education career, love to students, love to the subject one teaches. The basis of education students us to love students first, some investigating show that students need the Love from their teachers. The studying impetus also needs the love. Teacher’s love includes the following aspects: be equal to every student, be easygoing to students, be patient to students and be concerned for students. A conclusion from practice shows if a teacher puts the love to the cultivation of students, students will show love and respect to the teacher. This will be transformed to the love of the course taught by the teacher. An excellent teacher in shanghai, Yu Yi, says: “As a teacher, you should conceal your bad emotion when you go to classroom. Bad emotion will cause a big distance between teacher and students. As students see you, they will feel you are not kind and respectable.”(Wei shougao, 2004)[9] From this, we can see teacher’s emotion is vital to teaching efficiency.

2.2.4 Teacher’s corrections to students also play an important part in teaching efficiency. Correction helps students to clarify their understanding of the meaning and construction of language. “It is a vital part of the teacher’ role and something which the teacher is uniquely able to provide, but precisely because it involves pointing out people’ mistakes, teachers have to be careful when correcting since, if teachers do it in sensitive way, teachers can upset out students and dent their confidence.”(M.P. Breen & A. Littlejohn, 1995, P126)[10] What is appropriate for one student may be quite wrong for another one. Some teachers always interrupt students when students give wrong answers. This action critically impedes the teaching efficiency. One bad result is teacher’s interruption will disturb the thought of the student. Another is other students’ attention will be distracted. Teacher should encourage students although students can not reach the expectation of teachers. This behavior will decrease the pressure of students. Some proofs reveal that all the students wish to get positive evaluation from their teachers.

In general, the teachers’ jobs is to point out when something has gone wrong——and see if the student can correct herself or himself. Maybe what they said or wrote was just a slip and they are able to put it right straightway. Sometimes, however, students can not put mistakes right on their own, so teachers have to help them. They can do this by asking if one of their colleagues can help out or by explaining the problems themselves. If teachers get other students in the class to help out, they have to make sure that the student who made the mistake in the first place is not going to be humiliated by this.

2.2.5 The teacher’s physical presence plays s part in his or her management of the classroom environment. And it is not just appearance either. The way the teacher moves, how he or she stands, how physically demonstrative he or she is ---all these play their part in the effective management of a class.

All teachers like all people, have their own physical characteristics and habits, and they will bring these into the classroom with them. As a teacher, one should be approachable. No matter how solemn he is, he should change this character before going to the class. Otherwise, students will think this is a sign of coldness. As time goes by, students will lose interest in the subject and the teacher. Thus teachers should consider the closeness between students and them. When teachers enter the classroom, he should be energetic and in happy mood. And students will be infected to be energetic. If teachers work with students in pairs, teachers should create an extremely friendly atmosphere. For example, when students ask teachers questions, teachers should bend down and have a casual intonation. In this way, teachers are at the same level as their seated students. This friendly atmosphere can promote the relationship between students and teachers. Therefore, it is important to consider what kind of effect such physical behavior has. Most successful teacher moves around the classroom to some extent. However, some teachers spend a great deal of time walking here and there. Although this is a matter of personal preference, such behavior can bore students because students’ attention can be distracted. On the contrary, some teachers always stand in one place----at the front of the class. This is not good either. Whether teachers move or not can depend on students’ reactions. When teachers find students become bored, they should change the place. If they stand in one place for a long time, they should move around and vice versa. In class, the most important point teachers should not neglect is the contact, especially eye contact. Eye contact can make teachers be aware of what students are doing and how they are feeling about the class. And then, teachers can adjust the teaching speed or teaching content whenever necessary.

In a word, the teacher’s physical approach and personality in the class in one aspect of successful class management to consider.

2.2.6 Teacher’s voice also determines successful classroom teaching. The voice is one of the teacher’s chief tools. Perhaps the teacher’s most important instrument is the voice. How teachers speak and what their voice sounds like have a crucial impact on classes. When considering the use of the voice in the management of teaching, teachers first should consider they must be heard by students. Some teachers make their voices come to a very high pitch in order to make them heard. In fact, this action will cause a negative result because the rasping shout is very unpleasant. A high pitch sometimes is a kind of noise. Teachers do not have to shout to be heard. Good teachers should manage to keep balance between audibility and volume just right.

It is also very vital for teachers to change their voices at times. Generally speaking, when teachers are having class, they often speak loudly. But if the teacher has a conversation with a certain student, he should lower his voice. In one particular situation, teachers may speak much more loudly than usual. That is when teachers want students to keep quiet or stop doing something. On the contrary, the lower voice is also very effective because teachers suddenly lower the voice, students will listen more carefully. They are afraid of missing something important or interesting. Investigation shows that teachers who often speak in low voice occasionally raise their voices to shout have an extremely dramatic effect and this can sometime be beneficial.

2.3 Solutions to the problems:

In order to improve the teaching efficiency and make the teaching task finish successfully, it is very necessary to better control the classroom teaching and make students have a deep impression on class. So it is required that as a teacher, he or she should not only impart knowledge to students, but also enrich him or her from every aspect. It is true that a teacher who can not remember students’ names is not a qualified teacher. So teachers should first be familiar with the students they taught and try their best to remember every student. Teachers should read more as well, from arts to science to enlarge their knowledge. Investigation shows students are admirable to teachers who are full of knowledge, thus students will respect them from the bottom of heart. Except the basic qualities, teachers should pay attention to the following.

2.3.1 Teachers should build a good teaching environment. It can intrigue students’ interests of learning and thus students cooperate with teachers well. If students are uncooperative with teachers, teachers should consider taking measures. For example, first, teachers can talk or write to individuals. Teachers can speak to individual members after class. They can ask about their feelings about the class and their desires in class, which can help teachers know better about what students think in mind and why they are uncooperative. The same effect can be achieved simultaneously with all students by writing them a letter. In the letter, the teacher says that he or she thinks there is a serious problem in the class and that she wants to know what can be done about it. Students can be invited to write back in complete confidentiality. The replies which are received (and not all students will reply) will show what some of the problems are.

The only disadvantage to having students write to the teacher individually is that the teacher then has to write back to each of them.

Second, teachers can enlist help. They should talk to colleagues and friends. Resorting to a colleague or a friend is a good way because sometimes the teacher himself or herself is at a loss to solve these problems. Friends will give you some advice and if possible teacher can get a friend to come and observe the class to see if he or she notices things that the teacher himself or herself is unaware of. Teachers also should constantly change the teaching modes. For example, let students have discussions, do pair works or so role-plays. “Students can get more information and stimulation from different modes. These activities make students concentrate on class and seek the new knowledge actively.”(E. Davies & E. Pearse, 2000)[11]

2.3.2 Teachers should establish good relationship with students. In classroom teaching, communication between teacher and students occupies a big percentage. The communication puts emphasis on emotion. Teacher’s emotion expresses the trust and respect to students. Thus, students get a sense of delight and confidence.

2.3.3 Teachers should take the levels of students into account. One of the biggest problems teachers face is a lesson where the students are at different levels——some with quite competent English, some whose English is nit very good. As with many other classroom subjects, teachers face this problem every day unless the most rigorous selection has taken place. The levels of every student in every classroom are different. “Teachers should assign different tasks with the same material. They can encourage students to do different tasks depending on their abilities.”(Hammer J, 2000, P64)[12]

Teachers also should have awareness of making the teaching style consistent with the learning style of students. “… the optimal type of instruction will be that which matches the individual learner’s preferred approach to learning.”(Ellis R, 1994, P27)[13] Teachers should not neglect this aspect otherwise students will have a sense of rebel in their minds. Teachers have a full information on students’ levels and how to learn, so the result is better than those teachers who do not.

2.3.4 Teachers should help students improve their oral English. In order to enhance the oral ability, teachers should help students foster the interest of speaking English. Teachers can adopt to the following methods to help students make progress in oral English.

1. Model-based method. This is a way that students need to create a new sentence, a new dialogue or a new passage according to the given example. Generally, the given example provides students with the structure. Students only need to change the content a little and put own ideas into this structure. This is very convenient for students to make practical use of language. For example, the sample given to students is A: Which would you prefer, tea or coffee? B: I prefer tea to coffee. Here the sample has already given students the sentence structure, prefer something to something. Under this circumstance, students just use the fixed sentence structure to put some other content in it. For example, another pair of students can make a dialogue like this C: Which would you prefer, pink or purple? D: I prefer purple to pink. It is very easy for students to practice.

2. Theme-based method. As long as you see this method, it is very obvious that the main point is theme. One advantage of this method is that the aim of training is clear. Teachers can give students a wild range of themes. Students can choose any topic that they are interested. By this way, students have something to say. For instance, can you give a self-introduction in English freely? Self-introduction is a theme here. Teachers can help students choose some themes related to our daily life for these themes are familiar to them. Students have the desire to express. For example, people’s appearance, friendship, love etc. And teachers also can give some themes that need students to imagine, for example, life in 2050. All these themes can arouse students’ interest.

3. Recitation method. This method is a process of accumulating knowledge. It also is a good way to train students’ pronunciation, intonation and pause. One thing teachers should pay attention to is that the materials should not be too difficult. Teachers can gather some proverbs or mottos and write several on the blackboard every day. And then teachers require students to recite the mottos. This way not only helps students improve their oral skills but writing skills. Except the recitation of short proverbs, teachers can choose some stories and let them recite or retell.

4. Question & Answer method. This is the primary step of communicating. Students can raise any question and answer by themselves. They can also practice with partners or other student. Doing this practice, students should try their best to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

5. Step-by-step method. We often hear such a saying: “ Creep before you walk.” English learning is a process of advancing step by step. This is similar to spoken language. Students can do practice from easy to difficult, for example, from sentence to dialogue. Day by day, the oral English can be enhanced.

6. Quality method. A good plan makes work efficient. Therefore, teachers should require students to make plans and put plans into practice. Contents of plan can be the following: reciting a short passage, answering some questions or making a dialogue. All these can be done by one-self. Before going to bed, students should check if they finish the work on time.

The above methods are beneficial to students’ spoken English.

The contemporary education is student-centered. This is extremely opposite to the spoon-feed style in the past. Although the time for teachers to impart knowledge to students becomes less, they still are not relaxed for they should rack their brains to organize the class well. The study of a teacher is to make students speak more and practice more. Compared with the teaching in the past, this is more difficult. Thus the requirements for teachers are becoming strict. Teachers should set a good example to students. “They must speak English as much as possible in class. It is proved that speaking more English in class will create a good environment for students to speak English. This atmosphere can help students get rid of the interference of Chinese.”(.cn)[14] In class, teachers should use English to organize class. All these, giving students assignment, giving evaluation etc, can be expressed in English. However, teachers must take students’ psychology and language ability into consideration and try to use simple language. Teachers can also show students some real objects. In this situation, students will skip Chinese and directly relate English to the real things. Thereby, students will think in English logic. C.E.Eckersley, a linguist in England, said: “The common drawback of teacher who teaches language is he or she often adopts spoon-feed style and speaks more in class. However, students get little knowledge at last.” Generally speaking, teachers should lead students to practice. “Students are allowed to speak more than teachers. The time for teachers is no more than 25%, however, students 75%.”(T. Hedge, 1992)[15] For example, when students learn the new word popular, teachers should call several students to make sentences using this new word. To put the new word into a sentence, it can be easily mastered. The sentences can be:

——“which popular song do you like?”

——“The popular song I like is…”

Investigation shows most students like to raise questions in English.

2.3.5 Teachers should use different ways to lead students to understand the difficulties in class. Sometimes, teachers speak a sentence containing a new word. But students can not understand just because of the new word. In this case, teachers can use different ways to explain in accordance with different levels of students. Take protection as an example, for the senior school students, they are upper intermediate. Therefore, the teacher may not need to explain the meaning of the word to the students since they can either work it out for themselves or check in a dictionary.

Explaining the meaning of abstract concept is often different and time-consuming but it may need to be done. Teachers can explain the meaning of vegetable by listing different kinds of vegetables. They can explain the meaning of hot by explaining what it the opposite is of. Sad and happy can be explained by expressions, music etc. but words like protection is more difficult. One way of doing it is to show them enough examples of the Word being used so that its meaning emerges naturally. Anther possibility is to ask students to write their own dictionary definitions and then check them with a good learner’s dictionary. The teacher could ask them to explain what the word means---in the case of protection—she can simply explain that the word means safety from danger or discomfort etc.

3 Conclusion

This paper informs us the factors influencing the teaching efficiency. Both the classroom participants, the teacher and students, are asked to be aware of respective factor and try to solve the problems happened in class. As teachers, they must avoid unnecessary factors and help students improve their English skills. The best way is that teachers should encourage students and use different teaching methods to guide students to participate in the classroom activity. For students, they should overcome their own deficiency and cooperate with teachers well under teachers’ lead, then practice more. In this paper, several psychological factors are analyzed to make both participants know the subtle relevance between them and teaching efficiency. However, there are still some other factors. Although, some factors are negligible, they also affect classroom teaching. Aiming at different factors, teachers should use proper strategies according to circumstance. Apart from these, teachers and students should enhance the qualities of themselves. For teachers, they should lay more stress on the aspect of psychology and enlarge the scope of diversified knowledge. But for students, they should first concentrate on class and think more. They are also asked to read cursorily to enrich themselves. Only teachers and students cooperate well can the teaching efficiency be satisfying.


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